As a proud member of the reality-based community I am always happy when people who exercise great power deign to join us in the world of real facts… Like, apparently, the Prez, or at least some smart person in his entourage who must be a little open to the real heave and sway of human affairs.
That link there, by the way, goes to the piece by Steve Weisman in today’s NYT, in which he reports,
- After years of campaigning against Hezbollah, the radical Shiite Muslim party in Lebanon, as a terrorist pariah, the Bush administration is grudgingly going along with efforts by France and the United Nations to steer the party into the Lebanese political mainstream, administration officials say.
The administration’s shift was described by American, European and United Nations officials as a reluctant recognition that Hezbollah, besides having a militia and sponsoring attacks on Israelis, is an enormous political force in Lebanon that could block Western efforts to get Syria to withdraw its troops.
Let’s just recall the comment posted on this JWN post on Tuesday in which “Timur, Beirut” wrote:
- Helena: The turbulence we are now passing through,which seems to be getting worse, is the price we are paying for the monumental of blunder of the authors of Security Council Resolution 1559 for putting the departure of Syrian troops from Lebanon in the same basket as what to do with Hizballah. Even the most ardent opposition figures here now say Hizballah issue will be tackled later on in context of Taef Accord.
Weisman quoted, “a diplomat who is closely tracking the negotiations” [most likely, a high-ranking US diplomat, possibly, the ambassador–HC] as saying:
- “There is a realization by France and the United States that if you tackle Hezbollah now, you array the Shiites against you. With elections coming in Lebanon, you don’t want the entire Shiite community against you.”
Duh. It took them that long to realize that?
What, no memories of 1996, the year in which the Israelis tried and failed miserably to smash Hizbullah definitively? (That was the famous time when the late lamented Rafiq Hariri, then the prime minister, proclaimed to the whole world, “We are all Hizbullah now!”)
What, no memories of–at the very least– last spring, when Hizbullah candidates trounced Amal in the municipal election races they competed in in all the Shiite-dominated areas?
It’s as if these people in, what do they call it– the “ideas-based community?– have a deep contempt for history and context, as well as for the “reality” which is the building-block of both of those.
Anyway, as my little contribution to the ability of westerners to regain some focus on historical realities in Lebanon I just put up the text of my 1984-85 monograph on the Lebanese Shia onto the archive portion of this site. And shortly (I hope!) Boston Review will be bringing out my 10,000-word-plus article on Hizbullah (to which the monograph, as it happens, makes a fortuitous preface.)
Before I look at what the events of this week could be said to “mean” for the prospects of Bush’s much-publicized “push for democracy” in the Middle East (a text that we might perhaps sub-title: “Lebanon: A bridge too far”) I just want to come back with a quick little reproach to everybody in the so-called “international community” who should have known better about the realities of Lebanese politics… Of course, the Americans, but equally certainly the French…