Calling US radio listeners

National Public Radio, Wednesday, 2:15 through 2:35 p.m. or so, on “Talk of the Nation”… I’ll be talking (from London) about the need to withdraw US forces from Iraq.
[That would be Eastern time– apologies to listeners in other zones for my provincialism there…]

4 thoughts on “Calling US radio listeners”

  1. Helena
    Seeing as you are in London you can read the newspapers in bed with your boiled eggs, toast and coffee.
    Both Independent and Guardian have an analysis of the options in Iraq this morning.
    Menzies Cambell and Patric Cockburn are worth reading.
    Simon Jenkins in the Guardian is unmissably furious.

  2. There is a review by Allister Sparks in today’s Johannesburg Star of a book by Virginia Tilley called “One-State Solution”. It’s at . I wonder if you have any comment on it, Helena? Either on the review, or on the book itself. The South African comparison is once again well to the fore.
    Sorry to be off-topic, but I would plead that Palestine is in any case the inevitable elephant in every Middle Eastern room.

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