My Moualem interview on

… is here.
I will just add to everything else I’ve written about Syria-Israel in recent days that Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu was in Washington last week, where he conveyed the message that Turkey is very willing to support Syria’s suggestion that any new Syria-Israel talks resume as proximity talks in Turkey, taking up where the talks broken off by Olmert left off in late December.
Davutoğlu has only recently been named FM. Prior to that he was a special adviser to PM Erdoğan. In that capacity, it was he who orchestrated the whole proximity talks project between Israel and Syria last year.
He also seems to be a man of considerable strategic vision: a foreign-policy intellectual who then gets a chance to influence real power. Sort of Kissinger without the bullying and arrogance, you might say.
He was the author of the AKP’s policy of “zero problems with the neighbors.”

One thought on “My Moualem interview on”

    “A source tells me that there is a story that Syria reached a deal with Saudi Arabia that it would arrange for the defeat of the Lebanese opposition in return for Saudi mediation with the US to improve relations. (I have heard from another source that Syria had promised funding for opposition groups but wound up not paying anything under the pretext that Saudi Arabia and Syria agreed to not pay any Lebanese groups–kid you not).
    Saudi media reported that Bashshar Al-Asad was one of the first to call Saudi king to congratulate him on the victory of his puppets in Lebanon.”
    You’re playing a part in the great game, wittingly or not.

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