Uri Avnery’s “The Great Experiment”

Uri Avnery, the Grand Old Man of the Israeli peace movement, wrote a classic essay recently, which I accessed through the “Occupation Magazine” link. (Y’all can always check out Occupation Magazine on the right sidebar here.) It’s titled The Great Experiment. And what, you may ask is that?
Let him explain:

    IS IT possible to force a whole people to submit to foreign occupation by starving it?
    That is, certainly, an interesting question. So interesting, indeed, that the governments of Israel and the United States, in close cooperation with Europe, are now engaged in a rigorous scientific experiment in order to obtain a definitive answer.
    The laboratory for the experiment is the Gaza Strip, and the guinea pigs are the million and a quarter Palestinians living there…

So, how’s it been going? Here is his conclusion:

    How can a population that is hit by hunger, lacking medicaments and equipment for its primitive hospitals and exposed to attacks on land, from sea and from the air, hold out? Will it break? Will it go down on its knees and beg for mercy? Or will it find inhuman strength and stand the test?
    In short: What and how much is needed to get a population to surrender?
    All the scientists taking part in the experiment – Ehud Olmert and Condoleezza Rice, Amir Peretz and Angela Merkel, Dan Halutz and George Bush, not to mention Nobel Peace Price laureate Shimon Peres – are bent over the microscopes and waiting for an answer, which undoubtedly will be an important contribution to political science.
    I hope the Nobel Committee is watching.

26 thoughts on “Uri Avnery’s “The Great Experiment””

  1. Monday’s CSMonitor has this fascinating take on how Hamas is thought to still be drawing upon funds from abroad – via charitable donations organizations.
    Necessity is the mother of invention?
    Of course, I can see it now…. calls from AIPAC and affiliated Senators (from both parties, btw) for the monitoring and “detainment” of any Americans or foreigners living in America (or anywhere else – we rule the world don’t we?) who dare to send donations for humanitarian relief to any group that supports groups with links to Hamas.
    Heck, who needs links – just any aid to humanitarian groups operating in Gaza could be deemed connected to terror – cuz it might just take the heat off – to ruin the Peres/Rice experiment in bringing about “democratic change” (via starvation)?? Wouldn’t want that now, would we George (aw shucks) Allen?
    And whooo wee, once we get all such “terrorist sympathizers” arrested for such activity as a “foreign combatant,” we can ship ’em off to a dark corner at Gitmo (ahem) or render them unto God knows who…. (pun intended)….. and forget Habeas Corpus. (You’re in John Warner’s America now…)
    Giving money for food relief to a suffering, desperate people who elected “terrorists” to be their leaders – well, that’s just sooooo pro-terrorist.
    all irony intended….

  2. Your readers might be interested in this snippet of what are apparently official attitudes in Israel, excerpted from Haaretz, October 13, 2006.

    Israel should utilize its strong links with Australia to expand relations in Asia, said Israeli Ambassador to Australia Naftali Tamir this week.

    “Israel has not fully acknowledged the value of working together with Australia in Asia,” Tamir said in an interview with Anglo File. “It’s a way for us to cooperate with and enhance our position in the countries neighboring Australia.”
    He continued: “Israel and Australia are like sisters in Asia. We are in Asia without the characteristics of Asians. We don’t have yellow skin and slanted eyes. Asia is basically the yellow race. Australia and Israel are not – we are basically the white race. We are on the western side of Asia and they are on the southeastern side.”

    If this is representative of Israeli racial attitudes, I fear for the survival of its people and its neighbors as well.

  3. Janinsanfran,
    I am in agreement with you. The same goes for the “racial attitudes” of those who argue that Israel is an alien enclave of Jews of European descent among the “dark-skinned” peoples of southwestern Asia.

  4. Let’s see, recently the US imprisoned a man for sending money to provide bread and school supplies to starving children in the West Bank. The reason: providing meterial aid to terrorists.
    For years American Jews have contributed money to the AJC, which in turn forwarded that money to the World Zionist Settlement organization to construct more illegal (under Israeli as well as international law) civilian outposts in the West Bank. These donations are tax deductible in the US, i.e. the US partially subsidizes them.
    Great! Another reason to single out America’s militant Jews for obstructing any chance of a viable Palestinian state.

  5. JES, it is certainly possible to argue– as Maxim Rodinson, Gershon Shafir, and many others have– that Israel is a settler colonialist implant in Palestine… Just as Australia is a settler colonialist implant in Australia. Such a claim is not one about race but about politics– in particular, the political power of (in this case) European-origined settler colonialism.
    And of course, regarding the “racial” characteristsics of Jewish Israelis, they include mizrachim and falashas, as well as ashkenazim. As it happens, Palestinians and other Arab peoples also range across broadly the same spectrum of complexions. I have never heard any Arabs argue, as you suggest they do, that Israel is an alien enclave of Jews of European descent among the “dark-skinned” peoples of southwestern Asia. Partly, of course, because they well understand– as you seem not to?– that their own society includes people of a broad range of skin colors.
    So, any more straw persons for us today, JES?

  6. Helena, maybe you never heard that Arabs, and I’m glad you haven’t so far. But we all heard that argument from Michael Murry in the “North Korea’s Nuclear Test” board. Murry embraced the “zionist entity” rhetoric and went on about Israel being a Crusader kingdom. This poisonous rhetoric is part of the extreme that fights for the annihilation of Israel. That and other extremes have to be rooted out in order for a peaceful solution to be reached, be they come from Arab speakers, Israel speakers, or Stateside speakers looking on at the mess from a distance.

  7. have never heard any Arabs argue, as you suggest they do, that Israel is an alien enclave of Jews of European descent among the “dark-skinned” peoples of southwestern Asia.
    “Now Israeli Jews are white and European and civilised, keeping at bay genetically and culturally defective and shifty and violent dark skinned Arabs.”
    Let me know if you’re interested in more links like this. Because this argument is made (depressingly) all the time – usually by white skinned Europeans afflicted with race guilt. I’ve seen similar things voiced on this board more than once (Dominic talking about ‘Israeli whites’ eg)

  8. JES, either your critical reading skills have completely deserted you or you’re knowingly confusing the discussion here. When Issa Khalaf was writing that at al-Ahram Weekly, he was quite evidently trying to characterize the way Israelis think about Arabs, not subscribing to or seeking to propagate this view of Arabs on his own account. He is an Arab! Do you think he really thinks of himself as genetically and culturally defective and shifty and violent? Get real. (Also, read that whole sentence in context.)
    Now, his characterization of Israeli views about Arabs may or may not be right. But to use that quote from him to argue that he himself holds racist views is ridiculous and quite unfounded.
    Yes, Dominic has written about Israelis as “whites” here on JWN. His use of compexion-based categories is evidently “colored” by his long experience in South Africa, and before that Kenya. He may not be aware of the diversity of skin colors of Jewish Israelis. But in the general context of the history of worldwide settler colonialism, the idea that the “whites” were the colonizers and the “non-whites” were the colonized is not a bad first approximation, wouldn’t you say? Also, let’s not kid ourselves that Jewish israelis “of color” hold equal power in Israeli society with “white” Jewish Israelis…

  9. “If this is representative of Israeli racial attitudes, I fear for the survival of its people and its neighbors as well.”
    Norman Finkelstein wrote somewhere about the similarity in rhetoric among settler/colonial states; these states seem to develop along the same lines.

  10. In “The Fateful Triangle” a book that so deeply mines and quotes the broadest range of Israeli, Palestinian, Arab and American press that there can be no doubt of the racism on all sides, happily confirmed by the subjects, Chomsky cites many examples of politically prominent Israelis speaking before the home crowd referring to Palestinians as “Araboushim” – two legged beasts.
    I must say, the Israeli press is a wondeful thing – the real gritty, grimey, human debate is all there, lots of it blatantly racist. But the pathology is not racism, racism’s just a tiny element here.
    Please, we’re way beyond racism here, those are polite discussions found to flourish in well-off mature civil societies and amongst the chattering classes. What is occurring is fatally pathological behaviour. Since Israel has all the power, foreign backing and with some established civil society I looked to them for a just and secure peace. Shame on the Palestinians for pathetically fighting back, and refusing Peace-for-Bantustan. Israel just cannot bear a just, viable sovereign Palestinian state – because it means 1967, even without the sovereign right of return.
    The Occupied are treated as beasts, worse actually, by the Occupiers and the world. Not legal to treat a dog that way here in Canada but I know some people do. But not wielding the whole of the state’s apparatus to beat them and starve them. When I see on tv Israel – verdant and intact, and Palestine – a forty year old free fire zone now fiendishly squeezed by a perversely chastising world order, I. . . .I…I What the hell is that?
    At the height of their powers, Israel has squandered the future for a pocket full of settlements. They did indeed trade land for peace – they got the land and the occupied got no peace, and certainly no piece of the global economy. Unless they exterminate the Palestinians, (and maybe for naught given how many other locals are p.o’ed at them) Israel is on the losing side of demography in a world of ever increased availability of wmd and other destructive technology to even individuals at the click of a mouse.
    Racism indeed. Put one big happy homgeneous gang of whoever in the roles of the Occupied and Occupier and well, you ever seen family fight ? – you’d never treat a stranger like that.
    If not, and I’m on top, gimmee all your candy before I smash your ugly face – and I want all the black ones. Now be quick about it and shut up or I’ll break your glasses. . . . and don’t you dare tell anyone, you’re not supposed to speak nobody care’s what you say its all a pack of lies and THEY DONT CARE ANYWAY. . . now shut up and behave.

  11. Boy Helena, you sure are spinning like a dervish here!
    First of all, I suggest that you check your basic reading (not comprehension) skills. You were responding to a post from Vadim, not me.
    You also tend to read a lot into my words, based evidentally on your own, apparently not so limited, prejudices. I was, indeed, not referring specifically to Arab arguments (although I have read and heard such arguments), but had in mind something more in line with what Vadim stated, that most of these types of statements tend to come from “white skinned Europeans afflicted with race guilt”.
    As to your acrobatic assertion that “in the general context of the history of worldwide settler colonialism, the idea that the ‘whites’ were the colonizers and the “non-whites” were the colonized is not a bad first approximation,” I would say that the Arab conquest and settlement of the Middle East and North Africa and the establishment of the ansar is a good counter example. (I do, however, agree with the implied message that Dominic is not only a commie; he’s also a very provincial commie.)
    As to your quip concerning the relative “power” of “white” and “non-white” Israelis, perhaps you might provide some criteria. Is “power” indicated by positions in the Knesset or the Government? Is it represented by those who have attained wealth and prominence in the business community? Is “intermarriage” an indicator? University attendance? The number of doctors, lawyers and engineers? I think that in all these cases, you’d be hard pressed to prove your assertion. But then, along with the flippant assertion of a penchant for latte sipping while calously ignoring the plight of the Palestinians, this would appear to be just another one of your “impressions”.

  12. “At the height of their powers, Israel has squandered the future for a pocket full of settlements.”
    That pretty much says it all, Charles.

  13. How can a population that is hit by hunger, lacking medicaments and equipment for its primitive hospitals and exposed to attacks on land, from sea and from the air, hold out?
    I can understand how recent events have affected the supply of “medicaments” and equipment, but what I don’t understand is why the Palestinian Authority has to have only “primitive hospitals” after the hundreds of millions of dollars (including, I understand, another $486 million just approved by the US) that have flowed into the PA prior to the election of the Hamas government and the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit.
    Further, I don’t understand how there hasn’t been money to upgrade these “primitive hospitals” or to acquire “medicaments”, but that there has been money to procure large amounts of arms.
    Poor Ury. Ithink that he’s really getting senile.

  14. JES, thanks for the friendly pointer that it was Vadim, not you, writing there. My same argument still holds, addressed to him.
    I’m interested in the source of your hostility towards the people of Gaza, though. Firstly, your amazing argument that $486 million has “just [been] approved by the US” for the Palestinians — it has? how come nobody says anything about that?– but that somehow that should be included in the sums “that have flowed into the PA prior to the [January] election of the Hamas government…” What on earth kind of logic is that?
    More fundamentally, though: Do you approve of the way Israel and its allies have been treating the people of Gaza over the past eight months? On what grounds do you think collective punishment of this kind can ever be justified? Is collective punishment always okay, or just sometimes? Does it make you, as an Israeli citizen, feel good to think that this is the way your elected government is treating these 1.3 million men, women, and children, who are your neighbors?

  15. I have no hostility against the people of Gaza. It is highly presumptuous of you to say that I do. I would very much like to see them get on with their lives and prosper.

  16. Now listen in, and stop the squabling for a moment.
    There is something important going on, and it has to do with what we have been talking about for months, how to get out of Iraq.
    It has a bearing on Israel too
    Perhaps we aren’t going to wake up one morning soon and listen to the mounting casualty estimates in the millions from Iran, and wonder if we could have stopped it.

  17. But in the general context of the history of worldwide settler colonialism, the idea that the “whites” were the colonizers and the “non-whites” were the colonized is not a bad first approximation, wouldn’t you say?
    Betrays some degree of the aforementioned “race guilt”. it also seems untrue, since people of all colors have conquered and colonized one another’s land throughout recorded history & on every inhabited continent (think Incas, Mongols, Nubians.)

  18. JES, I’d like to see some documentation for your claim that “another $486 million just approved by US” for Palestine relief.
    And in return I offer you this link which describes a recent AIPAC coup regarding US support for Palestine:
    HR4681 was apparently written by AIPAC, duly passed by Congress and described by Tikun Olam as:
    “a piece of draconian anti-Palestine legislation that would further erode the already miserable quality of life for average Palestinians”.

  19. I admit that I may have misread a news report about Condaleezza Rice’s address before a group of Palestinian-Americans (the “Palestinian Lobby”?).
    I do stand by what I said earlier, however, regarding the oddity of “primitive hospitals” and lack of “medicaments”[sic] in light of the fact that the PA undisputably received hundreds of millions of dollars between Oslo and the second intifada, and that there does not seem to be a shortage today of funds for arms and ammunition. And, I would add, if the Palestinians can smuggle, among other things, 20 tons of TNT into Gaza, during these difficult times, I don’t see why they can’t smuggle a few “medicaments”.

  20. Re: JES’s confusion over finance:
    “What I don’t understand is why the Palestinian Authority has to have only “primitive hospitals” after the hundreds of millions of dollars . . have flowed into the PA. . .
    Further, I don’t understand how there hasn’t been oney to upgrade these “primitive hospitals” or to acquire “medicaments”, but that there has been money to procure large amounts of arms.”
    JES, I can end all the confusion from here on in, leaving the Palestinians no excuse for whining, or spending on guns, not tahini or hummus.
    Simply provide the Palestinians with $3 billion a year in U.S. cash – backdated dollar for dollar that Israel has received. Ditto for arms, including commensurate nuclear, biological and chemical stocks. Seal but a couple Israeli border access points, establish economic and goods blockades to slow the economy down to the Palestinian level(once enough have left to even things up).
    Ensure pregnant Israeli women have to languish at checkpoints for hours or days before getting to a hospital. Treat them and their fellow citizens to hourly sonic booms 24/7. When they get to the hospital, make sure to turn the power off.
    Bomb the main Israeli airport, as the new one in GAZA, built with those foreign aid dollars, was. Situate 250,000 well armed Palestinians in enclaves inside Israel at U.S. expense. Make sure that the enclaves split Israel into disconnected, impoverished cantons only sporadically accessible after “processing” at Palestinian checkpoints. Arbitrarily close them emtirely fopr weeks on end.
    Bomb Israel until satellites confirm equal amounts of destruction on both sides. Bomb Israel for 40 years, until a large part of the professionally mobile leave for greener pastures. Politically isolate those Israeli’s dumb enough not to leave. Round up and imprison the 20 most senior politicians after a new election throws out the bums who brought them to sorry pass. Ensure that nobody legitimzes the Israeli position by being allowed to talk with them, interview them without fear of being shot, or smeared as terrorist collaborators.
    Subject Israel to say, one or two decades of living in a free fire zone, and weekly assassinations of resident combatants, with a toleration of “collateral damage” or “civilian casualties” at say, 1:1. Add in a vigorous, sustained campaign of collective punishment – destruction of homes, infastructure, and any orange grove a pesky Israeli may have hid in to oppose such measures with small arms or little rockets.
    Then just let them go at. If that doesn’t shut the Palestinians up, well, there’ just no talking to them.
    Or, just carry on until America slowly comes to the understanding that the state of Israel stands in the way of getting that last bit of oil to keep the lights on in Vegas and the cars on the turnpike for jsut a few electoral cycles more. . .
    There you go JES – economics 101. Simple no?
    What planet do you live on? Do they have secure peace and justice there with all equally subject to the rule of law? Or civil society robust enough to create end enforce a rule of law? Well-equipped modern schools and hospitals? Do they have physics courses there, you know, that arcane stuff like cause and effect, for every reaction there’s an equal reaction, etc? History courses that teach what little but of the planet is immutably yours?
    Sounds like Paradise. How do I get there? Do I need a weapon, an army, a Holocaust to get in? What if somebody’s already there, living in the house that caught my eye?
    I know, I know, pluck my own eye out.

  21. Gee Charles,
    Thanks for that lengthy, if rather patronizing, response.
    I get it, the Palestinians have absolutely no responsibility for what has transpired. They never followed the lead of Haj Amin al-Husseini, who never went to Europe to collaborate with the Nazis in the hope of getting the Jews of Palestine exterminated.
    They never ethnically cleansed Hebron or Kfar Silwan, and they certainly never refused both the Peel Commission and UN partition plans.
    They have since not carried out any terrorist acts against Israeli civilians, and they have only been stockpiling weapons as a defensive measure, as are the “defensive” tunnels that they have dug under the border, such as the one that they used to kidnap Gilad Shalit.
    They are just innocent bystanders. It was broke when they got there, and they just can’t take the responsibility to use the several billion dollars that they have received over the past decade to create an economic and social infrastructure rather than using it for 20 tons of TNT or the katyushas aboard the Karin-A for “defensive” use.
    It’s all so simple. It’s all our fault. How is it that I just didn’t see this before. Perhaps it is an allergic reaction to all the lattes I’ve been sipping, Charles.
    Which brings me to a question that I have for you Charles. As one who has relatively often been referred to as a “son of an ape and pig” by “prominent… [Palestinians] speaking before the home crowd”, I feel I’m entitled. So, Charles, just what do you think that “Araboush” means?
    At any rate, Charles, it’s been real nice having this meaningful discussion with you.

  22. Hi Jes.
    I cannot comment of collaboration by arab sources with nazis, but what can be a more treacherous act against jews caught up in nazi germany than the proven collaboration between
    zionist authority and nazis in the extermination program….and worse ..??
    Read on
    Evidence presented to the (1979) Australian Broadcasting Tribunal in regard to
    ‘The Victorian Jewish board of Deputies’ v ‘Melbourne Community Radio Station 3CR’ & ‘Jews Against Zionism and Anti-Semitism’ a group based in Melbourne, Australia.
    It shud be said that even though the VJBD knew or shud have known that the broadcast at the base of their complaint was true, it wud seem likely that they were under the belief that their was no hard evidence available to support Radio 3CR & JAZAS defence.
    The volumes & strength of evidence presented to the enquiry in support their story was as overwhelming as it was shocking……..it wud seem that the Victorian Jewish Board of Deputies withdrew from the case lest it may be forced into cross examination which based on the strength of evidence gathered by the defence would have not only seriously humiliated the VJBD.
    But the damning evidence of zionists collaboration with the nazis in the extermination programs & the murder of jews by zionists ….wud conceivably totally destroy zionist credibility forever in Australia at least…
    Evidence presented to the (1979) Australian Broadcasting Tribunal Inquiry into Melbourne Community Radio Station 3CR by Jews Against Zionism and Anti-Semitism a group based in Melbourne, Australia.
    The Jewish Agency Murders Jewish Refugees
    If there is any remaining doubt that Zionists were prepared to collaborate with Nazism, and that they always put their aim for a Jewish state before the survival of the Jews, let us remember that it is on the public record that the Zionist ‘Haganah’, the ‘Jewish defense force’, not only joined the Gestapo in organizing forced emigration of Jews from Germany to Palestine, but also did its share of directly murdering Jews, when this proved unsuccessful.
    The VJBD has complained about a “Palestine Speaks” broadcast on 27 August 1978 on Melbourne Community Radio 3CR in Australia ( by Jews Against Zionism and Anti-Semitism a group based in Melbourne, Australia) which said ‘Many people of Jewish faith or background have also died at the hands of Zionist terrorist over the years.’
    Let us therefore examine the case of the S.S. Patria, full of Jewish refugees from Hitler, which was blown up on November 25, 1940 supposedly in a mass suicide protest against the British decision to transfer them to Mauritius instead of admitting them to Palestine.
    On the 18th anniversary of their deaths, the Zionist leader Sharett together with Ben Gurion declared that they were martyrs to the cause and admitted complicity saying ‘It is sometimes necessary to sacrifice a few in order to save the many ‘.84
    To be continued

  23. >
    VJBD v Radio 3CR melbourne Australia 1979
    On the 18th anniversary of their deaths, the Zionist leader Sharett together with Ben Gurion declared that they were martyrs to the cause and admitted complicity saying ‘It is sometimes necessary to sacrifice a few in order to save the many ‘.84
    But by that time the memoirs of Herzl Rosenbloom, a member of the central Zionist leadership, the so-called ‘Small Actions Committee’, were being published:
    A session of the Small Actions Committee, of which I was a member, met in Jerusalem. At the table opposite me sat the commander of the Patria project, A. Golamb, Haganah spokesman in the Zionist shadow cabinet.
    When my turn came to speak, I rose and told the meeting openly everything I thought about this act; namely, that this was not a blow against England, but an irresponsible, aimless mass-murder of Jews who had been saved from the European catastrophe.
    I added that if any of us believed that we had to fight the British by committing hara-kiri, let him commit hara-kiri, for hara-kiri is suicide and not an act of murder.
    I stated plainly that this road was open to Mr. Golamb, but that he could not sacrifice other Jews for his policy without first asking them, and particularly the children among them – a crime which I openly protested.
    At this point Mr. Golamb jumped up and attacked me with his fists. But the people next to him at the table held him back.
    I must add that Mr. Golamb’s fists which I will never forget, did not annoy me as much as the servility of all the committee members, none of whom supported me.85
    As Rabbi Shonfeld comments, this incident:
    ‘Served on a small scale as a tragic symbol of what the Zionists did to tens of thousands, in accordance with their rule that says:
    the merit to be saved belongs to a Jew only when in Eretz Israel, and if that is impossible, it is better that his death and great suffering be joined to the building of the future state.’86
    8.3 Continuing Zionist Threats to Jews
    But the foundation of the State of Israel by no means marked the end of murderous Zionist attacks on innocent Jews, since there was still a need to promote immigration.
    Thus there were a whole series of Synagogue bombings, distribution of anti-Semitic leaflets and so on by Zionist agents in Iraq in the early 1950’s.
    The Iraqi incidents are described in the Israeli weekly Haolam Hazeh of 20 April and 1 June 1966 under the headline…‘Bombs Against Jews’.
    Prominent Zionist leaders have openly called for Zionist agents to be sent to Jewish communities outside Israel to commit anti-Semitic outrages,87
    so we can say that this is a continuing tradition of Zionism.
    It stems from the basic anti-Semitic philosophy of Zionism which views diaspora Jews as a caricature of the normal, natural human, which feels a tiny bit of joy at outbreaks of swastika painting, which sees a little bit of anti-Semitism as good for keeping Jewish communities together, and so on.
    The most disastrous consequences have been for European Jews in the Holocaust, and the next worst sufferers from Zionist promotion of anti-Semitism were the Arab Jews who were uprooted after the establishment of the State of Israel. Compared to these, and to the Jews of the Soviet Union and Iran, who are directly threatened by Zionist campaigns to ‘save’ them from remaining in their own countries, Australian Jews don’t have much to worry about.
    Nevertheless, one can only feel concerned about the continuing Zionist efforts to segregate Australian Jews into a completely closed off community, kept ‘on ice’ for hopeful future emigration to Israel.
    This present Zionist campaign to have Australian Jews officially designated as resident aliens by an Australian Government authority,
    and recognized as representatives of a foreign state with interests hostile to freedom of speech in Australia, does pose a definite threat to the status of Australian Jews,
    just as real, even though less severe than other Zionist threats to Jewish communities they have uprooted.
    If Australian Jews are to be identified with the State of Israel, in the way demanded by the VJBD, who knows what future situations could arise in another Great Depression,
    with the oil shortage, and a possible third world war starting in the Middle East?
    The State of Israel and its vicarious citizens could find themselves as unpopular tomorrow as they were popular yesterday.
    The Zionist dream of ‘ingathering the exiles’ from places like North America and Australia could then became as much a reality as it has already for Jews less firmly integrated into other societies.
    8.4 A Successful Policy
    If all these opinions, facts and documents seem just too incredible, let us remember

  24. >
    VJBD v Radio 3CR melbourne Australia 1979
    8.4 A Successful Policy
    If all these opinions, facts and documents seem just too incredible, let us remember
    If all these opinions, facts and documents seem just too incredible,
    let us remember that the ‘basic Zionist idea’ ‘Inscribed by Christopher Sykes was, however criminal, eminently successful.
    If it had not been followed through with ruthless consistency, there would be no State of Israel, and no Zionist dominated Jewish communities supporting it today.
    There would have been no link between the Palestine question and the Holocaust, and there would be no State of Israel today.
    Even the Zionist organization itself only dared to formally adopt the aim of an exclusive ‘Jewish State’ in 1943 and certainly nobody else would have gone along with this outrageous demand, which until than Zionists themselves had always indignantly denied was their real aim.
    The ultimate Zionist aim has always been and still is, to ‘ingather the exiles’ by uprooting all communities of the Jewish diaspora and transferring tem to a Greater Israel ‘from the Nile to the Euphrates’.
    Even after the holocaust’ and the uprooting of Jewish communities in the Arab world, only a small minority of Jews have gone to live in Palestine.
    Without the Holocaust, and without Ben Gurion’s policy, there would have only been a few tens of thousands as there were up to the 1930’s, or at most a few hundred thousand.
    The mass of Jews in Europe and in the Arab world would have shown as little interest in going to live in Palestine as those in Australia and the USA have shown.
    There would certainly not have been enough to expel the Arab majority and form a Jewish State.
    The more one attempts to conceal Truth ……the more rampant it will rise to the surface
    It is an understatement to say the facts here are totally sickening…
    though it be even more distressing to see that by its past & present actions the gov of israel follows along this same path…….
    Sorry for long post….. but if the evil doings of a small minority can be eradicated from power …who ever they are, and where ever they may be…..then we do a service to humanity
    Thank you

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