Great graphics for a BDS effort

Jam’a al-yad, an artists’ collective in Beirut, produced half a dozen powerful posters during the city’s recent Israeli Apartheid Week. Though the most prominent captions on them are in Arabic, those could easily be translated into other languages, too.
You can access and download PDF versions of the posters here. Peronally, I don’t endorse the one that seems to advocate stone-throwing, but the rest look great.

12 thoughts on “Great graphics for a BDS effort”

  1. So let me get this straight. “Personally” you don’t want to endorse the poster that “seems” to
    advocate slinging rocks. But you don’t mind other people utilizing that poster? (Are you thinking
    the poster actually depicts a kid tossing candy kisses?) What a blood-thirsty piece of business you really are! Always willing to fight it out to the last Palestinian child from the safety and comfort of your suburban home. With friends like you the Palestinians surely are in no need of enemies.

  2. Great graphics??? Get ahold of yourself Helena! These hideous things look like they were turned
    out in a Soviet labor camp.

  3. Since “Carpal” and “Cassandra” are actually one person claiming to be two, this person’s IP is being banned. Such legerdemain is not part of courteous discourse.

  4. “These hideous things look like they were turned
    out in a Soviet labor camp. ”
    Given the control over Palestinian land and the lives of the Palestinian people by an Eastern European immigrant culture, this statement is most apposite.

  5. Sorry to disagree with you Steve, but I’m pretty familiar with the art museums in Israel
    and, while some of ’em contain pretty mediocre stuff, I’ve never some anything in them
    nearly as bad as those posters. Carpal is right. You can’t just let dumb hatred blind you in
    matters of art.

  6. Sorry Steve, I meant to say:
    …. I’ve never SEEN anything in them
    nearly as bad as those posters. Carpal is right. You can’t just let dumb hatred blind you in
    matters of art.

  7. What is Beauty? Beauty is truth.
    By Keats’s standards these graphics are exceedingly beautiful.

  8. The young man with the sling is obviously David, later to have the rule of Israel vouchsafed to his family for a thousand generations.

  9. Yeah I mean stone-throwing is such a huge problem, u know it’s in the same league as white-phosphorous-containing-bomb-throwing.. it poses so much danger.. almost the same as bomb throwing of course.
    You don’t endorse it? what do you suggest we throw? tomatoes? eggs? or should we just throw ourselves out the window? maybe you’d endorse that.

  10. J, I definitely agree with you that I have no fundamental problem with them slinging rocks, eggs and tomatoes at you or even with you tossing yourself out the window if you really want to, cause, after all, it’s a free country…. though, of course, it goes without saying that everyone here would greatly miss you and your clear and trenchant analyses.

  11. Before everyone here gets too exercised about J throwing himself out the window, I think you should know that he actually lives in a basement
    apartment that has no windows he can open up.
    He is the closest friend I have in the world. Sometime he just gets a bit too excited is all.

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