FROM NAIROBI AIRPORT: I’ve now been traveling for 40-plus hours, so far seen four airports and a few areas of West London (I guess that was on Monday). Interesting that these places (Dulles, Heathrow, Jo’burg, Nairobi) seem almost totally unaffected by war-related anything. The only notable thing, in Jo’burg, was several passengers who looked Asian were wearing face masks. SARS seemed bigger than what Jim Woolsey described last week “World War IV”.
I have a few issues of connectivity to work out, regarding the GSM cellphone I bought in London. The phone weighs far, far less than the whole mess of plug adaptors I had to buy to use it, since it has English-style pins… Oh well, joys of technology.
The next flight– to Kilimanjaro– is on something called Precision Air. It’s apparanetly a new operation. The name may express aspiration more than description, but let’s see.
I’m so glad I remembered there’s this little internet place at Nairobi airport. $2 per 15 mins.
Better run!


RUSSIAN SITE’S VERSION OF COL. DOWDY REMOVAL: Back on March 25, I wrote about the pair of Russian websites that seem to be being maintained by Russia’s GRU military intelligence. Since then, I’ve intermittently been trying to assess these sites’ output.
Today, a piece on the English-language version of writes about yesterday morning’s surprise removal/replacement of the commander of the 1st Expeditionary Marine Squadron, Col. Joe Dowdy. No public explanation of this move has yet been provided by the US brass. The Russian site says that Col. Dowdy was, “deposed, ‘?for utmost hesitation and loss of the initiative during the storm of An-Nasiriya?’. This way the coalition command in Qatar found an excuse for their military faults by that town. The ‘guilt’ of the colonel was in his refusing to enter the town for almost 3 days and trying to suppress Iraqi resistance with artillery and aviation, trying to avoid losses.”
The Russians give no source for the portion they put in quotes there. Elsewhere, they frequently cite “intercepted communications” as their source.
Last week, reading a piece on one of the GRU sites, I got pretty excited that they seemed to have good knowledge of internal communications not just in the battlefield in Iraq, but also inside the Pentagon. Things they were writing then would appear in the Washington Post two or three days later. Then I thought, Nah, maybe it’s not the Pentagon they’re bugging. Maybe it’s just the internal chitchat among the WP reporters.
Back in the 1980s, I used to study the Russian military quite closely. Back then, of course, they were still the Soviets. Their military analysis then was often pretty sophisticated, and it still seems to be so. One of the things they often do on these new websites, this one and this one, is to assess the effectiveness that the US military’s tactics, as revealed in Iraq, would have on any operations inside northern Eurasian terrain. By no means a stupid thing to do!
And they also seem happy to let readers see– to some degree– how smart they are at whatever combination of actual listening and disinformation this is. Not stupid at all. And often, actually, quite interesting and well done.
Please send me your comments.


COMMENTS FEATURE ON ‘JWN’ SOON? Well, I can’t tell you how soon, since I’m just about to go of on this complicated trip. (See previous post, below.) But my technical advisor and I are working on specs for a radically upgraded presentation for JWN, as soon as we can manage it.
In the meantime, I keep telling myself I could at least put in a little feature at the end of each pst– either in the template (which I’m a bit wary of fiddling with at this point) or in each separate post, that would give you a handy way at least to email some comments to me.
Like this: Please send me your comments.


MENTAL MIGRATION TO AFRICA: I am definitely on my way, switching gear between my obsession with the unfolding Iraq situation, and my upcoming five-week research trip to Africa.
Wednesday, I picked up my Mozambique visa in DC. Thursday, I picked up my traveler’s checks. Today, I picked up my re-issued ticket. I am definitely ready to rock and roll! Sunday evening will be the time I actually leave, from Dulles airport near DC. Then I’ll arrive in Arusha, Tanzania Tuesday evening. Kilimanjaro International Airport, here I come!
Because of the way I work, I do nearly all the work of preparing my research trips myself. No-one ever gave me a secretary. But that’s okay. I kind of love the nitty-gritty of it all: sending out the emails and faxes; planning the schedule; poring over the well-thumbed Lonely Planet guides to East Africa and Southern Africa; etc etc.
And then, there’s reading myself into where I want to be with the subject of the research. If you want to know what my project is about, there’s a description of it here. That description is a little old at this point– I do need to FTP my latest version of it over to the site. But you’ll get the general drift there. These days, I’m recontextualizing it a bit. I see the project as looking at how effective the different strategies have been, that these different societies chose back in the 1992-94 period, to deal with legacies of grave recent violence– and therefore, what does it take for societies to escape from cycles of violence?
The three cases in question are Rwanda, Mozambique, and South Africa. And yes, I know that the violence that occurred in each case was very specific, very sui generis. But still, I’m comparing the escape-from-violence strategies, not the violence itself.
Of the three, I’ll confess that right now it’s Mozambique that intrigues me the most. Maybe because it’s been so little studied. Maybe because it challenges so many of the unquestioned assumptions of the “modern” western view of the world. Yes, yes, contacts who are anthropologists of Mozambique have warned me against essentializing the cultural/cosmological differences between western and Mozambican worldviews, and against “exoticizing” my view of Mozambique.
But still…
(What’s the opposite of “exotic”, I wonder? I guess it should be “endotic”… )
Just yesterday, I got hold of and started avidly reading Leslie Swartz’s intriguing book, “Culture and mental health; A southern African view.” (This morning, I found LS’s email address, and sent a message to him pleading for time to talk w/ him while I’m in SA.)
Anyway, I wanted to write something here about a really interesting interview a friend from FCNL sent me today, in which Africa Action Exec Director Salih Booker talks about the devasting effect the present USUK war on Iraq is having on people in Africa. Maybe I’ll take some excerpts from that interview and discuss them in a subsequent post. Bottom line: “The war in Iraq is sure to have an overwhlemingly negative impact on Africa.” But go to that link I put, to see some of the really horrendous details Booker talks about.
I have also found it really inspiring, as I’ve been preparing for this trip, to go and read the “Jaded in Africa” blog that I have a link to in the column to the right. Yvette, who writes that blog, is a most remarkable person: a Filipina who’s doing social-development/social-organizing work in Somaliland. She’s observant, sensitive, self-aware, funny, informative, and dedicated. And she writes a beautiful blog!!
Today, she wrote a post about the Somali concept of “bulshada“, which is sort of like a strong concept of “community”. She writes that she’s found a strong and supportive bulshada with other Filipinos working in the Somaliland capital, Hargeisa.
I have a number of great, supportive bulshadas. I have a fabulous family. I have my f/Friends in the Charlottesville Friends Meeting (Quakers), and in our town’s lively peace-and-justice community. And I have friends and contacts around the world who provide emotional support as well as intellectual challenges and plenty of humor.
And now, thanks to this amazing world of the blogosphere, I have another new friend, whom I’ve never met but for whom I feel huge empathy: Yvette. Go read her blog!
Please send me your comments.


YARD-SIGN UPDATE: At the end of a post last Sunday, I wrote that I was going to put yellow-ribbon bows onto the two peace signs we have in our front yard. I did that, Monday. They looked pretty good, I thought. Wednesday night, the signs got uprooted yet again.
These are really pretty and effective signs, that have been designed and sold at cost by the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice. They have white writing on a blue background. One side says “Stand up for peace”. The other says “Say NO to war.” CCPJ is already well into selling the second thousand of these signs, and if you drive around our hometown you’ll see them on many, many front lawns.
Our home has a prime frontage onto a busy crosstown street. Thousands of cars drive past each day, and when the University of Virginia is in session we have hundreds of pedestrians, joggers, and cyclists walk along our sidewalk each day, too. It’s a great place to have pro-peace signs.
Since I first put peace signs out in mid-January, they have been stolen, broken, defaced, or punched through on at least six occasions. For a while, after CCPJ had sold its first batch of 1,000 and before the second batch came in, I had to replace the stolen or broken signs with handmade ones. (And I can tell you that ‘Magnum’ brand supposedly permanent markers do NOT keep their hue when subjected to severe snowstorms.) Later, however, I built up a back-up supply of the CCPJ signs in my garage, and would simply replace the signs that got stolen or defaced.
For some reason, yesterday morning, when I saw that the signs had been taken away yet again, I felt sick to my stomach, and more violated than I had on any previous occasion. Maybe that was because I’d personalized them with the four hand-made yellow bows. Anyway, I felt quite fed up, and started thinking that maybe having the signs simply stuck into the soil near the sidewalk meant they were just too easy for hostile passers-by to interfere with. (Previously, I’d considered, and quite rejected, the idea of electrifying them somehow.) But maybe, I speculated yesterday, I could suspend them, instead, from some of the tree-branches that hang over the property beside the sidewalk??
So this morning I walked along the sidewalk with the dog to scout out the possibilities. Yes, definitely some very likely looking branches there… But as I walked, I looked down into the little stream that girds our property, some 20 feet below the road — and there they were! My beloved signs, still decked out with soggy looking ribbons: one in the stream, the other beside it. Both a little scuffed looking…
Well, as you can imagine, for now they are firmly back in solid ground, doing their job of quiet peace witness.
But I still wonder about the sad people who feel compelled to uproot, seize, and sometimes deface and mangle these signs. What about those values that the US was built on: free speech, and private property?
And they would do this even to signs that have yellow bows on them?
Yesterday, some pro-war people from around our area staged a counter-demonstration to the antiwar demonstration that CCPJ and its allies have been maintaining every Thursday afternoon for many years, on a busy intersection near the downtown mall. (I was not there at yesterday’s antiwar demonstration. But I was there last week, and I noticed at the time that a middle-aged white guy standing across the street seemed to be watching our arrival and arrangements fairly closely… )
Here’s how Daily Progress writer Reed Williams described the initial encounter between the two groups yesterday:
Antiwar activists arriving for a weekly demonstration outside the federal courthouse on Thursday found that their stretch of sidewalk had been occupied by flag-waving supporters of war in Iraq.
If this was not startling enough for the protesters, who are accustomed to gathering more or less unchallenged every Thursday at the Charlottesville intersection, one member of the pro-Bush camp ordered them to leave.
?Get out of here,? Robert A. Myer snarled. Then the 71-year-old Fluvanna County resident began to taunt a woman toting a ?Say No to War? sign…

Well, it turns out I do know the woman in question. Poor her, having to put up with such misbehavior! But I’m quite confident that she handled the “snarling” and the “taunting” calmly and well.
I also think, poor Robert A. Myer. He must be a deeply troubled man. Does he have a loved one serving in the forces, and is he sick with worry over that person’s fate, I wonder? Or what else might be his problem?
Really, we in the antiwar movement have to find good ways to talk to these sad souls. I mean, surely we can find a way to be civil with each other, and to treat each other with respect and empathy, even if we disagree??
Please send me your comments.


PLANNING FOR THE ‘AFTERMATH’: The military outcome of this war is, at this point in time, completely unpredictable. The currently “best possible” scenario for the US-UK troops could be mean getting into Baghdad within the next 2-3 days; regime collapse there spreads out through the whole country; extension of a measure of US-UK military control over the whole country by the end of April. The “worst possible” scenario would be that sometime between 2004 and 2005 the US decides the still-continuing imbroglio has become so costly that it finally decides to “redeploy offshore” (Reagan’s memorable term for the withdrawal from Lebanon, 1984) and has to plead desperately for the United Nations to facilitate its departure…
Actually, a short-term appearance of that “best case” does not in itself preclude the subsequent realization of the “worst case.” But even in itself, the “best case” scenario as outlined above now looks highly unlikely.
What is clear is that what was envisaged — and actively peddled– by many in the Washington policy community as a sort of hygienic and rapid shift from an “Iraq dominated by Saddam” situation to an “Iraq rebuilt by America” situation has been neither hygienic nor rapid. Instead, the US-UK forces are mired in the mud, fog, and pestilence of combat. Which is the precise fact that the war-peddlers wanted the rest of the world to forget about all along. Hence, what I always called their strong attempt to “elide” the nasty fact that before the “rebuilding by America” phase could begin, there would still, actually, have to be a war.
They made it sound like some wonderful, Iraq-wide urban renewal scheme. Just a few political details to be seen to there– oh, just the collapse of a national government, nothing major– and then the good and the great could get on with their intensely visionary, intensely humanitarian task of building a new Iraq.
Except that three or four of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse had to be summoned in along the way there.
But no need for me to labor this point any more. I wrote a lot about the “elision of war” move before the war was launched. I guess I do want to make one arcane etymological point, though, while we’re talking about an “aftermath”. This word has no relationship to ordinary math– arithmetic and geometry and such. Instead, the “math” in there is an Old English term for land that has been mowed. (As “filth” is an area that has been fouled, etc.) So to have an “aftermath”, first of all you need to do some “mowing”. And mowing is a totally appropriate term to describe what is being inflicted on the people of Iraq right now…
Example: the Brits are now jumping up and down saying they need to get into Basra because the people there have no clean water. Well, why do they have no clean water? Is it that they’ve never had clean water? No. Is it because the city’s water-pumping plants– whose capacity had previously been reduced by 12 years of UN-US-UK-imposed sanctions on vitals parts– were finally knocked out of business in the first days of this war by a British or American bombardment? Yes: this explanation of what happened is far, far more likely.
And throughout the whole country the same pattern has been observed. Because of President Bush’s inhuman decision to launch this war, major damage has been caused to many pillars of Iraq’s national infrastructure. That is what happens in war. (Which all the eager “urban renewers” in the policy and “humanitarian” communities preferred to forget.)
But then, for the protagonists of this war to say that at this stage they need to continue the fighting in order to “save” the Iraqi people from the consequences of the resulting, and quite predictable, humanitarian disaster– well, this defies all morals and logic.
[The other day, my 17-year-old daughter Lorna Quandt said in amazement: “Mom, has the world always been this crazy?” I said, “Well, love, it’s true that states often treat other states and their citizens very cynically. So I guess at one level it’s always been somewhat like this. But these present claims of ‘humanitarianism’ really are beyond belief.” We agreed that an analogous situation in our neighborhood would be if we set fire to our neighbor’s house, and then as the flames rose higher rushed ostentatiously in to “save” her. And that after that, we would just stay on in her house and say that because we had “saved” her life, now we claimed her house as our own… ]
I actually set out to write about the still-ongoing wrangle inside the Bush administration over who gets to control post-war Iraq. Even though it may seem hard to see just why anyone would want to get stuck with what likes a mammoth tar-baby of a political challenge there. But still, Washington infighting being what it is, everyone there is fighting for a piece of the piece of the “post-” war action. In fact, they’re doing it so hard that few people even look outside Washington and notice that actually, even Tony Blair wants the UN to play a major role in overseeing Iraq’s rebuilding.
The fighting, as so often, has been between the hawkish Pentagon suits and the State Department. Earlier, agreement had been reached that post-war Iraq would be administered by an all-American body headed by a recently retired General, Jay Garner. But who would work under him? (Garner himself comes across as either tight-lipped or very unsure of himself.)
State had earlier rolled out its own plan: to have, under Garner, three very well qualified senior Foreign Service Officers (two females and one African-American) each rule Gertrude Bell-like over a sector of a somewhat federalized Iraq…
But then, the Pentagon countered with a petulant insistence that No! It wanted to have its own favored nominees in control of the whole shebang. One name prominently mentioned was that of Jim Woolsey, a former Director of the CIA in the early Clinton years who is also a Board member of the extremely rightwing Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. (Garner also has a lesser link with JINSA: he went on a JINSA-sponsored trip to Israel a few years ago.)
In the NYT today, David Sanger has a piece in which he reports that, “On Capitol Hill, however, even the Republican-controlled appropriations committees of both the House and Senate voted today to take control of reconstruction out of the hands of the Pentagon, and give it to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell. The committees voted to give the State Department and other agencies authority over the $2.5 billion in post-conflict aid that the Bush administration sought for the Pentagon under an emergency appropriation.”
So the issue has been resolved for now…. Or has it? Who can tell whether the Pentagon suits might not mount a counter-attack? What about Blair and his continued insistence that the UN has to have a role? And anyway, more fundamentally, who can foresee at this point when it might even be safe to start thinking about starting long-term reconstruction in Iraq, rather than just short-term distribution of emergency rations?
One thing does seem clear. Given that all the promises made by the exiled Iraqi pol, the Great Pretender Ahmed Chalabi, to the effect that “his” people inside Iraq would all rise as one to welcome their US-UK “liberators”, have been proven disastrously misbegotten, that is one person who most likely will NOT be given any role in “rebuilding” Iraq.
Meanwhile, the 60-plus percent of the Iraqi population who are Shi-ites seem simply to be biding their time. It increasingly seems to me that the future of nearly all the non-Kurdish part of the country will lie in their hands, and in no-one else’s.
In a future post– to be written, perhaps, as I take my 40-hour, four-leg journey to Arusha, Tanzania in just a few days’ time– I’ll say a few things about the time I visited the Iraq’s two very holy Shi-ite cities, Najaf and Kerbala, back in 1980.


YELLOW RIBBON SHORTAGE: Yesterday, I wrote that I was going to buy some yellow ribbon and make bows to put on the peace signs in our front yard. So I got to the local craft supplies / “notions” store around 5:30 p.m., and the ribbon department was nearly totally out of yellows.
The point of this, you’ll remember, was to send a message of support for US troops– while totally not ignoring the devastation being rained on Iraqi troops and civilians and without diluting at all our family’s stand against the war.
So all I could find was two spools of very thin (maybe 3 mm.) satin ribbon. I spooled it quickly over the thumb and little finger of my left hand to make multi-looped bows of as much volume as possible. Made four of them. Tied one to each side of each of our yard signs. They looked pretty good as I did them, though when I stepped back they looked a little wimpy.
Saturday night, I bumped into my friend “jailbird” Michele at a potluck. (You remember Michele from this post; and this one. She’s the person who started the idea of doing an antiwar sit-in in our local Congressman’s office on March 20th.)
On Saturday she was once again really upset about the war. Her daughter’s boyfriend joined the Marines about six months ago. “They lied to him!” she said, again and again, shaking her head in disbelief. “They said he would just be able to learn computers! They said he would never go anywhere near the front line of any war.”
The young man’s recruitment had been a sort of long-drawn-out seduction campaign by the recruiters, who started when he was only 16. (“Only 16! It’s an outrage!”) Michele and her life-partner had tried and tried to explain to him that there were other ways to learn computers. But the recruiters relentlessly maintained the seduction.
He signed up shortly after his 18th birthday. Trained in California. And a few weeks ago was shipped out to Kuwait. (“They lied to him!”)
Michele said her daughter bursts into tears whenever she thinks about it.
I can imagine that young man, and so many other young men and women like him, stranded out there now in a continually threatening “hostile enviornment”, in a place where so many pro-war pundits had promised them– promised all of us– that the entry of US troops would be “a cakewalk”.
A cakewalk, by the way, is a sort of fun contest people used to engage in at county fairs here in the US; also, a jazz-era dance. What it is NOT is what those young soldiers have been sent out to endure.
Yeah, Michele, they lied to all of us.


“PRECISION” GUIDED MISSILES? HOW’S THAT? Every time there’s a war, the Pentagon assures that, “our missiles have gotten a LOT smarter since the last time.” And so now, once again, we’re promised that they’re using the smartest missiles ever.
You’d think, wouldn’t you, that if a missile is so darned “smart” then it should be able to arrive at, say, a military headquarters without harming a nearby market-place?
But how about this: this time round, the Pentagon has guided missiles that are so unbelievably dumb that they not only miss the intended target building– they also miss the intended target country altogether!!
And this has happened not just once but, according to high-level Pentagon briefer Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, as quoted in an article in today’s Washington Post, “about seven times.”
I’m not quite sure what “about” seven radical mis-aims means in this context. But that was the number of times, according to McChrystal, that US Tomahawks and other supposedly “smart” missiles have slammed into countries other than Iraq. At least once into each of Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Turkey and Saudi Arabia were both so pissed off by the phenomenon that they rapidly forbade the US from even flying their Tomahawks over their national terrains.
This question of much-dumber-than-promised munitions needs to be taken carefully into consideration when we listen to claims from Pentagon spokespeople about the US conducting this war “in a more surgical way than ever before”, or claims that “the military is actually even exposing its own people to significant risks in order to minimize civilian casualties.”
We need to start with a clear understanding of the lethality of some of these munitions. The “Little Boy” atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima in 1945 had an explosive force equivalent to 10-12 kilotons of TNT. The biggest (and also, reputedly “smart”) bombs that the US military is dropping over Iraq these days have an explosive force of 2 kilotons. So six of them would provide the explosive force of one Hiroshima.
In Hiroshima, of course, many of the subsequent fatalities came from the after-effects of the radiation released by the bomb. But nearly all of the physical damage caused by the bomb– the destruction, by fire, of the entire downtown area, and the incineration of the people living there– came from the sheer force of the blast and the many fires it sparked throughout the city.
In Hiroshima, too, the damage was multiplied by the US Air Force’s fiendish decision to set the detonation of the bomb to occur NOT when it reached the ground, but some 600 meters up in the air. That distributed the effects of the blast much more broadly. In the case of the US’s present arsenal, “air burst” of some bombs including the infamous MOAB has come back into vogue again.
So we are talking about some extremely unpleasant and lethal munitions in the US arsenal. Not the kind of “tool” that you would want to give anyone to use irresponsibly.
What does “responsible” mean in this context, I wonder?
It’s a known “fact” of statistics that if a system has a failure rate of X percent, then you can reasonably predict that if you use the system Y x 100 times, you could expect X x Y of those operations to result in failure. So if you know that the guidance system on your “smart” munition is going to fail X percent of the time, then the more missiles you fire, the greater the number of mis-aims.
Gosh, this is SO elementary.
But then, it’s also a known fact of running any kind of complex system, that the more complex its operations become, the greater the chance of human or other error. So as your “Y” value above becomes greater within the same period of time, it ends up multiplying your failure rate by more than a factor of Y.
You get my drift.
These guys have fired thousands of PGMs into Iraq these past ten days. According to that same W. Post article, McChrystal said that just counting the Tomahawk sea-launched cruise missiles alone, 675 have already been fired. (I think each one costs around $2 million, by the way. So that’s $1.35 billion of “our” tax money going whoosh, right there.)
And that’s not mention the heavy stuff being dropped by the B-52s, and the JDAMS, and everything else. Very complex operations indeed.
So it was entirely foreseeable that, in these circumstances, a non-trivial number of these very lethal munitions would end up mis-aiming.
In the W. Post article, reporter Jonathan Wesiman wrote:
“McChrystal told reporters there is no indication of a serious technical problem with the sea-launched cruise missiles. More than 675 have been launched since the beginning of the war, he said. The failure rate at this point is about 1 percent, and in most instances, the errant missiles did not explode. The warhead on a Tomahawk is not supposed to activate until it nears its target. One Pentagon official said that with a weapon system as sophisticated as a precision-guided cruise missile, a failure rate of 5 percent would be considered ‘very good.'”
I think these statements from McChrystal and the nameless Pentagon official need unpacking a little. McC accurately did the math to get figure of 1 percent. (That’s the figure for the number of Tomahawks that fell on the wrong country, remember– not just the wrong house, or the wrong city-block.) And we learn that, “in most instances” the mis-aimed missiles did not explode. He notably did not say, “in all instances.” That’s pretty scary.
And then, this un-named guy (okay, I’m just hazarding a wild guess here as to the gender of Wesiman’s Pentagon official) says that for something like the Tomahawk, even a failure rate of “5 percent” would be considered very good.
How’s that again? If you’ve launched 675 missiles as massively lethal as the Tomahawks, and as “few” of them as 5 percent, that is, 33.75 Tomahawks (or let’s say “about” 38 of them) end up going to the wrong place— the wrong country, say, or the wrong city-block, or even just the wrong building– then that is not just “acceptable”, not just “good”, but “very good”??
These people are– I’ve said it before– very dangerous, and criminally insane.
It’s not just that they treat the rest of us like idiots when they assume we can’t do the math on the consequences of very heavy, very complex bombardments with massive munitions. It’s that they don’t seem even to be able to imagine that the kinds of figure for “failure rates” that they talk about so glibly have actual and devastating consequences on the lives of actual human beings.
So let’s bring this madness to an end. Please. Let’s end the bombing right now. And let’s bring our soldiers home before they do any more damage to the world and to their own, already badly damaged psyches.
Addendum: Bob Fisk had a story in today’s Independent, datelined from the Shu’ale portion of Baghdad, in which he reported on the “at least 62” civilians who were killed by an errant missile there Friday. He reported on a key shard of metal he saw there:
The missile was guided by computers and that vital shard of fuselage was computer-coded. It can be easily verified and checked by the Americans ? if they choose to do so. It reads: 30003-704ASB 7492. The letter “B” is scratched and could be an “H”. This is believed to be the serial number. It is followed by a further code which arms manufacturers usually refer to as the weapon’s “Lot” number. It reads: MFR 96214 09.
The piece of metal bearing the codings was retrieved only minutes after the missile exploded on Friday evening, by an old man whose home is only 100 yards from the 6ft crater. Even the Iraqi authorities do not know that it exists. The missile sprayed hunks of metal through the crowds ? mainly women and children ? and through the cheap brick walls of local homes, amputating limbs and heads. Three brothers, the eldest 21 and the youngest 12, for example, were cut down inside the living room of their brick hut on the main road opposite the market. Two doors away, two sisters were killed in an identical manner. “We have never seen anything like these wounds before,” Dr Ahmed, an anaesthetist at the Al-Noor hospital told me later. “These people have been punctured by dozens of bits of metal.”

Can someone who reads this help to track down that “manufacturer”, or any other details about the missile? (I’m thinking “ASB” may be air-to-surface ballistic?)


LESSONS FROM AN EARLIER GULF WAR: When US citizens talk about a “precedent” for fighting in the Persian Gulf region, they’re almost always talking about “Operation Desert Storm”. In that 10-week war in early 1991, the US-led– but also UN-authorized– international coalition succeeded in realizing the war’s central aim of reversing Iraq’s occupation of all of Kuwait and re-installing the Kuwaiti Emir to his throne.
What US citizens don’t talk about as much– and many members of them don’t even seem to know much about this history– are two earlier campaigns at and around the northern end of the Gulf that provide very sobering lessons about the present situation.
The first of those was the British campaign into Mesopotamia, 1914 – 1918. I wrote about that on JWN, Friday night.
The second was what I call the Very First Gulf War of the Modern Era , namely the war Saddam Hussein launched (with some help from the reagan administration) against neighboring Iran in 1980. That war lasted till 1988.
Well, I wrote about that war , too, Friday. Some slightly rambly musings. (As I’ve noted on JWN previously, I sort of “use” this blog like five-finger exercizes to get the old gray cells working.)
But in the course of writing that post/essay, I went back into the Christian Science Monitor electronic archive– which blessedly stretches back to January 1980– and picked out all the pieces I wrote back in September and October 1980 when I was covering the beginning of that war from the Iraqi side.
(My then-husband was, at the same time, covering it from the Iranian side.And our two infant kids were back at home with the nanny in Beirut, where a local militia decided to place a sniper on the roof of our apartment house… It was a totally stressful time.)
But back to Saddam’s war plans at the time. His idea was to launch an invasion of Iran with the express aim of bringing about regime change there. Since the regime in question was the Iranian revolutionaries, he thought he could count on at least a blind eye from the world’s big powers, all of whom hated Ayatollah Khomeini at the time.
And how was the Iraqi campaign– which the lackey media in Baghdad all compared to a famous battle in Islamic history called the Battle of Qadissiyeh– supposed to achieve regime change? Why, it would sow distrust of the Ayatollahs’ regime among the Iranian masses. And concurrently with the launch of the Iraqi military campaign, eager Iranian exile politician Shahpour Bakhtiar had assured the Iraqis– from his home in so-distant Paris– that he just “knew” that Iranians of all tribes, classes, and subdivions would almost immediately rise up against Khomeini and overthrow him…
I think the war started on the night of September 22-23, 1980. My first file to the CSM from Baghdad was in the September 25 edition of the paper. (It was not particularly insightful or distinguished. More the journalistic equivalent of a postcard home: “Look! I got here!”)
In the paper of September 29, my reporting was becoming a bit more substantive:
The air raid sirens started their ululating screech at 9:20 in the morning this Sunday. The heavy traffic that was building up along the city’s wide thoroughfares and its six bridges across the twisting Tigris River was halted almost in its tracks.
Civil defense units steered cars into side streets and hurried their passengers into doorways and underground shelters. Barely half an hour later the single note of the “all clear” galvanized the busy city back into life.
Despite frequent such air raid warnings — and false alarms — spirits remain high, and enthusiasm for the war effort against Iran remains undimmed. The enthusiasm is fanned by a daily diet of motivational material supplied by the state-controlled media. Television has a round-the-clock program of military documentaries… supplemented increasingly in recent days by the national TV’s own films of Iraqi infantry and tank units continually advancing into Iranian territory, mainly over reddish-brown sand dunes…

By October 1, the atmosphere seemed already to have changed:
Leaders of the ruling Baath Party here have changed their tactics in their confrontation with neighboring Iran. But their goal appears to be the same: the speedy downfall of Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iranian regime.
The militant statements and military aggressiveness evident here in the past week have been replaced by a new, more moderate image and a slackening of the military effort… The Iraqi armored and infantry [forces] who last week thrust 35 miles into Iranian territory northeast of here are this week standing by, with some apparently being deployed back from the combat areas.

In that piece, I reported on a press conference given by Foreign Minister Saadoun Hammadi, which I described as clearly showing, “a sensitivity to the many other interests being damaged by the continued fighting — most spectacularly, his [previous] promise that Iraq would try to restore, and perhaps even to increase, former levels of oil output after the fighting ends.”
I added that similar signs of “senisitivity” had also been shown by President Saddam Hussein in a televised midnight address to the nation: ‘We have no dispute with the peoples of Iran,’ President Saddam Hussein promised to a slightly bemused Iraqi audience fed hitherto on a daily TV diet of military fervor. We wish all the peoples of Iran well,” the President continued…
Most significantly, I reported that within hours after that, Saddam announced he was ready for a ceasfire-in-place, and would welcome a diplomatic intervention by the UN to negotiate an end to the conflict.
At the time, I reported that my pro-regime contacts in Baghdad were giving the spin that this was a fiendishly clever move by Saddam to try to hoist Khomeini on the petard of his own well-known inflexibility:
They seem to be banking on the Ayatollah’s own amply demonstrated inflexibility to aid them in the next stage of the game. With Saddam Hussein appearing almost angelically moderate in comparison, he is hoping to line up extra diplomatic and international pressure to bear against the ayatollahs of Iran.
From today’s viewpoint it is hard to tell whether Saddam’s request for a ceasfire was actually a ploy, or whether it was the logical consequence of a realization that may well have started to sink in for his people by then: namely, that there was not going to be any massive anti-regime uprising inside Iran.
Be that as it may, what seems important to note as of today is that Khomeini did indeed prove to be inflexible. He did not accede to Saddam’s request for a ceasefire-in-place. (Under international law, he was in no way obliged to do so. The Iraqi forces were, after all, still occupying great chunks of his country?) Instead, the Iranian leadership sent human waves of ill-trained young men into the front-line and hurled them against the Iraqi occupiers…
It took a further eight years of devastating warfare, and the lives of around a million people both sides of the line, before that war was brought to an end.
In my post yesterday, I was focusing mainly on the role the Reagan administration played, giving strategically-timed amounts of help to each of those national leaderships in an evidently successful attempt to keep the fires of conflict stoked and to keep both nations trapped in chronic warfare. And on Bombs-Away Don’s particular role in all that.
Today, I want to focus more on that terrible strategic miscalculation Saddam made, in september 1980, when he launched the war in the confident expectation that it would be accompanied by a mass, anti-regime uprising inside Iran.
I don’t think I need to belabor this particular point for you, my alert readers from all over the world…
So I think I’ll just end up with some other excerpts from my reporting from that war. The first was reported from Qasr e-Shirin, an Iraqi-occupied Iranian-Kurdish town northeast of Baghdad. (It also appeared in the October 1, 1980, edition of the paper. But my surmise is that I’d filed it a day earlier than the piece I cite above.)
There are occasional glimpses of the remaining residents of the town, though many have fled back farther into Iranian territory. Half a dozen women wearing printed jackets over basically dark-colored robes are in deep discussion with one tank crew. The women have large (and empty) food pans in their hands.
“You should have come here yesterday,” says one of the Iraqi officers. “We organized a general distribution of foodstuffs here in the main square, and the townspeople formed a queue that long.” He waved expansively.
“You see, before the Iraqi Army came here three days ago, the town was cut off from supplies. And the Khomeini agents who were here didn’t organize any help for the citizens.
“Only the Iraqi Army has helped them,” he summed up. “Though, of course, we are not here to stay. It was just to bring Khomeini to his senses that we came here.”

And then here, from a piece in the October 6 edition of the paper titled, “Across the river, world’s largest oil refinery lies in smoldering ruins.” This piece was cutely datelined from Siba, a place slightly southest of Basra that has the twin distinction of (1) being the reputed site of the Garden of Eden, and (2) having the un-Edenic distinction of lying right across the narrow Shatt al-Arab waterway from the huge Iranian refinery complex at Abadan.
At his headquarters back about a mile from the riverside front line, the volubly friendly infantry captain considered things were “going well.”
We ate lunch with him there, served by khaki-clad, pistol-toting girl volunteers. “We have right on our side, so we’re bound to win,” the captain said, as he skillfully dodged questions about actual military dispositions.
The situation, as I could ascertain it, was that the Iraqis had virtually surrounded Abadan and nearby Khorramshahr, cutting off at least one of the roads linking them with Ahvaz to the north.
But the Iraqis had not yet actually penetrated into the two key riverside cities. They were prevented by the reportedly fanatical resistance of Iranian troops and irregulars defending them, as well as by a reluctance to cause excessive harm to the cities’ considerable ethnic Arab populations.

Well, I’m sure no-one needs to work very hard to discover the numerous parallels between the Iraqis’ situation then, in their campaign against Iran, and the US leadership’s situation today, in its campaign against Iraq.
It is all so, so tragic, and so unnecessary.
I, by the way, am going to go to a store this afternoon to buy some yellow ribbon to put on the anti-war signs in our front yard. In the US, displaying yellow ribbons signifies a concern for troops serving in dangerous places overseas. I hope that mine, as attached to my anti-war yard signs, will send a loud message to the effect of: “Support our troops! Bring them home NOW!”


GEOPOLITICS OF THE GULF 101: Why are so many Iranians inside and outside the regime taking evident satisfaction at the imbroglio to their west? Had it occurred to anyone in the present US administration that maybe, just maybe, there’s a history there?
Here’s some of what AP is reporting out of Teheran today:
“Hundreds of thousands of Iranians demonstrated, denouncing both ‘Bush’s barbarism’ and ‘Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship’… Demonstrators pelted the British Embassy in Tehran with stones, breaking windows and shouting for the embassy to be closed… The cleric who delivered the Friday sermon that was broadcast on Iranian television, Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, said: ‘Will bombs and the use of force bring democracy and freedom? It definitely will not.’ The worshippers responded with shouts of ‘Death to America!’ and ‘Death to Britain!”
So okay, imagine you’re an Iranian. Back in 1978 you had probably, like most Iranians, supported the revolution against the dictatorship of the Shah, though maybe you’d have shared some of the many common reservations about the Islamic theocracy that filled its place. Still, after the excesses and idiocies of the Shah’s era, you were probably willing to give the revolutionaries a chance.
Then in September 1980, there was a vicious military assault against your country. Saddam Hussein, your militantly secular, Arab-nationalist neighbor to the west sent a nasty expeditionary force into your country– with the aim of sparking local anti-regime uprisings and bringing down your government.

Continue readingGEOPOLITICS OF THE GULF 101: