Bad week for a break, I know

What a week, already! The big suicide bomb in Haifa; Sharon launches a provoocative attack against Syria– and then, to cap that, the Prez of the World says he was quite right to do it…
So much I should be writing about… Also, two really thought-provoking stories in the NYT about the death penalty back on Monday, and another piece abvout various non-African companies moving in on the continent to get its people hooked on gambling…
And here I am, in Brooklyn, deeply engaged in the last throes of helping my daughter Leila prepare her wedding… It’s been fun, but also a lot of running around.
I’ll be back in regular commentator/essayist mode early next week. Hey, maybe I can even write a lyrical post or two about the joys of wedding planning. (We checked out the midtown-Manhattan Flower District yesterday: that was great experience. We’ll go in early Friday a.m. to buy the flowers.)
Also, along the way, I wrote a column for my regular slot in the CSM: it’ll be in Thursday’s paper (Oct. 9). Check it out if you can, at

7 thoughts on “Bad week for a break, I know”

  1. I thought your CS article was excellent! I am surprised that the idea of a one state solution isnt more popular these days. I have seen one other article recently (by Marwan Bishara) which advocates the same position.
    I find it especially strange that this is not US policy, as historically the US has been in favor of multicultural, multiethnic solutions in similar situations around the globe. It would also help US credibility not just in Iraq and the Middle East, but around the whole world.

  2. Cole Watch
    Prof. Juan Cole continues to post much excellent material that is not easily available elsewhere.
    But at the same time he treats the “collective punishment” story cited below with a bit too much of his occasional “shit happens” insouciance.
    Maybe you can follow up on this.
    US soldiers bulldoze farmers’ crops
    Americans accused of brutal ‘punishment’ tactics against villagers, while British are condemned as too soft

    By Patrick Cockburn in Dhuluaya
    12 October 2003

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