Gaza article, etc.

Finally! The Boston Review article I wrote about Gaza has been put up on their website. You can read it here.
I wrote it in late February and revised it in late March. Tell me what you think. (Some of it may not be totally “new” to attentive JWN readers… )
I’m in Ohio. Yesterday I spoke at Miami University here about Rwanda and S. Africa. Tuesday, we’re going to China for a couple weeks. Life is pretty crazy. I wish I could follow the news from Iraq more attentively– or even better, be there!– but still, I’ll be writing what I can about that and everything else during the upcoming travels.
I just saw that Israelis tried to kill Rantissi. What follies, follies, follies!! How can anyone imagine that actions like that, or the gross collective punishment imposed on Fallujah, or the gratuitous provocations against Moqtada Sadr will bring peace??

9 thoughts on “Gaza article, etc.”

  1. Helena,
    They succeeded. I heard he died within minutes of reaching the hospital. They also killed three others, and wounded five bystanders.
    And they are so sure, despite the fact that their practice of state murder has never yet improved anything, that this will make Hamas go away.

  2. Your article in the Boston Review seems to come to an abrupt halt in mid sentence–?
    Thanks for your coverage–very informative.

  3. In media– IO just tried the link and it worked for me… Don’t know if it might have been your browser?? I was using Netscape.
    Shirin– the news just continues to be tragic, and almost unbelievable…. No, somehow I don’t think Hamas will go away…
    How can Sharon act like this and get away with it?? Oops, I just remembered: Gen. Sanchez and other US military leaders were until recently saying their aim was to “capture or kill” Moqtada Sadr. This “Wanted dead or alive” morality needs to be confronted wherever it raises its ugly, ugly head. Since when do Sanchez, Sharon etc get to act like God and decide off their own bat who gets to live and who gets to die?

  4. Since when do Rantisi, bin Laden, Nasrallah get to act like God and decide off their own bat who gets to live and who gets to die?

  5. Obviously we all need to just lay down and let the Islamonazis murder us. Self-defense? What folly!
    Thank you for reminding us of that obvious truth.

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