BBC: Land of pure lunacy!

You totally have to hand it to the BBC that they have an advanced case of the Monty Pythons… Today, they have a lengthy piece of analysis on their website titled “Who will rebuild Gaza?”
The bolded intro para says this:

    Even as aid agencies struggle to meet the immediate needs of those left injured, homeless and traumatised by the Israeli operation in Gaza, concerns are growing that reconstruction efforts could become bogged down in a complex political tangle.

What, BBC? Aid to Gaza getting “bogged down in politics”?
Do you guys have no sense of self-awareness, no sense of shame at all??
The BBC Board of Governors has been busy for many days now blocking all attempts by a coalition of blue-chip UK charities to air a short fundraising video for Gaza on the Beeb’s government-provided airwaves.
This latest piece of analysis makes no mention of the BBC’s shameful role.

3 thoughts on “BBC: Land of pure lunacy!”

  1. (From the news story)
    Israel is determined that Hamas should in no way benefit from international aid funds. It also controls everything entering the Gaza Strip.
    If that is accurate, then a great many stories about rocket smuggling (some, I presume, from the BBC) must have been lies or errors.
    The obvious solution, methinks, is to fill some of those unguided missile shells from the evil Qommies with dubloons and pieces of eight from the international community before they are taken in through the Tunnels of Doom.
    (( Mais que sçay-je? ))
    Happy days.

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