Travel, minor frustrations, etc

This morning I’m in Charles de Gaulle airport en route to Amman for the UN University event there. I should start working on the lecture I’m to give, eh?
Actually, one of the greqt things about this blog is that serves as warm-up exercises for my thinking… So when I have a big deadline due I can review things I’ve written here recently and bingo, up pops the topic and the way to qpproqch it;
Yesterday, JWN was down for q good part of the day. I’m really sorry about that… I don’t know what hqppened. I fired off an email to the owner of the hosting service, qnd eventuqlly it cqme bqck up. I was sitting in Atlqntq qirport there composing those three posts offline.
Today, as you can see, I’m struggling with a French-lqnguqge keyboard here… Instead of starting off QWERTY it starts off AZERTY, and my brain and fingers find this hard to handle.
Au revoir and ila-l-liqa’.

2 thoughts on “Travel, minor frustrations, etc”

  1. Dear Helena,
    I would have liked to have contacted you directly via an email address on your blog, but was unable to find one!
    I was directed to your blog by accident – my web pages had picked up a google item which had linked to my Jewish, Israel/Palestinian issues web pages, and had something to do with Masada2000.
    I discovered some time ago that I was on the Masada2000 S.H.I.T. list and the coward who runs the site didn’t ever have the courage to put his own name and email address on this scandalous site. It also steals copyright items and tells lies and is homophobic as well as misogynist, sexist and rabidly reactionary right wing extremist in the best Kahanist traditions.
    Many of the contributors to your Masada2000 blog discussion were South Africans, as am I, with a very long history of connections to various people involved politically, Jewish and otherwise, in that country.
    I notice that the threads seem to have ended in October 2005, so I am unable to contribute, but this is jus to let you know I found some of the items very interesting indeed, including the discussion about Alastair Sparks, a journalist and writer of long standing, dating back to the days when I lived there up to 1978. I have lived in Australia since then, and Jewish anti-semitism against anti-zionists such as myself, are just as virulent as anywhere else – sometimes even worse!
    Best wishes, and happy holidays in France.
    Mannie De Saxe

  2. Hi, Mannie, thanks for getting in touch! I’ve set up the blog to close the comments boards to new contributions after a certain amount of time… This makes the level of spam submitted manageable. But it’s nice you got in touch anyway.
    I see that the typing in the above post was far worse than I had thought when I did it. As readers might be able to surmise, at this point I am now back on my own keyboard! (I was only in France for c. 3 hours, so it didn’t make sense to really get the hang of typing on it.)
    Anyway, apologies for the atrocious typing above!
    Now I’m in Jordan. Giving the lecture tomorrow. Should be preparing the lecture now… Will do so.

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