Another Scary Terror Report

The new annual State Department Report on Terrorism is out. It’s primarily the same as last year’s report. You were expecting changes maybe?
Here are the lead paragraphs from last year. . .

    AL-QA’IDA AND ASSOCIATED TRENDS: Al-Qa’ida (AQ) and associated networks remained the greatest terrorist threat to the United States and its partners in 2007. It has reconstituted some of its pre-9/11 operational capabilities through the exploitation of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), replacement of captured or killed operational lieutenants, and the restoration of some central control by its top leadership, in particular Ayman al-Zawahiri. Although Usama bin Ladin remained the group’s ideological figurehead, Zawahiri has emerged as AQ’s strategic and operational planner.

. . .and this year.

    AL-QA’IDA AND ASSOCIATED TRENDS: Al-Qa’ida (AQ) and associated networks continued to lose ground, both structurally and in the court of world public opinion, but remained the greatest terrorist threat to the United States and its partners in 2008. AQ has reconstituted some of its pre-9/11 operational capabilities through the exploitation of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), the replacement of captured or killed operational lieutenants, and the restoration of some central control by its top leadership, in particular Ayman al-Zawahiri. Worldwide efforts to counter terrorist financing have resulted in AQ appealing for money in its last few messages.

Same old stuff.

Anyhow, let’s look at it. Here are some extracts from “Chapter 1. Strategic Assessment” and my comments. I invite yours.
Report: Al-Qa’ida (AQ) and associated networks continued to lose ground, both structurally and in the court of world public opinion, but remained the greatest terrorist threat to the United States and its partners in 2008.

    Comment: AQ is the greatest terrorist threat but it’s losing ground. How great is greatest? Americans are more in danger of injury from a bath-tub slip then they are by a terrorist, to say nothing or cancer, heart disease and auto accidents. Almost a year ago the CIA Chief was interviewed: “On balance, we are doing pretty well,” he said, ticking down a list of accomplishments: “Near strategic defeat of al-Qaeda in Iraq. Near strategic defeat for al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia. Significant setbacks for al-Qaeda globally.

Report: The Taliban and other insurgent groups and criminal gangs, some of whom were linked to AQ and terrorist sponsors outside the country, control parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan and threaten the stability of the region.

    Comment: Oops — AQ is losing ground but they have a hand in threatening regional stability? Which is it? The US overthrew the Taliban government in Afghanistan and has pursued its members both in Afghanistan and Pakistan with missiles and rockets, killing many civilians and causing significant unrest in Pakistan, in effect recruiting for the Taliban, and it’s “The Taliban and other insurgent groups and criminal gangs” which “threaten the stability of the region?” When the US overthrows a government its members become insurgents? That’s cute.
    How about this version: The US military and other insurgent groups and criminal gangs, some of whom were linked to the UK and terrorist sponsors outside the country, control parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan and threaten the stability of the region.

Report: . . .the Taliban’s efforts to convince Afghanis that ISAF forces and corruption in the Afghanistan government are the source of Afghani pain has fueled the insurgency and curtailed legitimate efforts to influence Afghanis to reject violent extremism.

    Comment: So the stupid Afghans are falling for the propaganda line that NATO rockets and Afghanistan government corruption are big problems, when actually they aren’t? By the way, “Afghani” is the basic unit of money in Afghanistan. The people are called Afghans. So much for the US State Department — Diplomacy In Action.

Report: Iran remained the most significant state sponsor of terrorism.

    Comment: Here we have to shift gears. While AQ remains “the greatest terrorist threat to the United States and its partners” it’s the entirely unrelated Iran government that remains “the most significant state sponsor of terrorism?” The Saudi sheiks who provided and funded the 9/11 terrorists, and who fund Al Qaeda and the madrassahs in Pakistan which provide the recruits for AQ and the Taliban don’t get mentioned. Well they do get mentioned if you move on to Chapter 2:
    “Terrorism and criminality are the enemies of every religion and every civilization. They would not have appeared except for the absence of the principle of tolerance.”–King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia
    That’s Saudi Arabia, a bastion of tolerance where women can’t vote. Saudi Arabia, where further down in Chapter 2: “The Saudi government continued to build its counterterrorism capacity and efforts to counter extremist ideology.” Saudi Arabia, which provides and funds madrassahs and presumably Al Qaeda.
    The latest annual report by the independent U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom names 13 countries as serious violators of religious freedom. The 13 countries named as Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) in this year’s report are Burma, North Korea, China, Vietnam, Eritrea, Nigeria, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. So much for tolerance in Saudi Arabia.

Report: Iran has long employed terrorism to advance its key national security and foreign policy interests, which include regime survival, regional dominance, opposition to Arab-Israeli peace, and countering western influence, particularly in the Middle East.

    Comment: Regime survival isn’t a bad thing, particularly when a nation has to deal with economic sanctions, military threats and a huge naval fleet just offshore. Regional dominance by Iran? Iran doesn’t dominate the ME. Opposition to Arab-Israeli peace? Evidenced by support to Palestinians attacked by Israel? Like the US has done anything for I/P peace recently? And countering western influence? I’d say that was a natural right. This idea that the world would be a better place if every country were “westernized” is bogus, particularly coming from a department whose slogan is “Diplomacy in Action.”

Report: Iran continues to rely primarily on its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force to clandestinely cultivate and support terrorist and Islamic militant groups abroad, including: Lebanese Hizballah, Palestinian terrorist groups such as HAMAS and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, certain Iraqi Shia militant groups, and Islamic militants in Afghanistan, the Balkans, and elsewhere. Throughout 2008, the Qods force continued to provide weapons, training, and funding to Lebanese Hizballah to advance its anti-Israeli campaign and undermine the elected Government of Lebanon.

    Comment 1: Hizballah is undermining the elected Government of Lebanon? It’s part of the elected government. Here’s Helena Cobban: — “Hizbullah was formed in the 1980s from networks that actively resisted the Israeli troops who had occupied southern Lebanon since 1982. It is reviled by Israel and the U.S. as only a terror organisation, but it has competed in Lebanese elections since 1992 and has always performed well. It has also on occasion – including now – had members in the country’s government.”
    Comment 2: Hamas is the elected government of Gaza, a result of elections promoted by the US in 2006. Get used to it, State.
    Comment 3: Islamic militants in Afghanistan? Iran is strongly anti-Taliban and assisted the US-led invasion in 2001.

Report: An holistic [anti-terrorist] approach incorporates efforts aimed at protecting and securing the population; politically and physically marginalizing insurgents; winning the support and cooperation of at-risk populations by targeted political and development measures; and conducting precise intelligence-led special operations to eliminate critical enemy elements with minimal risk to innocent civilians.

    Comment: The US practice of “protecting and securing the population” has been to bomb and shoot them. It hasn’t worked anywhere.

Report: Working with allies and partners across the world, we have created a less permissive operating environment for terrorists, keeping terrorist leaders on the move or in hiding, and degrading their ability to plan and mount attacks. Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Jordan, the Philippines, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and many other partners played major roles in this success. Dozens of countries have continued to pass counterterrorism legislation or strengthen pre-existing laws that provide their law enforcement and judicial authorities with new tools to bring terrorists to justice.

    Comment: Way to go. Bring the troops home.

Report: The commitment by governments to work with each other, the international community, private sector organizations, and their citizens and immigrant populations remains a key factor in coordinated efforts to confront violent extremism. Local communities and religious leaders are also a vital part of countering radicalization strategies.

    Comment: Way to go. Bring the troops home.

Final comment: Overall, it’s a pretty lousy report. It’s just a cut-and-paste from last year, long on propaganda and largely bereft of logic and facts. Just as in the past administration, it slams democratic movements like Hezbollah and Hamas and gives a free pass to undemocratic, terrorist-supporting Saudi Arabia. It’s a political document, something you might expect from a department headed by a career politician with no expertise in foreign affairs. No wonder there’s no change from last year.
Why must we be subjected to garbage like this which was a staple of the last administration and has continued into this one with a continuing free ride for Saudi Arabia and its support of terrorism? Haven’t we purged the oil-patch criminals from the US government?
Am I overlooking something? Or have I been too kind?
Don Bacon is a retired army officer who founded the Smedley Butler Society several years ago because, as General Butler said, war is a racket. Other articles by Don Bacon may be found here and here.

11 thoughts on “Another Scary Terror Report”

  1. “President Jimmy Carter’s desire symbolized by National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski’s handshake with Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan by storming the compound to disrupt that process. Nevertheless, Carter allowed the Islamic Republic to retain its embassy in Washington for five more months, hoping to keep open a possibility for dialogue.
    The Reagan administration also sought relations, even sending former National Security Advisor Robert “Bud” McFarlane to Tehran.
    President Bill Clinton, too, reached out to the Islamic Republic, even authorizing Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to engage her Iranian counterpart in a one-on-one meeting.
    Despite President George W. Bush branding Tehran as part of the Axis of Evil — a mild comment compared to near daily Iranian calls for America’s demise — there was greater engagement with Tehran under Bush than under any administration since Carter’s. Alas, whether in Iraq or Afghanistan.”

  2. Yes, those nasty “al Qaeda” types are everywhere, just waiting to spill over the border and destroy America!!!
    Thank goodness we have Jewish media outlets like Rita Katz’s SITE and Ben Venzke’s IntelCenter that are always the first to get hold of the latest AQ recording and release it to the public.
    Who’d thunk Bin Lade would be so crafty to use Jewish media outlets to promote his videos!!!
    My fav AQ “terrorist” is that Jewish Jihadist, Adam Gadahn, AKA by his real name, Adam PEARLMAN, grandson of JDL terrorist Carl Pearlman.
    Yes, we’d better keep an eye out for those AQ types. They’re everywhere, especially in the halls of Congress.

  3. “Valerie Jarrett is a member of African-American and Chicago royalty. But her story and her life begin in the Middle East, not the Midwest. She was born in 1956 in Shiraz, Iran, about 570 miles south of Tehran. Her parents moved to Shiraz, known for its poets, wine and flowers, as part of a program that sent American doctors and agricultural experts to developing countries to help jump-start their health and farming efforts. Her father was on the staff of the brand new Nemazee Hospital, where Jarrett was born. “Every memory from Iran is a very happy memory,”

  4. Here I am picking on Secretary Clinton for incompetence, but the ever-dependable NY Times sets the record straight:
    Friends acknowledge that Mrs. Clinton herself was initially swamped by the challenge of taking over the sprawling State Department bureaucracy — management being one deficit in her career. She likens it to being “mayor of a good-sized small city.”
    But Mrs. Clinton has turned a corner in recent weeks, these people say, both as a manager and as a diplomat. Her stern public warnings about the recent Taliban offensive in Pakistan put her on center stage as the messenger of American unease.
    “I love the job; I mean, it’s really hard,” Mrs. Clinton said in a recent interview. “We’ve inherited so many problems.”
    “Stern public warnings” and scary terror reports. Be afraid, very afraid.

  5. Al Qaeda does not exist in a tangible way, Al Qaeda is a frame of mind more than an organization, as a British journalist observed after the London bombing done by muslim Briton with no clear affiliation.
    Obama has identified Al Qaeda as the enemy precisely because it does not exist in a tangible way, and the real tangible actors like Iran, Turkey, Saudia Arabia can be approached with his naive “can’t we all get along” stupidity.
    That strategy has short legs when one has natural allies and enemies, unless we really cross to the dark side and join the axis of evil ourselves.

  6. While Greg Bacon’s conspiratology does more harm than good to those of us critical of Israel’s policies and it’s grip on the U. S. government, in broader regards Titus’ inference that Israel is America’s true friend, and that the U. S.
    Empire should be maintained, all those aggressively opposed being dismissed as on the “dark side” is far more objectionable.

  7. While Greg Bacon’s conspiratology does more harm than good to those of us critical of Israel’s policies and it’s grip on the U. S. government, in broader regards Titus’ inference that Israel is America’s true friend, and that the U. S. Empire should be maintained, all those aggressively opposed being dismissed as on the “dark side” is far more objectionable.

  8. Ken, what do you do, stalk the blogs looking for my puny contributions and then jump on them?
    You need a life, bub.
    But thanks for correcting my snafu, saying that Adam’s grandaddy was a member of the Jewish terrorist group the JDL. He was mobbed up with another Jewish terrorist group, the ADL, which ahs been caught repeatedly spying on Americans.
    As for that phony ass “al Qaeda,” perhaps what Robin Cook, former British Foreign Secretary said about AQ, is relevant.
    Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that “Al Qaeda” is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan.

  9. I’s sure it was relevant for the time period
    involved, which you wrench out of historical context like a hayseed literalist Bible-thumper
    wrenches sections from the Book of Revelation
    out of context and applies such to make God justify Zionists disposessing Palestinians.
    Of course Sunni Salafism/al Qaeda since 9/11 has become, as depicted by sane anti-Zionists like Michael Schueuer, a much diffused force or group of forces.

  10. I’m sure it was relevant for the time period
    involved, which you wrench out of historical context like a literalist Bible-thumper
    wrenches sections from the Book of Revelation
    out of context and applies such to make God justify Zionists disposessing Palestinians.
    Of course Sunni Salafism/al Qaeda since 9/11 has become, as depicted by sane anti-Zionists like Michael Schueuer, a much diffused force or group of forces.

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