Kamiya on the US MSM and Iraq

Belatedly, a serious hat-tip to Salon’s Gary Kamiya for the very thoughtful analysis he wrote last week on the topic of Iraq: Why the [U.S.] media failed.
His contention– based on a well-organized survey of the ample evidence plainly available on this subject– is firstly that, “perhaps the press’s most notable failure was its inability to determine just why this disastrous war was ever launched.” In this connection, he cites Kristina Borjesson, the author of a collection of interviews with 21 journalists about why the press collapsed, recently published under the title Feet to the Fire as saying,

    The thing that I found really profound was that there really was no consensus among this nation’s top messengers about why we went to war… [War is the] most extreme activity a nation can engage in, and if they weren’t clear about it, that means the public wasn’t necessarily clear about the real reasons. And I still don’t think the American people are clear about it.

(For my part, I’m not so sure that what was needed was either a consensus from the nation’s leading journalists or their own ability to reach a clear determination of what the war was about… But I think what was needed, much more, was the clear-eyed readiness of these journos to cast into question all the assertions made by all sides– but most especially, by the administration– about the reasons for going to war, and to aggressively test these assertions against the facts. It was that failure to stand aside from the Bushites’ circle and subject it to rigorous reality testing that was the MSM journos’ biggest professional failing. I also feel distinctly uncomfortable with the definition of journalists as being “this nation’s top messengers”, which sounds far too “official-sounding” for my ears. I think I would prefer a tag like “the nation’s leading (and very handsomely paid) truth-seekers”. Ah, but that’s not what most of them were, was it… “Chroniclers and amanuenses of the administration in power” might be more accurate… Anyway, I evidently need to buy Borjesson’s book when I get back to the US next week.)
But back to Kamiya. He introduces the real meat of his article within this frame:

    Why did the media fail so disastrously in its response to the biggest issue of a generation? To answer this, we need to look at three broad, interrelated areas, which I have called psychological, institutional and ideological. The media had serious preexisting weaknesses on all three fronts, and when a devastating terrorist attack and a radical, reckless and duplicitous administration came together, the result was a perfect storm…

Under the “psychological” rubric, he produces a small vignette from his own experience with cautious editors:

    A personal example: In a Salon piece I wrote before the 2004 elections, when the worst of the patriotic fervor had long subsided, I wrote, “Heretical as it is to say, the terror attacks proved that it is possible to overreact — more specifically, to react foolishly — to an attack that left 3,000 dead.” The idea that we had “overreacted” to this sacred event was so explosive, even then, that my editor flagged the line and questioned me about it. In the end the line stayed, but I write for Salon — one of the few major media outlets that were consistently against the war from the beginning, one that has no corporate owner and is aggressively independent. How many such sentiments ended up on cutting-room floors across the country — or were never even typed? As Mark Hertsgaard noted in his important study of the media’s weakness during the Reagan years, “On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency,” the most effective censorship is self-censorship.

He also notes this:

    Not all was lost. Some of the best breaking commentary was on the Internet, on blogs like Juan Cole’s “Informed Comment” and Helena Cobban’s “Just World News,” but these sites had a limited readership. There were some notable exceptions on the print side, like the superb reporting of Knight Ridder’s Jonathan Landay and Warren Strobel, who aggressively reported out the Bush administration’s bogus claims about the “threat” posed by Saddam Hussein. The Washington Post’s Walter Pincus also questioned Bush administration claims about WMD (his big pre-war story on this subject, after almost being killed, was relegated to page A-17). And the New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh and Mark Danner, writing for the New York Review of Books, also distinguished themselves with excellent coverage of Abu Ghraib, following the thread that led directly from the blood-spattered rooms outside Baghdad to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
    But such authors and journalists were few and far between, and they were almost never seen on TV. Long into the Iraq war, much of the mainstream media continued to fixate on Saddam Hussein’s missing WMD and bloviate about the challenges of “reshaping the Middle East,” ignoring these deeper arguments. It was a stark illustration of the difference between journalism and scholarship.

I certainly second the plaudits he gives to Landay and Strobel, in particular (since I don’t think their work has received nearly enough general recognition.)
And I thank Gary for what he wrote about me there. On the last page under “ideology”– and specifically the ideology of entrenched pro-Israelism that pervades the vast majority of the US MSM– he notes this:

    the U.S. media works within a tiny ideological spectrum on the Middle East, using the same center-right and right-wing sources again and again. To take just one specific example, the New York Times, when it needs comment on Israeli affairs, often relies on experts from the Washington Institute on Near East Affairs (WINEP), a center-right, pro-Israel think tank. The Times rarely asks center-left or left-wing Middle East experts like Cobban or M.J. Rosenberg to comment on Israel. There is no evidence that the Iraq debacle, which these right-wing pundits almost universally supported, has led the media to rethink its sources or its ideological orientation.

I think he’s generally correct there. But I live in hope that further constructive change in the attitudes of the MSM-meisters is still possible!
His conclusion:

    So has the media learned its lesson? And what does the future hold? In many ways, the media has definitely improved. After the war turned south and the WMD failed to appear, most news organizations began to get much tougher on the Bush administration. The New York Times, in particular, has found its backbone, roasting the administration for its incompetence and duplicity and turning an increasingly skeptical eye on its claims of progress in Iraq. And from the beginning of the war, the media’s reporting from the field in Iraq has been far better than its analysis.
    The problem, of course, is that the press only really turned on Bush when his ratings began to fall — another indication that the Fourth Estate has become more of a weathervane than a truth teller.
    The final verdict is not yet in. The media has improved, without question, but it has a lot of making up to do. The structural problems — psychological, institutional, ideological — that played so big a role in its collapse have not gone away, and there is no reason to think they will. And then there’s war, which reduced so much of the media to flag-waving courtiers. If the media has learned that a bugle blast can be sounded by a fool, that not every war the United States launches is wise or necessary, and that self-righteousness is not an argument, maybe something can be salvaged from this sorry chapter after all.

Good piece. If JWN readers haven’t yet read it all, you should.

6 thoughts on “Kamiya on the US MSM and Iraq”

  1. One self-serving quibble, if I may, regarding application of ideological labels: Why is it that defenders of the Iraq war and/or Israel are so easily tagged as “center right” or “right wing” and those of us willing to challenge neocon dogma get tagged as “center left” or “left wing?”
    If so, does this now mean that Alan Dershowitz is a “right winger” and that Pat Buchanan is a flaming “left winger”?
    Speaking of Dershowitzer…. (*tic), Fisk takes on AD’s fire over the looming DePaul tenure fight….

  2. I think our press turned into stenographers under the bush administration, and they were mostly info-tainers under Clinton.
    And I don’t think anyone is clear on why we went into Iraq, since the bush administration never came out and spoke the truth, just ever-changing lies. The truth would be: “we went into Iraq for the same reasons we put the native people of the US on the trail of tears – to steal, and control, the resources for the future benefit of the white folks.”
    of course, all wars start with lies – so anyone starting them can be safely assumed to be a liar.
    What is on TV is for entertainment purposes only – and the newspapers in this country are hardly any better.

  3. another thing – they sure are critical of the police and administration at Virginia Tech, no?
    Imagine if they applied that type of journalism to all the folks in DC……. where it is needed MUCH more…….

  4. Good point — now that’s quite a “fresh” connection Susan. :-}
    I can understand the media instant quick-questioning of how the VT massacre could happen. (esp. after the 1st shooting) I was put off by the Governor’s agent being far too quick to say that the police did everything they could.
    A neighbor of mine was tragically gunned-down by over-zealous, poorly trained police at his home in rural Albemarle County. I was shocked at how quick the local officials were to exonerate our local police and smear the victim (a Vietnam vet.) Our local media then bought the official line — with not a single question ever published. (still an “outrage” to his conservative family)
    Re. VaTech, some the media is quick to second guess (perhaps because many of the angry students are going public with questions)….
    But on Iraq, few questions….
    And to suggest another “fresh” link, it’s sad to contemplate that the “level” of media questioning about Iraq rather matches the “level” of student activism and questioning of the same….

  5. Angry, hurt, and humiliated Americans fairly leaped at the chance to wage war against a dilapidated dictator we did not fear, to disposses him of weapons that did not exist, in retaliation for an attack upon us in which he did not participate. In other words: because we wanted to and could — sort of like medieval Elizabethans staging yet another Friday night bear-baiting for the drunken, yahoo townsfolk (and their queen) to enjoy. Or, as Thomas Friedman so cavalierly put it, because “We had to hit somebody.” Or, as Barbara Tuchman and Frances Fitzgerald might have combined to say: Because the American government mostly reacts to intimidation by the rabid right at home: vicious adolescents who see themselves in terms of fanciful cliches and who think no further ahead than tomorrow. Something like that — or Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Richard Perle, et al.
    As for the “free press,” well, H. L. Menken said long ago that such an institution “belongs to any man rich enough to own one.” Or, as one rich man who owned a free press — Willian Randolph Hearst — once said to his man in Havana, Cuba: “You supply the pictures, and I’ll supply the war.” Today, even fewer rich men own even more of the “free” press (i.e., “media”) to the point where they now collude with of our goverment for mutually-remunerative, ever-higher “ratings” (i.e., advertising/lobbying revenue) by offering our various Napoleonic commanders-in-brief: “You supply the war, and we’ll supply the propaganda pictures and hagiography.”
    Gary Kamiya has written a good — although rather tame — commentary on the greatest crime our nation has callously committed since our unprovoked and dastardly War on Vietnam. Yet, to the best of my reading of him, he rather tends to go easy on the drunken yahoo townsfolk scattered thoughout America who so very much wanted a bear-baiting that their duplicitous dauphin prince and his gargoyle regent only too willingly staged for their atavistic entertainment. “Shock and Awe” and all that. Awful, really. As they teach in Introductory Journalism 101: “If it bleeds, it leads.”
    The really ugly summary, though, must go to to Shakespeare who had Isabella plead for her brother’s life in Measure for Measure:
    “So you must be the first to give this sentence;
    And he that suffers. Oh, it is excellent
    To have a giant’s strength; but it is tyrannous
    To use it like a giant. …
    Could great men thunder
    As Jove himself does, Jove would never be quiet,
    For every pelting petty officer
    Would use his heaven for thunder: nothing but thunder. …
    — but man, proud man!
    Dressed in a little brief authority,
    Most ignorant of what he’s most assured,
    His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
    Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
    As make the angels weep; who with our spleens,
    Would all themselves laugh mortal.”
    Transparently empty, angry apes: pelting petty officers — and nothing but thunder. That seems to me about as good a description of contemporary, credulous America as any I’ve ever read, even if its author did describe us drunken, yahoo townsfolk something like four hundred years ago.

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