Meshaal reaction on Foreign Policy website

It’s here. Good exposure, I think.
But now I have so much more writing up to do! (Also, I’ll try to get a few more reactions from Syrian friends to the speech.)
Update: I just did a Google news search on ‘Meshaal’ and the FP piece came out at the top. But where was the JWN post that had scooped it? (Also: The FP version contains two small typos, since corrected in the JWN original.)

2 thoughts on “Meshaal reaction on Foreign Policy website”

  1. Cool. This is good. I hope that your interview helps to “make it OK” to talk to Hamas or anyone that has influence about an important problem.
    It seems so elementary that if anyone wants to solve a problem, they have to do an assessment of as many factors as possible. But, we don’t do that.
    So, I hope others will follow.
    Bob Spencer

  2. If you’re wondering why your site doesn’t rank high in Google rankings I have one suggestion: since I believe you have at least one other author who sometimes writes for yr site, you are eligible to be included in Google News. You should go there & fill out the form to apply. If you do, be sure to emphasize that you are a multi-author blog (even if it’s only 1 other author).
    I suggested this to Muzzlewatch & they were just accepted. Alas, as I’m a single author blog I can’t get in if my life depended on it. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.
    This will bring more traffic to your site.

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