Resources on East Jerusalem

I just finished writing my weekly news analysis for IPS, which is on the situation of the Palestinians in Jerusalem and the potential for that become a huge new issue.
In the course of that I checked out a bunch of online resources, to use to supplement the results of my own very up-to-date reporting. Since I now have them all as tabs on my Firefox I’m happy to share them here.
* Website of Ir Amim in English, great resource on the situation of Palestinians in the city. Lots of good info available through the tabs/links in the left sidebar.
* FMEP’s table showing the population of Israel’s illegal settlements in East Jerusalem, through 2006.
* Info about– and link to PDF text of– the letter sent to Hillary Clinton by the residents of the Bustan neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem. Includes a fairly ghastly photo of the ageing Shimon Peres kissing Hillary.
* Info about the most recent destruction of Um Kamel’s tent in Sheikh Jarrah.
* Good article by The Independent’s Donald Macintyre about the Silwan situation.