Peace and justice in Northern Uganda

Jonathan Edelstein has an excellent new post over at Transitional Justice Forum on the (apparently dysfunctional?) effect of the ICC prosecutor’s recent actions on the peace talks for Northern Uganda.

That post follows up on this May 19 one from him, on the same subject. I am so glad Jonathan’s keeping his eye on the northern Uganda issue so closely because it really is one of the important early tests of the infant International Criminal Court.
Also, if you go to TJF, you will find you can now post comments there. Hurrah! My son and tech adviser is in the process of fixing the glitches in comments-posting both there and here. But at JWN, for now, I’m going to keep the comments flow on the parallel comments blog, while we see if we can install a visual comment-verification filter here.
Please, if you have an interest in the issues Jonathan or others are writing about over at TJF– or, if you have any further questions about the subjects covered there– do send in some comments there!
Again, my general apologies for glitches in comment-submission service both here and there. We do what we can. I realise it ain’t perfect.