Vile hate: Pres. Bush also needs to speak & act on it

It is now not enough that McCain and Palin should speak out against the wave of vile ethnic & religious hatred that is sweeping through some portions of the Republican Party (as I wrote here.) The President needs to speak out against it most forcefully, too.
He should also call in the Attorney General and announce the creation of a special Justice Department task force to monitor the rising wave of race hate and prepare prosecutions if they should be required.
Right after 9/11, one of the very laudable things Pres. Bush did was to use the bully pulpit of the presidency to send a loud leadership message that the horrible events of that day should not be used an excuse to turn against Muslims, Arabs, or others.
We are now in a situation of no lesser risk. Bush– and McCain, Palin, and possibly others– should all send the same message again.

9 thoughts on “Vile hate: Pres. Bush also needs to speak & act on it”

  1. Over the past week the McCain campaign strategy has involved McCain and in particular Ms Sarah “look how cute I can be while saying ugly things” Palin, holding what have amounted to hate rallies where they incited and then (at best) failed to discourage the ugly responses by the crowds, which have included shouts of “terrorist!”, “traitor!”, and at least in one case, “kill him!” (him being Obama). It was only when it became clear that this tactic was backfiring on them, including losing them some very high profile Republicans, that they started frantically back pedaling and trying to appear to promote “decency and respect” in a desperate effort at damage control.
    Their current insistence that the crowds they whipped up into such a hideous frenzy last week now suddenly show respect for Obama is just as calculated and cynical as were the tactics that created the lynch mob behaviour in the first place.
    And good for Obama for the way he has handled it all so far.

  2. Helena while you asked for Bush also needs to speak & act on it now where US adminstartion and your legal system from all of what happing in Iraq:
    Christians targeted in Iraq
    also here Christians, targeted and suffering, flee Iraq”
    Ok now Maliki regime “ US Poppet Regime” no media come forward and asked very simple question here what he doing to Iraqi and the Iraqi society? He is interesting to talk about US pact agreement touring between Tahran, Najaf and Green Zone doing marvelous job of course for every foreigners who mentioned in those his visited excpted Iraqis who is suffering from very basics services while Cholera and Anthrax killing Iraqis whiteout notice.
    But the tyrant regime crimes still singing high about how those “Shiites” “Kurds” and also “Christians” had suffer each time media talking about Iraq.
    Now six years passed what Iraq have from GWB promises of freedom and democracy in his first letter to Iraqis broad casted from US AWAX air plain over the sky of Iraq before the war.

  3. No one cares what Deputy Dubya Bush says about anything anymore. Our ditzy, discredited dauphin and his reactionary regent Rasputin, Dick Cheney, have become so unpopular and ineffective, if not politially toxic, that anything they endorse or defame automatically generates universal acclamation of the opposite. Better for our current presidential and vice presidential infestations of the White House to simply shut up and slink off quietly to the historical oblivion (if not war crimes trials) they so richly deserve. We have enough problems with racist hatred in America without it receiving ironic promotion as a positive good simply because Bush and/or Cheney might cynically claim to denounce it.

  4. Dont forgot to tell whoever come after BUSH:
    وحتى بعض اولئك الذين يسكنون الدجيل ممن قتل وسجن افرادٌ من اسرهم خلال حكم صدام الذي حكم البلاد بقبضة حديدية بدوا وقد أغوتهم فكرة وجود زعيم قوي بعد سنوات من الفوضى وإراقة الدماء والحرمان منذ غزو العراق بقيادة الولايات المتحدة عام 2003. وقال سعد مخلف «اذا عاد شخص مثل صدام حسين فلن اؤيده فحسب بل سأدعوه الى العشاء. عمي قتل عام 1982 في حادث الدجيل. ومع ذلك، فان الحياة آنذاك كانت افضلَ مليون مرة من الآن». وقال محمد مهدي سجن أحد أقاربه عام 1982 وقتل شقيقه في انفجار سيارة ملغومة، الشهر الماضي، في الدجيل «رئيس الوزراء ( نوري المالكي) يجلس في المنطقة الخضراء (المحصنة ببغداد).. ماذا يفعل لحمايتنا.. ما هي الجدوى من هذه الحكومة؟». واضاف «صدام حسين هو القائد النبيل الوحيد الذي حكمنا».
    Same news in English:
    Even some of those from Dujail whose family members were murdered and imprisoned during Saddam’s iron-fisted rule seemed seduced by the idea of a strong leader after years of chaos, bloodshed and deprivation since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
    “If someone like Saddam came back, I’d not only support him, I’d invite him to dinner. My uncle was killed in 1982 in the Dujail incident. Still, life then was a million times better than now,” said Saad Mukhlif, a Shi’ite.”
    “Nostalgia for Saddam and his Sunni-led government in this largely Shi’ite town mirrors a country-wide sense of frustration despite a drop in attacks and killings.”

  5. The Republican Party is no longer the party of Lincoln. The modern Republican Party was built on the “southern strategy”, carrying Southern (and other) states by exploiting racism among white voters. They’re not about to give up on it now.

  6. And it all blew up in their face
    “God forbid!” Gail Silverberg chimed in. “Hockey moms and lipstick on a pig and six-packs? I don’t want that stuff.”
    Nearby, Rina Jampolsky was wearing a “Hillary Sent Me” button next to a pin saying “Barack Obama” in Hebrew. “I thought I wouldn’t vote at all when Hillary left the race,” she said. “But as soon as McCain selected Sarah Palin, my decision was made.”
    They were the quintessential Hillary supporters waiting for their heroine at the hall in northeast Philly: virtually all white, mostly women, and mostly old. Of the minority who weren’t Jewish, most were Catholic. In the local state Senate district, primary voters went for Clinton over Obama by 3 to 1.
    But something has happened in recent weeks among the Clinton faithful. Fear of the right-wing Palin, coupled with the economic collapse, has caused them to quietly swallow their Obama misgivings. “It’s amazing,” said Brendan Doyle, who has been knocking on doors here for the Democratic candidate for state Senate. “The last four weeks I’ve seen a big turn.”
    Can I pass you some pie Shirin?

  7. Not so fast, Frank. Three weeks and one day from now, I really hope to be eating that pie, but there are three weeks left during which anything can happen.

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