Planning US-wide speaking tour, Sept. and Oct.

One thing I’ve been pretty busy with this week has been doing some detailed planning for the nationwide speaking tour I’ll be conducting, in connection with my book Re-engage! America and the World After Bush, for September and October.
My colleagues at the Friends Committee on National Legislation and the World Affairs Councils of America have been extremely helpful in suggesting priorities and soliciting invitations, respectively. As of now, if the present tentative plans work out, it looks as if the tour could involve gigs in Kansas City, Chicago, Tennessee, New Jersey, Delaware, southern Texas, the Boston area, LA, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and Philadelphia. See the more precise– though still tentative– schedule here.
However, a lot of these arrangements still need to be solidified. So if you live in one of those areas– or Portland, OR, or Seattle, WA– and would like to host* a book-related event, or can offer suggestions of bodies that could do this, we would still have time to consider it. Please email me as soon as you can.
(And if you would like to host a book-related event in some completely different place– and can offer a good-sized honorarium as well!– then I could probably find a way to fit you in, too… Well, either into this tour or into a follow-up tour I’ll likely do in early 2009.)
Look, folks, I’m not seeking to make any significant amount of money from any of this work… Either from sales of the book itself, or from the speaking events. (No, I am not like Mr. “Likes his luxury and likes triple-billing for it, too” Ehud Olmert.) Nor do I get any income from all this blogging; and nor do I have a well-paid day job like so many of those lucky bloggers from the professoriat.
I am a humble scribe. That’s what I am.
And no, annoyingly enough, Paradigm Publishers does not have any budget for the book tour, either.
Mainly, I want to do whatever I can over the months ahead to get the ideas in the book more widely circulated and discussed. So it would be really nice if any of you JWN readers could help out with the book tour a bit.
Thanks for anything any of you can do!
* In this context, “host” = to organize, publicize, and pay the relevant expenses for an event.