New URL for my homepage

I’ve had my home web-page hosted by the University of Virginia for four or five years now. But over the holiday I got kicked off their server. Grrr. Tech advisor and self spent a bit of time working out a solution today. So now my home web-page is here.
If you’ve ever visited it before you’ll find it’s still very familiar. But hey, I did update the “welcome letter” so it’s no longer dated August 2005.
I still have a few pages there to scrub through and get all the internal links set right. But basically, if you ever see any need to visit the web-page– oh, to get texts of some of my CSM columns, or for my c.v. (oops, needs updating), or my downloadable portrait (ditto?)– then you’ll need to go to that new URL.
While I was fiddling around I altered some things at the bottom of the “Individual Entry Archive” page here on JWN. So now, if you’re submitting a comment here you have a larger box in which to write it.
With a bit of luck tomorrow I can get to finishing up my thoughts on the ending of the Bushites’ project in Iraq…