US-Iraq SOFA latest draft, in English

… It’s been translated from the Arabic and posted here on the AFSC website by their Iraqi consultant, the talented and hard-working Raed Jarrar.
I haven’t had time to read it closely yet. On AFSC’s website Raed says,

    This agreement could further entrench the U.S. military in Iraq… It cannot be negotiated behind closed doors. The public, Congress, and the Iraqi Parliament should be informed and weigh in before we set a direction for the future.

On his own blog, he comments:

    I think it’s really interesting that while the bush administration are putting the last touches on this long term agreement with their Iraqi allies, bush issued a new presidential signing statement last week specifically to allow the U.S. government to control Iraq’s oil resources! The statement was issued as a response to a congressional law that prohibits the U.S. government from taking control over Iraq’s oil and gas resources.
    What a great message to be given at this time: not only we’re planning to occupy your country military, but we also have the intention of steeling your oil and gas.
    for more details on the signing statement, check FCNL’s press-release here. Bush’s statement can be read here.

Also, check out the photos of tlast saturday’s anti-occupation rallies in Baghdad that Raed posted on the preceding post in his blog, here.
It seems clear, meanwhile, that this latest draft of the SOFA agreement is no more likely than previous drafts to prove acceptable to the Iraqi side (including crucially, the Iraqi parliament.)
Back in early June, I “called” the inability of the Bush administration to impose its will regarding a longterm security agreement on the Iraqi governing body that it itself created back in the post-invasion period!
No reason to amend that judgment yet.

15 thoughts on “US-Iraq SOFA latest draft, in English”

  1. Now if some accomplished writer would only put together a scorching article on this non-treaty treaty, for one thing asking why it’s being considered by the Iraqi parliament and not by the US Senate as the Constitution requires, and have it published in the CSM.
    I guess there’s nobody. **sigh**

  2. bush issued a new presidential signing statement last week specifically to allow the U.S. government to control Iraq’s oil resources!
    The signing statement does not do this.

  3. And if they don’t agree then all hell will break loose.
    The software giant included the program, called Windows and Office Genuine Advantage, in a recent batch of software updates.
    Users who downloaded the upgrades have found) that their screens started turning black if they had pirated software on their machine. A small warning box admonished them for using pirated material.
    “Microsoft’s Windows and Office Genuine Advantage will help users detect copycat operating systems. The move is just to warn users and not to influence their normal operations,” said Microsoft in a Chinese-language email statement.
    The black screens can be turned off, but return every hour to nag computer users into buying official Microsoft products. The software giant has also slashed the price of its Office 2007 Home and Student edition during China’s National Day holidays from £63 to £17 to entice users. A pirated copy of Office sells for less than 50p on Chinese streets.
    However, Chinese users reacted crossly to Microsoft’s ploy, complaining that prices should be cut further and instantly coming up with ways of circumventing the black screen. Thousands of programmes to combat the blacking out were available on China’s biggest search engine, Baidu.

  4. The imperial president trashes the constitution, not obtaining Senate advice and consent on a treaty, and the Senate acquiesces. SecDef Gates at a news conference Oct 17:
    Gates: Finally, I would just say that the four leaders that I talked to from the Armed Services Committees, I think, were generally positive, but clearly are looking forward to seeing exact text.
    Q: When would they get that?
    Gates: The staffs of — representatives of each of them, as far as I know, were invited to the White House this morning and walked through the text.
    The congressional representatives were invited to the White House and walked through the text! Why do we even have a Senate?

  5. These two parts of the SOFA are interesting:
    *Iraq has the primary legal jurisdiction over armed forces members and civilian members in cases of major and intentional crimes mentioned in paragraph 8 that takes place outside areas and installations agreed upon while troops are off duty.
    *All members of U.S. armed forces or civilian members must be handed over to the U.S. as soon as they are arrested by the Iraqi authorities.

  6. Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, has said that “pretty dramatic” consequences would follow if the status of forces agreement (Sofa) which would govern the US military’s role in Iraq, falls through.

    Gates said in Washington this week that the door was “pretty far closed” on further negotiations towards a security deal, although he emphasised that efforts were continuing.

    “The consequences of not having a Sofa and of not having a renewed UN authorisation are pretty dramatic in terms of consequences for our actions,” Gates said.

    Can some one shut this ugly mouth.
    What “pretty dramatic” consequences would follow” he mean more that the dist ruction done on country and millions of people?
    What they have to lose more that your ugly faces jut GET OFF the Iraqi faces bas*.

    صريح أقل ما يقال عنه أنه وقح بحق الشعب العراقي ذلك الذي أطلقه رئيس هيئة الأركان الأمريكية المأفون مايكل مولن للصحفيين المرافقين له على متن طائرة عسكرية كان يستقلها في زيارته إلى أوروبا , وتناقلتها وسائل الإعلام يوم الثلاثاء 12 ت1 2008 وهذا الأدميرال مايكل الذي أطلق تصريحه الوقح بتعمد لكي يوهم نفسه أنه أحد المنتصرين في احتلاله للعراق حيث شمل بهذا التصريح كافة أطياف الشعب العراقي بدون استثناء والذين أغلبهم اليوم ليس رافضين وحسب لصك الانتداب والمهانة الذين يطلقون عليه جزافآ ( الاتفاقية الأمنية ) وإنما العراقيين رافضين أصلآ لوجودهم كقوات عسكرية محتلة لبلد عضو مهم في المجتمع الدولي .

    كان على الأدميرال مولن أن يفرق بين خماسي الطغمة الحاكمة وبين أطياف واسعة من الشعب العراقي رافضة بصورة مطلقة لما يدعيه اليوم حيث صرح للصحفيين ” من أن العراق سيخاطر بالتعرض لخسائر كبيرة ما لم يصادق على الاتفاقية الأمنية ، و بان الوقت ينفد أمامهم ، ولا يدرك العراقيون خطورة الوضع الآن ” ويضيف كذلك ” من أن العراق يغامر بخسارات على الصعيد الأمني لها تبعات كبيرة ما لم يصادق على الاتفاقية التي توفر الأساس القانوني لبقاء القوات الأمريكية في العراق , وبهذا النحو فستكون هناك خسائر للشعب العراقي ولها تبعات كبيرة وأن الجيش والشرطة غير مستعدين لحماية امن العراق في الوقت الحالي ” .

    ” عواقب جسيمة ” تنتظر العراقيين في حال لم يتم إقرار الاتفاقية الأمنية بنسختها التي يريدها الأمريكي نسخة أخيرة ، هذا ما هدد به رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة بجيش الاحتلال الأمريكي مايكل مولن ، ولعل من الواضح تماماً إن العبارة ( عبارة عواقب جسيمة ) لا يمكن ترجمتها بشئ آخر سوى تخريب الوضع الأمني غير المستقر أصلاً ، فإذا كان الأمريكي يبرر وجوده بالأوضاع الأمنية المتردية وعدم قدرة قوى الأمن العراقية على ضبطها فإن المزيد من التردي سيصب بالتأكيد في مصلحة بقائه .

    وبكلمة واحدة يحاول الأمريكي اختصار الوضع العراقي بمعادلة إن ضرورة وجود القوات الأمريكية في العراق تأتي من ضرورة وجودها ! فالأمن المفقود الذي أوجدوه ينبغي أن يكونوا هم وحدهم القادرين على تحقيقه ، دون أن يعني ذلك انتهاء مهمتهم ودورهم لأن قدرتهم لا تتوقف عند تهدئة الوضع الأمني وإنما تتعداها الى تفجيره أيضاً ، وهذا ما لوح به وزير الدفاع غيتس عندما حذر من ” عواقب وخيمة ” ، وتحدث عن تعطيل عمل القوات الأمريكية في العراق الى أن يتم التوقيع على الإتفاقية الأمنية .

  7. النص العربي المعلن للاتفاقية الأمنية المثيرة للجدل والمزمع توقيعها بين واشنطن وبغداد ملاحظة: هذا النص المعلن لايعني بالضرورة هو النص الحقيقي المعتمد بين سلطات الاحتلال الامريكي والحكومة الحالية في العراق، وكذلك لايعني بالضرورة ان النسخة العربية من الاتفاقية المعلنة مطابقة للنص الانكليزي الأصلي من الاتفاقية.
    Helena one question for you why you so moved and rushed to tell us about Arabic version of SOFA?
    Is the Arabic version representing the original English version?
    I have reached to conclusions you and others who claims they new Arabic and making it some credit for themselves to discussing Arab matter, you and other have very limited Arabic abilities using it to market views and believes not necessarily reflect the reality or serve the justices as for Iraqis.
    Reading Arabic version make no doubt that this is agreement written and drafted in English first then translated to Arabic this very clear from the confusion in the details that clear enough for average Arabic speakers in addition to very shadowy meaning in many parts of closes of the agreement.
    To those who rushed to discussed Arabic “Fake” version of SOFA, Read this discussion “Arabic Text” about Arabic draft “fake” version of SOFA by Iraqi lady called herself Iraqi Ishtar.
    Note if Helena if you miss my comment here let remind you to Read it.

  8. bush issued a new presidential signing statement last week specifically to allow the U.S. government to control Iraq’s oil resources!

    While there certainly may be some substantial revelations yet to come, the idea that this is basically unanswerable, I think, is wrong. In Plan of Attack, I quote from a top-secret memo of Aug. 14, 2002, called “Iraq: Goals, Objectives and Strategy.” One of its stated purposes was to “minimize disruption in international oil markets.” Oil was put on the table as one of the reasons for war, and I think this adds to the background noise. Ron, you say of Bush, “He knew more than he’s letting on.” I think there’s truth to that, but I also believe he let on quite a bit. To those of us who dug in the vineyards of the Bush administration, the basic causes of the war in Iraq are there.

    So just go and dug in the Bush’s vineyards there are no secrets for the invasion of Iraq and its clear a hoax and a lot of lies that US citizenry still living in blind spot of their administrations.
    One more example is by the big lair and ugly face Colin Powell endorsement of Barack Obama when most US MSM call him as a very respectable figure in US politics, he is no more an a lair served as slave for lairs in a very famous show in UN show.

  9. Even if an agreement is reached before 1/20/09, it wouldn’t bind the next president, would it?
    If the next president is Obama, would he be likely to repudiate any of it, e.g. immunity for US personnel?

  10. I just read Helena’s earlier post ‘US Iraq policy beyond November 4’. I gather that her answer to my second question is that Obama is unlikely to challenge the status quo in Iraq, although he’s probably more open to do so than McCain, but only if there is sufficient ” ‘nudging’ and persuasion to do so from all sectors of US society”.

  11. The future of Iraq with this ruthless and war criminal invasion will be like Helena model S. Africa.
    A former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town has described poverty in South Africa as being
    Read this story those who believed that the done the best for those poor BALCK people on their own land and society.
    Invaders never ever care about people on other land they are more greedy and criminals drive in naives goals and lies examples are a lot along the history if some Helena included telling there is good working with invaders promoting legality and painting poppet who put in control of people are in fact serving invaders gaols and themselves BUT not the native people.
    A former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town has described poverty in South Africa as being

  12. Helena, this evidence that I mentioned earlier in my post about the differences between original English drafted agreement and the translated copy that put through the media. Let not rush maturely to discuses “fake” confused translated copy. Here’s Ayad Allawi talking about it he is a man from inside looks he read the English draught copy and he accusing the translated Arabic version with some differences and meaning of some clauses and he asked cautions with Arabic version. He make comparisons with UN regulation 242 when Arab failed in the trap of translation in regards to Land not “All the Land” ( if I am right) with regards of the Israeli and US official argued Arabs about 242 UN regulation.
    علاوي:الاتفاقية غامضة و هناك فرق كبير بين النسخة العربية والإنجليزية، لم تنتبه إليه الحكومة العراقية بسبب الأخطاء في الترجمة

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