The definitive word on ‘confidence building measures’

… comes from Ezzedine Choukri in this great piece in Al-Ahram Weekly. (HT: Abdulmoneim Said Aly at MEI on Thursday.)
Choukri’s piece is an excellent illustration of the thinking by most Arabs on the “CBM” issue that I was describing in this recent piece (and this recent JWN post.)
It’ also a lot funnier and more poignant than what I wrote.
Choukri draws a prolonged analogy between the challenges of Israeli-Arab peacemaking and those of a village elder seeking to mediate a marriage contract between two families in his native Egypt:

    to allay the multiple concerns of the groom (who has commitment issues as well as problems with his boisterous family members), the mediators encourage the bride to have sex with her prospective groom before the marriage is concluded. “Sex would entice him to proceed; it will reassure him that the money he will put in the marriage will be well rewarded,” they say.
    Mostly liberal in their thinking and ways of life, the mediators see no problem in the proposition (neither does the prospective groom, for all too different reasons). After all, millions of couples in America and Europe engage in premarital sex as a way of experiencing each other and determining whether it would be a good idea to proceed further. There is no disrespect, foul play or wrongdoing involved. They argue.
    The proposition sounds logical to the bride (and quite convenient for the groom). Yet the bride’s family is really conservative. Even if she finds it tempting, the bride knows well that she cannot face her family with such a proposition. “It will be suicide,” she says. However, not wanting to undermine the prospects of her own marriage, the bride is willing to engage in premarital intimate encounters — but short of intercourse. And in return for these intimacies she requires the groom to make demonstrable progress towards signing the marriage contract.
    Thrilled by this “window of opportunity”, the mediators spend weeks negotiating the nature of these intimacies; how much skin is involved, whether it would be made public or kept secret, how far they will go, how frequently they will meet, etc. At the same time, they negotiate the nature of demonstrable steps that would satisfy the bride in return; the nature of commitments the groom has to make, whether these would be reversible, phased, synchronised with the intimacies, etc. (Verification and arbitration remain contentious and unresolved issues).
    Instead of working on finalising the terms of the marriage contract, the mediators waste everyone’s time on fine-tuning the terms of these confidence-building measures. Naturally, neither the groom nor the bride derives any pleasure from their halfway intimacies, and they are busy quarrelling over each other’s compliance with the terms of the deal. The families get no closer to marriage; nobody has negotiated the terms of that agreement — and its difficult issues didn’t become any easier on their own. In the meantime, the bride’s family gets angrier as they feel they were taken for a ride (again) and eventually lock the bride at home. And those who always opposed the marriage on both sides feel vindicated in their prejudice: “this marriage will never take place,” they say; “if they can’t even agree on these tiny matters, how are they going to face common life with all its challenges?”
    Senator Mitchell and friends: would you please drop the useless confidence-building track that depleted precious political resources of so many mediators before you and focus on the real issue? Get the marriage contract signed, after which you can have all the sex you want.

This last paragraph represents a viewpoint that’s extremely widespread in the Arab world. In light of the experience of the past 16 years of US insistence on “CBMs” and ridiculous, time-wasting “interim measures” it is the only logical position there is.
Secure the final peace agreements now!