Threat of sabotage & Islamophobia re Egypt

As Pres. mubarak desperately hangs onto his last threads of power, he and the many Egyptian and international forces who have supported him can be expected to engage in damaging sabotage and ‘delugeism’– and of course, also to try to stir up in the west the ever-lurking tides of Islamophobia.
In this regard, we all need to learn a lot, very quickly, about the positions and history of Egypt’s large Muslim Brotherhood movement. I don’t have normal internet access right now, or else I could delve into the JWN archives here and bring out some of the reporting I’ve done on the movement. (feel free to do so yourselves.) The MB’s own websites, in English and Arabic, would be another obvious resource, though they are largely disabled right now. I did however find this interesting article on the Ikhwanweb site, dating from last summer. It’s a discussion of the MB’s views on democracy.
More later. I’m writing this on a an iPad. Not easy!

4 thoughts on “Threat of sabotage & Islamophobia re Egypt”

  1. Hoping you are safe and well and in good circumstances.
    [The Internet block surely can’t last. It’s absurd, isn’t it?]
    Watching from outside, one can worry that one is being “sold a dummy”. I mean: El Baradei, the Egyptian Army, the Muslim Brotherhood, and even Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama would all appear to want to be seen as being at the head of this Egyptian uprising.
    You grant plausible credibility to the MB in this regard but can it be the whole story?
    In Tunisia, it appears as if there are actors who remain effectively silent even up to now, possibly deliberately, but also possibly as a consequence of both language barrier and selective listening.
    While writing this I have consulted the Angry Arab and notice that he too is skeptical, particularly about the MB.
    Who are the other actors?

  2. Without you, Al Jazeera and the other great blogs, there would no way of knowing what is going on. The Corporate media is beating the Islamaphobia drumbeat non-stop, Thank you, Thank you all for working so hard and keeping us informed. Your site is the absolute best about the President’s executive know-nothing office. The worst thing is that these same people who know absolutely nothing about the region, are so full of themselves and their own ideological twist, they believe their own propaganda. Keep it up, outstanding stuff. Thank you over and again. Peggy

  3. Without you, Al Jazeera and the other great blogs, there would no way of knowing what is going on. The Corporate media is beating the Islamaphobia drumbeat non-stop, Thank you, Thank you all for working so hard and keeping us informed. Your site is the absolute best about the President’s executive know-nothing office. The worst thing is that these same people who know absolutely nothing about the region, are so full of themselves and their own ideological twist, they believe their own propaganda. Keep it up, outstanding stuff. Thank you over and again. Peggy

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