FROM NAIROBI AIRPORT: I’ve now been traveling for 40-plus hours, so far seen four airports and a few areas of West London (I guess that was on Monday). Interesting that these places (Dulles, Heathrow, Jo’burg, Nairobi) seem almost totally unaffected by war-related anything. The only notable thing, in Jo’burg, was several passengers who looked Asian were wearing face masks. SARS seemed bigger than what Jim Woolsey described last week “World War IV”.
I have a few issues of connectivity to work out, regarding the GSM cellphone I bought in London. The phone weighs far, far less than the whole mess of plug adaptors I had to buy to use it, since it has English-style pins… Oh well, joys of technology.
The next flight– to Kilimanjaro– is on something called Precision Air. It’s apparanetly a new operation. The name may express aspiration more than description, but let’s see.
I’m so glad I remembered there’s this little internet place at Nairobi airport. $2 per 15 mins.
Better run!


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