Name that plan!

I’ve been thinking that, to really “market” the proposal for a US exit from from Iraq that is total, speedy, and generous, it needs some kind of a snappy name.
I was thinking “Clean Break”
Oh shucks, was that title already trademarked back in 1996 when Richard Perle, Doug Feith and Co. used it to label the piece of advice they were giving a foreign leader to the effect that he should seek to subvert the long-time committed policy of the US government regarding the Israeli-Arab process, and handily gave this foreign leader “insider advice” on how he could do this?
You may recall that the Perle/Feith “Clean Break” document also urged the foreign leader in question to focus on, ” removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq”…
Well, gosh. That foreign leader (Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu) never did have the guts to do that. But plucky stalwarts Perle, Feith and Co. then managed to get another government to do it for them…
My government, here in the US.
Yes, I definitely think we should appropriate that title– for the policy that we Americans should seek to pursue towards today’s occupation in Iraq.

5 thoughts on “Name that plan!”

  1. Clean break, eh? Like I said last Blog, Iraq has a lot of problems, and it seems doubtful that its fledgling security services will be able to handle them for a good while yet. The UN is unlikely to be able to encourage member states to stick their hands in the fire. If only Iraq had a nice friendly neighbouring country, with a jolly big standing Army, which could help out!
    Duh, it has? Already talking to them about help with power restoration, joint border security, and so on? Iraqi PM is visiting right now?
    Well there

  2. even give the Iranian troops some very comfortable bases on their way out, all mod cons and big PXs.
    Iranians already had troops on the ground and intelligence put all under Visitors to the holy cities and Clerics (the latest agreement with Iraq internal affairs minister visited Tehran last week to allow 1000 Visitors/day???)
    How did you people get yourselves into this ludicrous situation? You elected Bush? Twice?
    I agree, now we see more and more people disagree with GWB but he is elected, I think if he got 3rd chance he will win also

  3. My choice – Operation Babylift – On our way out of Iraq, we can steal babies from the natives and give them to nice Christian American families. Wait! Didn’t we do that already in Viet Nam?
    How about Opeation Homecoming and Going? This is an operation that will bring home all US soldiers from the Middle East and replace them with oil futures traders and oil company executives. Training in security issues will be provided in Israel so they will know how to treat the Arabs.
    How about we just declare victory and come home? That will be as believable as anything else Bush has done.

  4. steal babies from the natives and give them to nice Christian American families
    Who give the right to do this? Enough outrages ideas and stupidity you should ‎ashamed what your country did their in name of freedom and democracy as you faked ‎by it in your country…‎

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