Obama-McCain debate live-blogging, #1

9:40 Obama’s been doing very well explaining his tax policy proposals in a clear and compelling way.
The questions have virtually all been about the economy until now.
McCain’s been very unspecific and very accusatory.
The stage-managing of the event looks complex. They’re in a small circular pit with audience around two-thirds of it and Brokaw at a small table in front of them. The two candidates each has a sort of home-stool to sit on but also gets to walk around. McCain uses the space in a wooden way, jabbing his arm out and often speaking in a jerky, breathless way.
Obama looks relaxed and speaks slowly and thoughtfully. But perhaps, a little too slowly sometimes.
9:46 I just heard McCain extolling the virtues of nuclear power as being safe.
Obama just made a smart but very even-voiced jab at McCain as criticizing “Washington” for its inaction on the environment over the past 30 years, “But he doesn’t say he’s been there for 26 of them.”