US interrogation centers in Iraq till 2009!

Rosa Prince of London Daily Mirror has reported that:

    THE US Army plans to remain in Iraq until at least 2009, secret documents obtained by the Mirror reveal.
    Contract tender forms for civilian workers disclose a huge expansion of interrogation and detention centres in Iraq to remain in place for a minimum four more years.

(Chapeau to Friendly Fire of Today in Iraq for the lead.)
Prince adds that:

    According to the documents from the Assistant Chief of Staff, Multi-National Forces, US chiefs plan a

4 thoughts on “US interrogation centers in Iraq till 2009!”

  1. -Rumsfeld to Iraqis With Optimism and Warnings
    “We don’t really have an exit strategy. We have a victory strategy. We are here for a mission to set the country on the path of democracy, freedom and representative government.”,10117,12841928-23109,00.html
    -U.S. minders, known as “inspector-generals” appointed for five-year terms in every Iraqi ministry, with oversight power – and although Iraqi interim ministers nominally have the authority to ignore their advice or even fire them, the utter dependence of the interim government on U.S. political and economic backing makes such a move virtually unthinkable.
    Is there any doubt Helena?
    Just one day before this surprise visit by Rumsfeld
    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s top deputy arrived in Iraq on Wednesday on an unannounced mission to meet with the country’s newly elected leaders, the second high-ranking Bush administration official to drop in this week.

  2. I wonder how the human rights situation in Iraq today compares with what existed under Hussein’s regime?

  3. edq
    What you talking about, who cares now about Human Right and these things and all this rubbish, this only been highlighted when you do not like some body or you like to lie on all of us, Right isn’t?
    Did you read in the news that the close friends to US the Qatari Government what they did with 5000 of there citizens! They stripped there citizenship from them and thorough them out of the country, one of these guys said he serviced 30 years in the military serving the country (No sorry serving Al Thani family) now his citizenship taken off from him and through him on Saudi border, OK where is Human Right Human Watch, Human,,,,,, Human, where is US Administration? 5000 people throughout there country no single word in any western news paper or TV or radio and any UN agency did mentioned or concerned about this case!

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