US rearming Israel from Greece?

On Dec. 31, the US Military Sealift Command published a solicitation for bids from shipping companies to ship two boats, each containing 168 TEU’s (twenty-foot equivalent container units) of ammunition, from Greece to Israel.
(HT: Danger Room.)
That’s a considerable amount of ammunition. Its type was not stated.
If the international community is serious about a ceasefire this must involve credible efforts to impose an arms embargo on both sides until the ceasefire is concluded.
US arms shipments to Israel are sent (free of cost to Israel) for the express purpose of “self defense.” There is no way Israel’s current war against Gaza could be described as self-defense without a truly Orwellian effort to bend the meaning of the term completely out of any logic or acceptability.

4 thoughts on “US rearming Israel from Greece?”

  1. If it is true that the US government is supplying Israel with the arms to bomb Gaza, and that Greece is supplying the transportation of those arms, are not those two governments complicit in making war on Gaza? And who supplies Hamas with the rockets they fire at Israel? What governments are involved there? Are’nt they complicit in bombing Israel? Who is killing all those Israeli and Palestinian civilians?

  2. All WHAT Israeli civilians, Michael? Fifteen Israeli civilians killed by rockets in 15 years (which is, of course 15 too many by any human reasoning), versus 700 and counting Palestinians slaughtered like caged animals in twelve days? Fifteen Israeli civilians in 15 years versus tens, perhaps hundreds of Palestinian CHILDREN in 12 days?
    I don’t remember who suggested it or where, but what is happening in Gaza now is reminiscent of that stunning, horrible scene in the movie Hud in which they drive hundreds of cattle into a deep pit from which there is no escape, and then shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot until all the cattle are dead.
    And from the reports I have heard and read the massacre of 60-70 of the Samouni family at Zeytuna is exactly that in microcosm.
    I hope the deaths of all those murdered human beings will not be in vain. I hope they will serve to lay the nature of Israel’s crimes so wide open and so bare that no one, not even the United States, can pretend it is anything but a crime against humanity by a state addicted to inflicting violence that has gotten away with it for far too long.

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