Comments working again

I apologize that the blog has not been accepting comments since late Sunday night. But now, it is again!
For the first 36 hours or so, the problem was that the webhosting service was down. Then, while it was down, I started out on a big session of IP banning– a heroic but almost useless campaign to ban the IPs used by the spambots that feed really nasty spam into the blog through the Comments and the Trackbacks.
(Meantime, the tech advisor was installing MT-Blacklist, a much more effective way to combat spam.)
Okay, closing the Comments boards to all users including bona-fide users was my fault. In an excess of zeal and a deficit of careful attention during my ban-athon Monday, I ended up “banning” a completely blank IP box, which apparently had the effect of banning all IPs from Commenting.
Well, I think that was the problem. Because half an hour ago after I discovered that blank line on my register of banned IPs and duly unbanned it, suddenly I was able to post comments onto the blog again.

8 thoughts on “Comments working again”

  1. This is a trial comment.
    Kurt Nimmo was very upset about which is a sort of web blacklist.
    When I went to look at it I found it laughable.
    It reminded me of the moment I first saw Eugene Terre Blanche and his AWB on television. Suddenly the South African Boers had become comical. I thought then and I still believe that this was the turning point.
    Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they often turn first into laughing-stock.

  2. How’s MT-Blacklist working for you? I found that it slowed by MT installation down (like most plugins), and resulted in continual rebuild errors. This may be to do with my host’s CGI timeout limit (10 seconds) – does your host have any similar limit?

  3. H’mmm, Yusuf, I’ll have to get back to you on that. I have noticed a couple of rebuild errors, though… Mainly they break HTML strings in templates that wreck the template…

  4. Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they often turn first into laughing-stock.
    Don’t be scared, Dominic, we all have to go sometime.

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