Rosen & Weissman indicted

Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, both former high-level employees of the powerful, strongarming pro-Israeli pressure group AIPAC, were both indicted in federal court today. The WaPo’s Dan Eggen wrote that,

    Today’s indictment outlines a much broader case against Rosen and Weissman than has previously been indicated, alleging that the two disclosed sensitive information as far back as 1999 and that the topics ranged from Saudi Arabia to al Qaeda to Iran. Recipients of the information included foreign governments and reporters, the 26-page indictment says.

It’ll be interesting to see how much further this goes.

8 thoughts on “Rosen & Weissman indicted”

  1. Every one knows how AIPAC strong and influnacial body in US politics and polices ‎specially in ME.‎
    Many times heard that they found some one pass info to Israel and then all things goes ‎down then goes to normality.‎
    This is on going things Helena in US, but for the ME people I believe they reach to ‎conclusion that Israel it

  2. I would like to know more about how this indictment has changed the position of Franklin. I would think that conspiricy charges have more risk for him than just divulging classified information.
    I recall that he had played ball with the prosecutors, and then dried up. Are they turning up the pressure to make him talk about his superiors?
    I’ll ask TalkLeft when she posts about it, any info here would be great.

  3. Salah:
    This is on going things Helena in US, but for the ME people I believe they reach to ‎conclusion that Israel it

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