Sweet victory! Many more steps needed!

Nothing more to say right now. Am tweeting. And trying to work….
(On reflection, the title of yesterday’s post should maybe have been “Death dance of the Co-dependents.” But too morbid.)

10 thoughts on “Sweet victory! Many more steps needed!”

  1. All credit due to the Egyptian people who did not give up and did not back down until their key demand was met!
    Suleiman the Torturer has to go next. And then steps to prevent another FOA (Friend of America) dictatorship from picking up where Mubarak leaves off.

  2. Who’s next? Let us hope that THE USA is next.
    We need a FACEBOOK REVOLUTION to ask Americans to sign a petition asking OBAMA/RICE
    not to veto
    the Palestinian draft UNSC resolution which declares the Israeli settlements illegal.
    I would like to see 1,000,000 people sign the petition (and have the petition OPEN ITS ARMS TO RECEIVE 1,000,000 signers!)
    I am an old fogy who does not understand FACEBOOK. can someone get in touch with young folks (or with WAEL GHONEIM) to find out how to run a revolution?

  3. انتصار الثورة في مصر
    فاز إليك الرجل البسيط في الشارع المصري، والنظام. ليست وحدها، مع آخر مليونالاخوة المواطنين المصريين، وفاز الثورة الديمقراطية. هذا هو الحدث التاريخي. لميظهر الكثير من المسلمين لصالح الديمقراطية وذهب كل وسيلة للحصول عليها.
    العالم كله يدعم التحرك الديمقراطي سعيد مبارك الثورة الماضي قررت في النهايةعلى الاستقالة. هنا فقط في إسرائيل هناك ضغط والخوف. في حين أن قادة أوروباوالولايات المتحدة تؤيد علنا في الشارع المصري، وكان نتنياهو الزعيم الوحيد الذيأعرب عن تأييده Abmubarachاستئناف العلاقات مع مصر خاطر ومن المتوقع أن حكومةديمقراطية…

  4. Don’t crow to loudly yet, Domza. Tantawi is a long-time member of the old regime himself, and not necessarily any great prize. It should not give us comfort that the Egyptian military is by far the greatest beneficiary of American largesse, and therefore quite beholden to the U.S.
    The Egyptian people still have a lot of work to do to make sure this revolution does not result in just change of FOAI dictators.

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