81 great questions from Avnery on the flotilla ”Inquiry’

Veteran peace activist Uri Avnery has compiled a great list of 81 questions that any credible Israeli commission of inquiry should fearlessly answer.
Don’t hold your breath that any of these questions actually will get asked– by any Israeli-dominated investigative body, such as the one the Obama administration has reportedly signed off on.
The flotilla killings: The whole world still needs answers.
See this Le Monde interview with Turkish president Abdullah Gul, and this Der Spiegel interview with flotilla raid survivor (and distinguished Swedish novelist) Henning Mankell.

2 thoughts on “81 great questions from Avnery on the flotilla ”Inquiry’”

  1. Der Spiegel is for long time now a mouthpiece for Israel hardliners; that is also evident int he tone of questions and repeated insinuations that Israel “is the only democratic country in the ME” – as if it is not defined by itself as “Jewish country” – and which denied rights to some of its citizens who happen to be Palestinians and a country which prohibits immigration of non-Jewish people…… WHat kind of democracy is that? LOL

  2. Hello Helena, I suggest you share the info in
    your blog about the Mediterranean flotilla of
    2010 with Friends meetings around the U.S.A. Most yearly meeting sesions are stil ahead.
    I think that many yearly meetings might wish to
    consider action in response to this concern;
    but first Friends must know what is going on.
    Jeremy Mott
    Roanoke, Va.

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