- Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son Casey in the war and who left a comment on the Comments board here recently, just sent me the following letter:
Dear Friends,
Everyday there are fresh lies and fresh confirmation of the lies coming out of DC…I can tell you it is so hurtful to us families that more people aren’t standing up to bring our children home from the lie and quaqmire that is Iraq…I feel like I should have a daily column called: Who lied today?
Bush told us that Iraq had WMD’S and they were getting ready to use them on us at any minute. Condi Rice told us that we should attack Iraq immediately…and don’t let the “smoking gun” be a “mushroom cloud.” Rumsfeld and Powell showed us where the weapons were buried…Guess what? THEY DIDN’T HAVE ANY WMD’S AND THEY WEREN’T GOING TO HAVE THEM FOR AT LEAST A DECADE. The United States was in no threat from Iraq…and Osama Bin Laden is free to plot against our troops in Iraq and against the innocent Iraqi people and Al Qaeda grows stronger every day because of our Administration’s reckless, ignorant, and arrogant policies in Iraq.
Would it have hurt the Bushies and the rest of the war mongerers to wait a few months to confirm that Iraq HAD NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION before they pre-emptiviely attacked, invaded, and occupied a country that posed no credible threat to the USA? Would Casey, 1358 other brave Americans and thousands and thousands of Iraqis still be alive?…I think so and that is another stab in my heart and in my back.
Please write to your Congress Person and your Senators to stand up and do what is right…Barbara Boxer did it for the Ohio debacle….yes it is important that we have transparent and credible elections…BUT IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO BRING OUR TROOPS HOME FROM THIS NEEDLESS WAR. It is so important to support our troops by getting them the hell out of there….let Iraqis rebuild their own country…with money and supplies that we give them…bring the war profiteers home too and let the Iraqis have their jobs back.
Contacting the Congress
Love and Peace