Dec 2003 Golden Oldies up

I just posted the December 2003 JWN Golden Oldies onto the sidebar on the front page. Check them out. It was a pretty good month for JWN. Lots there about Iraq, war-crimes courts, and my first visit to China.
Warning: you may find lots of really nasty (including pornographic) spam posted into the comments of some of those posts. Sorry about that. When I have time, I’ll delete that nastiness.
Because of spam attacks like those into old posts, I now have a policy of closing the Comments boards after a certain amount of time. (Maybe two weeks?) So if you want to comment on any of those brilliant — or not so brilliant– old posts, here is the place to do it.
(By the way: I hope you’re enjoying my nod to Lusophonia regarding the date-stamps on the posts. I only discovered the range of language options for datestamps in the MT system recently. What shall it be next, I wonder? Possibly not Japanese.)