TJF blog looks at post-violence needs

Yesterday I wrote a post over at Transitional Justice Forum that looked at one of the high-order issues I’ve been examining in my project on post-violence policies in Rwanda, South Africa, and Mozambique.
The post is titled Meta-tasks for societies exiting from mass violence. I also briefly introduce there the idea that the interests of peacemaking and peacebuilding need to be considered in/by such societies, along with the interests of “truth” and “justice” that seem to absorb so many participants in the west-based human rights movements.
If these are topics that interest you, head on over and read the post, and do please consider contributing to the Comments-board discussion there.
Also, if you have friends or colleagues who find these topics interesting, send them the link, too. (I hope, anyway, that you’re telling everyone you know to read JWN… But the readership and definitely the participation in the Comments boards over at TJF could both use a boost… )