Nose to authorial grindstone here

I’ve had the nose to the grindstone here since Friday a.m. First, I finished final edit on a long piece about the Int’l Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda that the Boston Review will be publishing soon. Then before I could catch my breath my friend Tony Bing arrived from North Carolina and we’ve been working non-stop on some (hopefully pretty final) drafting work for a big Quaker report on israel and Palestine that we–and 12 others– have been working on.
Tony is a real hard taskmaster! I’ve had scarcely a moment to blow my nose since he got here Friday afternoon. Far less write anything substantial for JWN.
I haven’t even had time to cruise the blogosphere in general, for goodness’ sakes! What kind of a life is this???
(Actually, since I get to do work that I love, with people whom i really like, the answer is, a pretty good life. I’m just whingeing a bit, above. But if you have any sympathy for me, send chocolate.)

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