RIP Tom Fox

My heart is so heavy I don’t know what to write… about the discovery of Tom Fox’s dead body.
Go the CPT’s website today and you can read the agonized statement they’ve put out about his loss. You can also see a picture of him at one of the recent anti-Wall demonstrations in Palestine.
I never met Tom personally but many of my Quaker friends know him, some quite well.
I hope he didn’t suffer too much.
I hope Jim, Harmeet, and Norman aren’t suffering too much, now. Also Jill Carroll. Also, all people illegally deprived of their liberty in Iraq. I’m praying for them all.
I flew back to the States today, so I’m still feeling a little disoriented and out of it. I’m doing a speaking gig north of Boston tomorrow evening– Gloucester Town Hall, 7 p.m., I think.
The CPT statement starts:

    In grief we tremble before God who wraps us with compassion…

I’m thinking of a God who can wrap us all in mercy and compassion. Bismillahi rrahmani rrahim.

7 thoughts on “RIP Tom Fox”

  1. لا حــول ولا قــوة الا باللــه
    ندعــوا اللــه ان يتغمــده برحمتــة ويدخلـــه فسـيحــة جناتـــه
    انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

  2. Tom was a personal friend of my family. Though his past work with young Quakers is sometimes mentioned, I want to express our thanks for all of the young people that he helped nurture to grow and mature. As a youth leader, he recognized my son and daughter’s strengths. My daughter commented that “he was my Sunday School teacher; he taught me how to live.” She speaks for many other young people; Tom worked tirelessly at conferences helping kids learn to make decisions and arrive at unity, often late into the night when most adults wanted to sleep! My daughter also recalls how he taught other young people during First Day School at Meeting how to hold their hands while mediating. She continues to be mindful of hands when praying. For Tom’s two children, now fine young adults, we ask that they be held in the Light by others. Tom was especially interested in workshops related to perceiving the Light of God. I hope that these exercises (called Experiments in Light by Rex Ambler) helped him in those dark periods. Others in our Quaker Meeting, Langley Hill, have asked what we know Tom would want, for the others from the CPT team to be released and true constructive steps toward peace be supported. Tom was really just a regular person; but through increasingly active intention, Tom let his life speak. Carole Brown

  3. Carole, thanks so much for those thoughtful words and remembrances. Huge sympathy to your family, Tom’s kids, and all those touched personally by his killing.
    Yes: that the abductees be freed, a true peace be found, and projects of military domination ended.

  4. There’s quite a substantial article about Tom Fox, but more than that, a fair-sized photo of him, on page 2 of today’s (Johannesburg) Sunday Independent.
    The picture shows Tom Fox in Palestine protesting with a big placard in his hands, against the apartheid wall.

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