Nearly all these articles contain considerable
amounts of material from interviews and other information gained during
on-the-spot reporting trips, as well as analysis and reflections:
- Contribution to discussion on “U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan”, January/February 2010
- Peace Out: The decline of Israel’s progressive movement, July/August 2009
- Breakout: Hamas and the end of the two-state solution, May/June 2008
- The 33-day war: Hizbullah’s victory, Israel’s choice, Nov/Dec 2006
- this one
, May-June 2006, on the January ’06 Hamas electoral victory and its
possible consequences - this one
, Jan-Feb 2006, which was part of a broad forum on Exiting from Iraq
- this one
, April/May 2005, on the history and current standing of Hizbullah - this one
, spring ’04, on Gaza and Sharon’s plan to disengage from it - this one
, late ’03, on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda - this one
describes a late-2002 visit to Syria - this one
describes encounters in Israel and Palestine in Summer 2002 - this one
, spring ’02, explored post-genocide issues and policies in Rwanda. (In
the following issue, Ken Roth and Allison Des Forges challenged
my reasoning, and I got to respond
.) - this one
, late 2001, argued the case against a binational-state outcome in
Israel/Palestine. This was a contribution to a broader discussion
in that issue. My views later evolved.