I’ve had two different pieces about Lebanon and “what does it all mean?” come out in recent days.
I wrote this one, Decoding Lebanon, for the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the organization that lobbies in Washington around the concerns of US Quakers (and our friends in the peace-and-justice movement.)
This one, Lebanon’s fine example– so far, is in today’s Christian Science Monitor.
The FCNL piece is longer. It is more tightly focused on Lebanon than the CSM one, and gives much more detail about the nature of Hizbullah, Lebanon’s quirky electoral system, etc. I think a person might handily download it and print it to share with friends in your congregation or other community group who are slightly intrigued by what’s been going on in Lebanon but don’t know much at all about the country.
Tell me what you think.
(I’m doing another one for FCNL on broader issues of democratization in the Middle East.)
Author: Helena
Post-election terror in Iraq
My “democracy denied in Iraq” counter now stands at 44 days since the Iraqi elections with no elected government in place there yet. (Yes, I just learned that the elected Assembly is supposed to have its inaugural meeting on Wednesday. That may or may not happen; but even if it does it’s not the same as having a working transitional government sworn in. Addendum Wed. a.m.– the Assembly did convene.)
Not having an Iraqi transitional government in place 44 days after the election is a scandal. Yes, perhaps a small portion of responsibility for that might lie in the hands of the political leaders (UIA list heads and Kurdish parties) who’ve been unable to reach agreement yet on the very tough issues of Kirkuk and sharia. But much more responsibility, surely, lies in the hands of the occupying power which arrogantly and virtually unilaterally decreed the “rules” for this whole transitional process on its own, with minimal consultation; which prior then delayed the voting quite unnecessarily for more than 6 months; and which has apparently done little or nothing since January 30 to help the different Iraqi list heads come to a working agreement.
So between the results of the election not having been translated into any degree at all of self-governance, and the security and service-provision aspects of daily life in most of the country still being quite horrendous, is it any surprise that popular frustration with the whole process of “transition” is building up fast?
In much of Iraq, the “security” situation since the elections has been one long nightmare. Nearly all of the victims of recent violence seem to have been Shiites, most of them civilians but also some members of the ever-“rebuilding” security forces…
I’ve been writing a lot about Lebanon recently. So since I need to write something on deadline about Iraq today, I thought I’d go back quickly through Today in Iraq and Juan Cole’s blog to collate a general picture for myself of the incidence of atrocities there in recent weeks.
Scrolling ultra-fast back through those two wonderful resources was a shocking experience. Most of the following comes from TII. A big “chapeau” to Yankeedoodle and his collaborators Friendly Fire and Matt for the work they
do there!
I thought that here I’d list only those recent incidents that involve more than 12 Iraqis killed. Of course, there were many, many more incidents that involved fewer than 12 Iraqis killed– and it’s quite likely that the total number killed in those attacks would be even greater than the numbers killed in the “big”, multi-casualty attacks. (Plus I’m sure I missed some of the big ones, too.)
Anyway, friends, please join in remembering the victims of these incidents from recent weeks:
- March 14, Babel: 12 corpses found
March 13, north & south of Baghdad: 16 killed
March 11, Mosul: >50 killed at funeral
March 10, Mosul: >50 killed
March 9, Rumana: 26 corpses found
March 9, Latifiya: 15 headless corpses found
March 8, Balad: >15 killed
March 8, Baquba: 15 killed (in a number of incidents)
March 7, Baquba: 12 Iraqi police killed
March 7, Balad: 15 killed
February 28, Hillah: 125 killed in attack on medical clinic
February 19, Latifiya, etc: >80 killed in a number of incidents on the occasion of Ashoura rites
God have mercy on their souls and bring some measure of comfort to their loved ones.
… I see two possible political effects of all this suffering:
Karen Hughes?
Sometimes, there are advantages to sitting far enough outside the Washington Beltway to be able to triangulate some on what seems to be happening there.
What I was seeing was that someone had been getting to Bush pretty effectively, and helping set his sails away from the path of confrontation on which he was previously headed, in several significant areas in the Middle East. Like, on Iran (March 11). Or Hizbullah (March 9). Or, to a certain extent, also on Palestine…
On just about all of these Mideast issues, I’d say it’s fairly safe to bet that both Unca Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld would have been urging Bush on to greater confrontation…
So, I was sitting here thinking… Who on earth would have the personal clout with the President to be able to over-rule those two mega-heavyweights, and the conviction to want to do so?
Not any furrners (not even Little Lord Tonyleroy). Not Colin Powell. Probably not, I was thinking, Condi.
But then, this: Karen Hughes has announced she’s going back to Washington. It really does start to make sense.
(1) She is one of the very few people enjoying enough personal “heft” with the Prez that she could not only get in to see him past Unca Dick and Rumsfeld, but could also effectively over-rule them in policy terms.
(2) She’s a tough nut, and a policy realist rather than an ideologue.
(3) She’s been hanging around down in Texas which is where Republicans with real (and realist) expertise on the Middle East like former Secretary of State Jim Baker and Ed Djerijian hang their ten-gallon hats…
(4) And now, she’s just been named under secretary of state in charge of public diplomacy…
Look, as far as I understand the strength and length of her relationship with the Prez, she could have had just about any job she wanted in this administration. “Under secretary” of anything? It’s ways beneath what she could have had. Unless she and he specifically chose it so she could make a difference on the substance of policy in a crucial part of the world…
One that he might already be looking at in terms of how it will affect his long-term “legacy”, or role in history…
Interesting, huh?
Lebanese prospects
Today is the one-month commemoration of Rafiq Hariri’s killing. The organizers of the (heavily anti-Syrian) “We want an investigation into the killing!” movement have been organizing a demonstration today, and according to early press reports have been able to pull together a crowd in Beirut that may equal that pulled together by Hizbullah last Tuesday…
In such a highly-charged situation it’s extremely hard to find reporting, including on the estimated size of demonstrations, that is objective enough to rely on. (The BBC’s website was particularly unhelpful on the size and nature of Hizbullah’s March 8 demonstration–though the BBC World News t.v. feed was pretty good on it. Here’s the latest BBC website report on today’s pro-investigation event.)
My present conclusions from the events of the past month in Lebanon– and from my conversations there last fall, and my preceding 30 years of study of and life within the country– are the following:
- (1) There has been a huge amount of anger in Lebanon at Syria’s meddling in internal Lebanese politics, though not all of this has been a globally “anti-Syrian” sentiment. Much of the anti-Syrian feeling derived primarily from anger at the gross mis-management of the country and the economy by pro-Syrian president Emile Lahoud and his cronies. So last August’s clumsy, over-reaching Syrian insistence on extending Lahoud’s term in office was seen as an outrage. But many leaders of the pro-Syrian-withdrawal movement, including Jumblatt, did not want to see a complete Syrian humiliation; equally, he and many– perhaps most– others in the pro-withdrawal movement never bought at all into Washington (and Israel’s) parallel agenda of combating Hizbullah.
(2) The Syrians now seem fairly serious about effecting a complete withdrawal. They have already started this, and if Terje Larsen is to be believed they intend to finish it pretty soon. This will leave a different political arena in Lebanon– but of what kind?
(3) Deep divisions remain inside the Lebanese body politic, but it’s very important to try to tease apart the complex issue of what these divisions are about. It may be easier for everyone involved to do this once the “lightning rod issue” of the Syrian presence has been removed.
(4) Hizbullah evidently has a large popular constituency that goes somewhat –but it’s not clear how far– beyond the bounds of the country’s Shiite community, which makes up just under 50% of national numbers. If Syria’s heavy political hand is removed from Lebanese politics, Amal– which the Syrians used as a counterweight inside the Shiite community to the more independent-minded Hizbullah– will certainly be weakened considerably; so Hizbullah can be expected to emerge much stronger than hitherto. (I wonder if, during the recent Syrian-Iranian consultations in Teheran, the Iranians effectively urged the Syrians to leave Lebanon, so then Hizbullah could have a freer hand?)
(5) However, Hizbullah is still very far from being able to exercise majoritarian power inside Lebanon. Based on my interviews with H politburo members last November, it seemed evident at that point that they did not seek to do this. Might that have changed since then? I doubt it. They are canny calculators who understand the political dynamics within Lebanon very well, and have been persistent and far-sighted in their campaign to reach out to members of the non-Shia communities in the country.
(6) It’s extremely noteworthy that since the ghastly killing of February 14–and perhaps, indeed, as a reaction to the grisliness of that action itself– the Lebanese people from all political stripes have shown discipline and commitment in not using methods of violence to pursue their continuing political differences. Given how very grievously they suffered from the violence of the civil war, this present insistence on using only nonviolent means of political interaction should be celebrated around the world, and everyone concerned about the fate of the country should commit themselves absolutely to not breaching it.
Today’s mass demonstration thus far looks quite impressive, and evidently represents a constituency of opinion that should be taken very seriously. I’ve been interested to see the reported strong participation of Sunnis in it. It seems that Lahoud’s insistence on renaming Karami as PM may have been politically inflammatory. (I was just reading here that in the municipal elections of last spring, Karami’s bloc was unable to win even in his hometown of Tripoli, which seems extremely lame to me… )
More broadly though, there does seem to be a real crisis of leadership and of community organization within the Sunni community, whose concerns have effectively been brushed aside by the bigger confrontation going on between the Shiites and Maronites…
But I think the bigger story over the weeks ahead will be the twin questions of whether the Lebanese parliament and government can actually organize he parliamentary elections scheduled for May in a way that is recognized by the Lebanese themselves as “free and fair”, and what Hizbullah’s strategy for this electoral period will be.
The first thing we all need to do, then, is refresh ourselves on the arcana of this strange thing that is known as Lebanon’s electoral “system”. This is an excellent source on that.
Okay, class, are you ready? Here is the centrally important part of that description:
Lebanon: US retreat to continue?
There are quite a few interesting points in this piece by Nayla Assaf in the Beirut Daily Star today.
If y’all are interested you can go read it there. But here’s the lede:
- Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday that Hizbullah should be allowed a role in the country’s politics. His statements came at a time when sources close to the party told The Daily Star that they were holding ongoing meetings with representatives of Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir to defuse the mounting political tension in the country.
Regarding Lavrov, Assaf makes the point that it was after a meeting with Walid Jumblatt that Lavrov made those comments. And she wrote,
- Jumblatt and other members of the opposition have repeatedly called for dialogue with Hizbullah, which they acknowledge as the only legitimate party in the loyalist camp and an essential partner for a national entente.
Regarding the Hizbullah-Sfeir contacts (also called the “Let’s let the two wise Nasrallahs sort the country out between them” project), Assaf writes:
- An unnamed source close to the party said two of its members, Nawwaf Mussawi and Ghaleb Abu Zeinab, were holding ongoing meetings with two Sfeir representatives: Samir Mazloum and Hareth Shehab.
Mussawi and Abu Zeinab are both Hizbullah politburo members. Abu Zeinab is in charge of the party’s relations with non-Shiite confessional bodies and leaders in Lebanon and has done a really good job in that role over the years. He was one of the H people I interviewed last November. (Is there still any need to plug my upcoming Boston Review piece, in which snippets from that interview occur? probably not.)
Assaf also adds this significant note:
- On Friday, U.S. officials insisted they still view Hizbullah as a “terrorist organization has not changed,” but said that they will recognize any party that can win support democratically.
I’ve also been reading this article by Salama Naamat in today’s Hayat.
I’m still working on the Arabic there. But Naamat is reporting from Washington and the import of the article seems to be that unnamed administration officials have been saying that they’re getting kind of worried that, following the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon, Hizbullah will just expand to fill both the security and the political vacuum there, inheriting Syria’s role in both dimensions throughout the country.
H’mmm, back to my Hans Wehr dictionary here…
Shirin? Salah? Anyone? Does any of you want to give that short piece by Naamat a quick read and tell me whether I’ve got the gist of it right?
Talking of Riverbend…
Two great new posts from Riverbend this week. This woman’s phenomenal! (Where did I read she’s having a book come out soon? Oh, here— it’s due out next month…)
So, Wednesday’s post was an important one about the tone of internal political debate in Iraq. Along the way, she expresses her scorn for the idea of nominating Sistani for the Nobel Peace Prize… And she nominates Ahmed Chalabi instead!
Read that whole, beautifully written post to find out why.
Tuesday’s post was about the shooting of Giuliana Sgrena’s car and other even more terrifying violence in Baghdad today…
- I
Marine’s Girl deals with real life
I was pretty upset a couple of weeks ago when I tried to go to Marine’s Girl’s lovely blog and found it had been hijacked…
Maybe by the same nasty anti-peacenik gremlins who hijacked Riverbend’s blog ways back when? Those blogjackers also put some anodyne, fake “Buddhist”-style pablum onto what had previously been a great, vividly antiwar site.
I emailed MG asking her if she knew what had happened. She replied, “I don’t know what happened. It’s not mine anymore, that’s obvious. Perhaps this is for the best as [her guy] is home now and I wasn’t updating very often anyway.”
Oh, MG, I miss your voice!
But I understand you have a lot to do in your real life these days… Like getting better, looking after Danny, looking after your guy… I hope you two will get married and make a wonderful life together.
I hope to heck they don’t send him to Iraq or any other war zone again.
I also hope you kept good backup archives of all the great posts you put onto “Across the river” throughout those 18 months or so that you ran it? Those are really important and poignant documents. Maybe once you have more energy you could import them back into another blog, on a safer server, and resume blogging? (It strikes me that Blogspot seems terribly vulnerable to the blogjackers, btw.)
Anyway, dear Michigander friend– I hope your health improves as much and as fast as possible. Comfort, strength, and joy to you and your family!
Arab attitudes on US, UK, France, terrorism
The Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan has recently come out with an intriguing report on the attitudes of people in five key Arab societies (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria) toward, respectively, the US, the UK, and France.
Here is an 89-page PDF file of the findings and here is the 8-page “Executive summary”.
The surveys were conducted between March and June 2004 on four samples in each of the five Mashreq countries:
- 1. A representative national sample of 1200 respondents
2. A university students sample of 500 respondents
3. A business sample of 120 respondents
4. A media sample of 120 respondents
It is worth noting that the (apparently fairly lengthy) interviews in question were conducted between June and March of 2004. For Lebanon and Syria it is significant that that period was before the emergence of the whole issue about resolution 1559. For all the countries, it’s significant that that period included the time when the Abu Ghraib abuses were coming prominently into the public domain.
I wish the people at CSS could have pulled that data together faster and gotten it out a lot earlier– also, that they could now be presenting us with more recent data than this.
(On the other hand, I’m so behind with writing my Africa book that I am in no position at all to “throw stones” on this issue of the speed of presenting one’s findings… )
I was really enjoying reading the detail in the long version of the report. For example (p.40) seeing the figures on the percentage of people in each of those countries who are unable to name any non-political personalities in each of the western countries. And there is a wealth of further detail in there, too.
However, the short version gives this summary of the findings of the survey:
- The study draws seven conclusions:
1) Arabs hold coherent notions of what constitute the values of Western and Arab
societies. They associate the West with individual liberty and wealth, while they
view themselves as emphasizing religion and family.
2) Arab perceptions of Western societal and cultural values do not determine their
attitudes toward Western foreign policies.
3) Religion is not the basis of tension between Arabs and the West.
4) The Arab world does not reject the professed goals of the West
Remembering the horror in Madrid
It happened one year ago today, in Madrid. That evening I sat down, stunned, and blogged a short post about the attack. Early the next morning I found the following, extremely poignant comment on that comments board:
- Dear Helena,
I steadily visit your page, and I was very pleased you have blogged something about the events in my country, in my city. In Madrid.
I feel sad, furious and shocked.
Yesterday I saw things on TV and the papers I would have never imagined I was to see in my country. Destroyed corps, blood, tears, anguish.
The people in those trains were workers, students, immigrants.
But I also saw solidarity. I saw people queing for hours to give blood. Sick people in hospitals left their rooms so the harmed ones could have more places. The security forces were quite surprised to see that things were pretty organised when they arrived at the stations: the survivors had not run away, they had stayed to help the others, healing wounds, saving people out of the twisted irons, cleaning. Neighbours run with blankets and water, people risked their lives without questioning for a second whether it was safe to do so.
I saw people gathering in the streets, asking for justice, not revenge. We don’t want another Guantanamo, we don’t want a war, just the terrorists to be taken to court with all the constitutional guarantees. Because we are a democracy.
All immigrants were invited to go to hospitals, to heal their wounds, to see their relatives… no one would ask them whether they were “legal”.
People in the Basque Country, in Catalonia, in Galicia, in Andalusia, in the entire country, chanted the same: “We were all in that train”
A lot of black ribbons, some flags as well but not too many. We don’t care that much about flags.
Most politicians were extremely cautious and responsible in their remarks. King Juan Carlos said we are a great nation.
I still don’t know whether this is the result of a (in my humble opinion) a very very wrong foreign policy, or simply the act of the same fascists we have been putting up with for more than two decades (the CNN, among other media, calls them “Basque separatists”). We will know sooner or later.
But the thing is that today, more than ever, I feel proud of my city, of my country, of my people. I feel proud of being Spanish.
Madrid, te quiero.
I have just re-read this wonderful comment, very carefully.
First of all, thank you once again, dear Maria, for your eloquent witness and the somber thoughtfulness that you and, it seems, the vast majority of your compatriots showed in reaction to that terrifying outrage.
Secondly, I bow my head pondering the tragedy of the lives summarily ended that day, and send my solidarity to all those survivors of the attacks, and those bereaved by them– people whose lives were changed forever by that heinous attempt to entangle the civilian population of Greater Madrid in somebody else’s battles for power, control, and domination.
Finally, I don’t want to load this post, today, with too much politicking. But I merely note the difference between the reactions Maria–and goodness knows how many other observers– noticed among the Spanish people to the attacks of that day, and the reactions of many people in Lebanon’s opposition movement to the more recent terror attack against Rafiq Hariri.
Read what she described:
I also saw solidarity… I saw people gathering in the streets, asking for justice, not revenge… All immigrants were invited to go to hospitals, to heal their wounds, to see their relatives… A lot of black ribbons, some flags as well but not too many. We don’t care that much about flags… Most politicians were extremely cautious and responsible in their remarks…
It seems to me that– quite counter to the terrorists’ intent– Spain emerged from the attacks much stronger as a nation, and confirmed in its people’s understanding of and adherence to the solid values of constitutional democracy.
First shoot, then lie
The rules of engagement at US checkpoints in Iraq are an outrage to humanity. We all need to demand to know, first and foremost, what they are. This is essential for the wellbeing of the many millions of people who live in the vicinity of these checkpoints and have to pass through them as they conduct their daily business. Yet the Bush administration has thus far steadfastly refused to announce publicly what the ROEs at checkpoints are.
They claim that this will endanger security. I don’t see it. If the rule is: When you see a checkpoint or someone clearly signaling you to stop, you must stop your car, get out of it, and walk 30 feet away, or whatever, everyone involved–checkpoint soldiers and checkpoint passers alike– will know what the rules are, and the nervousness of evenryone involved and possibilities for lethal misunderstandings will be mightily diminished.
Instead of which, the ROE at many checkpoints seems to be, “Shoot first, and then if anyone later challenges your action, lie.”
Certainly, that seems to have been the ROE used by the checkpoint soldiers who killed Nicola Calipari and nearly killed Giuliana Sgrena.
Except that in that case, the soldiers’ ability to sustain their account under later questioning has already been strongly challenged by the Italian government, who base their view of what happened at that fatal checkpoint last Friday on the report of the Italian intelligence agent who was driving the car in question.
It’ll be interesting to see what becomes of the “full investigation” into the incident now promised by the Pentagon.
At a broader level, though, it is ways past time to have stable, predictable ROEs used by all personnel staffing checkpoints. “First shoot, then lie” isn’t really a good way to build longterm stability.