Great news from President Bush, who has decided to increase tenfold, to $350 million, the amount of aid his administration will be giving to survivors of the Indian ocean tsunami.
We probably shouldn’t let up in our efforts to persuade the Prez to re-order his priorities towards global neighborliness and away from the waging of war (principally); but away the staging of extravagant parties, as well.
But still, it’s important to recognize that the guy has now made a dramatic change in his approach. Thank you, President Bush.
So, what other welcome changes of heart and of policy might we expect in the year ahead? Here are some of my dreams:
- ** That the Palestinian elections of January 9 go off well, and that inside both the Israeli and Palestinian communities the desire for a realistic but generous peace starts to mount, unstoppably.
I’ve been writing a bit recently about the incredible peace movement that existed in Israel in the early 1980s, and then about the Israeli “Four Mothers” peace movement that persuaded the Israeli government to pull its military clear out of Lebanon in May 2000. Where are these Israeli peace movements today? The concessions and momentum can’t all come from the Palestinian side.
Let’s hope we see a joyful re-emergence of the pro-peace forces from both sides of the line in the months ahead. But realistically, the Israeli peaceniks are much better placed to turn the tide of history and decisionmaking these days than their Palestinian counterparts. History surely calls on them to do so.
** That the Iraqi elections of January 30 go off “sufficiently” peaceably, and “sufficiently” fairly— with the criteria for fairness there being principally that the Sistanist (UIA) list be declared the winner, rather than Allawi’s list– and then, that the results are not subject to endless, divisive contestation…