JWN “Golden oldies” section added

This week, I added a new section of “Golden oldies” to the sidebar at the right of the “Main” (a.k.a. “Main Index”) page. Check it out! It so far features some of my earliest JWN posts, from February and March 2003. Including several pre-war predictions that now look pretty prescient.
I also, fairly often, re-organize the “Links” section on that sidebar. So you should check that out, too, and visit some of the new items I feature there. I took off Salam/Pax’s blog because he hasn’t posted anything serious there for about a month.
Future plans: I’m considering mining some of the “Golden oldies” from my Al-Hayat columns and putting some links to them up on the sidebar, too. But I need some help from my filial technical advisor for that. Tarek, call your mother!
Finally, can anyone out there advise me how, in MT, to (probably retrospectively) tag some of my posts as “Golden oldies” so that the listing of them can be automatically generated by MT rather than me having to painstakingly write a bunch of new HTML into my “Main Index” template every time? Leave a comment here with the advice, or write me. Thanks!

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