Celebrate Laila’s book launch today!

Today’s the day! Laila El-Haddad will be launching her first book, Gaza Mom: Palestine, Politics, Parenting, and Everything In Between at 6:30 pm EST in Washington DC’s Palestine Center. The event will be livestreamed. So come in person if you can– but if you can’t, make sure to watch the livestreamed version, which you can do by going here.
Details about the live event are here.
I am really thrilled that Laila’s book is on the inaugural list of my new publishing company, Just World Books. It is an author-curated compilation of Laila’s very best blogged and other short-text writings from late 2004 through September 2010. As the title indicates, the book provides an amazingly multi-dimensional view of the life of a Gaza-Palestinian woman of our times. Laila is a wry observer and great recorder of all that she sees. (The fact that she has an MPP from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government attests to her skills in political analysis, as well.)
The book is 444 pages long– and thus a total bargain at $24.95! Don’t be put off by the length, though. First, a lot was happening in those years, which was definitely worth recording. Second, the book contains a broad range of different components, including numerous photos taken by Laila, her dad, and others; lots of adorable (and often very poignant) observations on milestones in her two young kids’ development, and other important facets of family life; some short pieces of poetry, from Mahmoud Darwish and others; maps; one entirely “tweeted” text– and even a recipe! So you won’t be bored for a moment.
the book has garnered fabulous endorsements from, among others, Hanan Ashrawi, Ali Abunimah, and Stephen Walt… and a very thoughtful Foreword by Duke University prof miriam cooke (who hates capitalization.)
So even if you can’t come to the launch event in person, or catch the livestream version, do buy the book— and remember that it makes a great holiday gift for everyone on your list.
If you want to join with a group of friends or a local community group and buy a total of 12 or more of JWB’s four titles (total list is here), then contact JWB for details of how to do that affordably.
** Important notice for readers on the U.S. west coast: We are now organizing a book tour for Laila along the west coast, in early February 2011. If you would like to help with the planning for this, contact me and tell me what ideas you have, how much time you would be able to put into helping us with this– and, of course, where you live. Thanks!