Program notes: Chicago and NYC

If you live in Chicago and want to listen to me talk about Jaafari and Iraq, I’ll be on public radio at 10 a.m. there, Tuesday. Update 11:35 a.m. EST: I just did the interview. It went pretty well. A stunningly articulate and well-informed interviewer– Jerome Macdonald. But it was taped. So CPR listeners will get it at noon CST.)
If you live in New York City and had been planning to come to the event I was scheduled to speak at, at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on March 2, then I’m sorry I can’t make it. It’s still a super program with some great people, so don’t let my absence stop you from going..

8 thoughts on “Program notes: Chicago and NYC”

  1. Helena,‎
    I don’t know what you can say about Aljaafry and Iraq in your Radio talk.‎
    But you are arguing for justices, you Created a new blog for justices, I found really ‎shameful that you, Jonathan and other forget, playing down and salient about British ‎crimes in Basra this crimes on a daily bases done in a “NEW BORN ‎DOMOCRACY”, or as Noah Feldman “Nation Building” now you talking Al Jaafary ‎and Iraq, I think all those sort of words just to entertainment yourself, or throes who ‎do not know where Iraq on the map, or those who don’t care about voting in your ‎country with experienced democracy when GWB win first time its was 50% of ‎Americans voted in that election and 50% of them voted for GWB i.e. its 25% of the ‎Americans voted for GWB, what’s democracy ….‎
    Did any one tell us what those criminal doing their inside Iraq? How vast this criminal ‎behaviour there? What the Justices system done to those thugs and criminal who ‎grouped 8 of them with all military gear around one Iraqi kid with 12 years old?‎
    It’s all acquisitions the military will investigate that, But Bin Laden or Al Thawahiri ‎tapes are guenons and are real!!!!‎
    With every day crimes by Britt’s and American with those thugs who are Iraqi ‎security forces, Iraqis daily lives so miserable, I believe all of you saw and heard ‎those Brits how they teach the Iraqis the democracy as Blair said!!1 please takes them ‎back and we do not need your democracy Mr. Blair.‎
    Or His wife told Saudis Women that “be patients the democracy will come to you” ok ‎Brittan left Bahrain and other Gulf states in 1975 where is the democracy that the ‎Brits built from 1914 t0 1975 in those areas Mrs Blair? ‎

  2. Salah, you’re right that there are huge amounts of violence, coercion, ignorance, disrespect, double standards, and plain dishonesty involved in the entirety of the US/UK campaign to ‘democratize’ the Middle East. To me, it certainly all adds up to a very colonialist attitude and set of actions.
    Over at the Transitional Justice blog we are looking at particular subset of justice issues– those that are ‘left behind’ when a nation or community makes a transition from a more repressive to a less repressive political order. The main mechanisms involved there are war-crimes courts and ‘truth commissions’. However, the field of Transitional Justice as a whole has not (yet) really engaged with post-colonial issues. I think that’s a pity and would hope to broaden the field to get them included. Thanks for reminding me, really, that that is something we need to work on.
    But I guess we should ‘stick to the point’ here better, right?

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