Bush SOFA push collapsing

The attempt by the Bush administration to impose an extremely unfair SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) onto the Iraqi government before July 31 now seems clearly destined for failure, if it has not already, actually, failed.
Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki is on the second day of his current visit to Iran, where he has reassured his host, Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that the present Iraqi government “will not allow Iraq to become a launching pad for an attack on Iran.” That AP report there also says the following:

    Al-Maliki also appeared to signal that Tehran would not be squeezed out by any agreement, saying Iraq’s “development and stability will be provided through more bilateral cooperation” with Iran.
    Ahmadinejad, in turn, underlined that Iran had a key role in Iraq’s security. “The responsibility of (Iraq’s) neighbors is doubled in this regard,” he said, according to [Ahmadinejad’s presidential] Web site.
    The Iranian president hinted at concerns that the security agreement would mean U.S. domination in Iraq. “Iraq must reach a certain level of stability so that its enemies are not able to impose their influence,” he said, without specifically mentioning the deal.
    Iran fiercely opposes the U.S.-Iraqi security agreement, saying it will lead to permanent American bases on its doorstep in Iraq, reflecting Tehran’s fears U.S. forces could attack it. Last week, powerful Iranian politician Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said the deal would “enslave” Iraqis and vowed it would not be permitted to be passed, and Iran’s pro-government press has frequently railed against it.

The Iranian government has acted persistently and skilfully in Iraq over the past six-plus years. First, it worked with its longterm allies and friends among Iraq’s Shiites and Kurds to help push the US government into toppling Saddam Hussein and installing those allies and friends as leaders of the replacement regime there. Then it was careful to increase the effectiveness and visibility of the influence it has continued to exert over those allies so gradually that the Bush administration people either didn’t really realize what was going on, or found themselves unable to react effectively once they did. (The “boil the frog slowly” method.)
In this regard, we could note that Iran was one of the first governments to recognize the US-installed “government” in Baghdad and send an ambassador to post-invasion Baghdad. That, while most Arab states continued to protest the illegality of the US invasion and of the Iraqi “government” that had flowed from it. As a result only a few Arab states have diplomatic representation in Baghdad. Those that do include, not surprisingly, Iran’s ally Syria.
What the Iranians have done in post-invasion Iraq reminds me of the way my Aunty Katy would help me when I was learning to knit… She would patiently work along behind me to pick up all the stitches I had dropped and return my work to something like what was intended. In the case of the Iran-Iraq-US triangle, however, what is emerging is much more what Iran intended than what the Bushists intended.
Hey, for now, having 160,000 US troops tied down as sitting ducks in Iraq is the best guarantee the Iranians have that the US won’t undertake or allow any military attack against them. And meantime, in the vast expanses of Iraq that exist outside the US military cantonments, Iran’s influence is considerably stronger than that of the very distant US.
By the way, I think this is the most interesting portion of the broad range of reporting on Iraqi developments that Al-Hayat carries today.
(Why on earth won’t the folks at Hayat upgrade the English-language portion of their website so it includes some of their excellent news coverage????? I have repeatedly urged them to do that. Meantime, I struggle along trying to read as much of the Arabic as my poor brain can. Google Translate is sometimes of some help, but not much yet I fear… Okay, end of rant.)
Basically that story indicates that Patrick Cockburn’s important recent reporting on the Bushists’ threat to use as a bargaining chip in the SOFA “negotiations”, Iraq’s access to the $50 billion of Iraqi government funds that are held by the US Federal Reserve Bank has drawn excited considerable attention (and pushback) inside Iraq.
The US’s manipulative use of these funds is, of course, strongly analogous to the Israeli government’s quite illegal use of the tax and customs revenues it has collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (under the terms of the Oslo Accords), as a bargaining chip in its ever-stagnant “peace negotiations” with the PA.
Wonder where the Bushists got the idea for this?
Of course, given the present windfall increases in oil prices, Iran is currently quite cash-heavy and probably in a good position to “outbid” whatever economic incentives the Bushists might be trying to offer the Iraqi politicians. For that reason and also because of its obligations under international law, the degree of control Washington can exercise over Iraq’s finances is actually far less than the control Israel exercises over the PA’s. So Washington ends up looking (and being) sleazy and manipulative. It ends up harming Iraq’s hard-pressed citizens. And with all that, it can’t even achieve what it has been seeking in terms of this highly coercive SOFA agreement. What an absolute fiasco of “diplomacy”.
The Bushists have shown themselves quite incapable of converting the overwhelming superiority over all comers that they exhibited in the military realm during the invasion of Iraq (“Shock and Awe”) into any kind of lasting political-strategic gains inside the country. It is quite possible that, in today’s hyperlinked global environment, their use of overwhelming “Shock and Awe” itself meant that they could not win what they wanted at the political level in Iraq thereafter. But I really don’t think the extent and depth of their political failure there was foreordained. Most of it, they have brought completely upon themselves.
US troops out now! No to any coercive SOFA with Iraq!

    Addendum relevant to the “Boil a Frog” issue I discussed above:

I see that the Wall Street Journal had a hilariously misdirected editorial on Friday (hat-tip “Gloomy Gus”) in which they argued:

    It’s crucial for Americans to understand that, apart from the Sadrists, all factions of Iraqi politics now support some kind of U.S.-Iraq status of forces agreement to succeed the U.N. mandate that expires later this year.
    We are winning in Iraq. Indeed, we can now say with certainty that we will win…

My goodness, if that’s the smartest analysis Wall Street can offer, no wonder this country’s economy is in such chaos…

10 thoughts on “Bush SOFA push collapsing”

  1. Helena,
    Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki is on the second day of his current visit to Iran,
    Also reported Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim he is with Malki in Iran for medical check but they added that he will talk for new Iraqi political and developments.
    A week before Maliki’s vist to Iran appaered that Adel Abdul Mahidi was in Tehran who met with Iranina prisedent and Ali larjani also Irans foeigin minster.

  2. Well, I am sure the SOFA is in trouble, the problem could be seen coming from a long way off.
    On the other hand, the US is obliged to force the situation, in order to protect that expensive new embassy, and those vast investments in the permanent bases. So we haven’t seen the end yet.
    I would think the result will be a lash-up that has to be renewed every year. I can’t see them leaving yet, under any circumstances, I regret to say.

  3. Again Mayada siad all agin she is such wounderfull smart woman iraq got now.
    (ترى هل هم يتوقعون حقا من العراق المخرب أن يقول (لا) لأكبر قوة عسكرية فى العالم؟ واذا كانوا حقا يريدون ان تخرج القوات الأميركية من العراق، لماذا لا يبدأون بأنفسهم ويخرجوا الأمريكان من بلدانهم؟ لماذا لا يرسلوا جيوشهم لتحرير الجزر العربية الثلاث التى تحتلها ايران؟ لماذا لا يخلصوا القدس من (رجس) الصهاينة كما يقولون؟ لماذا لا يستردون لواء الأسكندرون السوري من تركيا؟ لماذا لا يستعيدون هضبة الجولان من العدو الاسرائيلي؟ ترى هل يريدون تكليف العراق بذلك نيابة عنهم؟ وهل سيرفعون شعار: طريق تحرير القدس يمر من بغداد؟!!)
    ويستمر العزي في مقالته قائلا:
    (وللمعممين من المعارضين للمعاهدة أذكرهم بقبول الرسول لمعاهدة صلح الحديبية مع الكفار والتى عارضها عمر بن الخطاب (رض) وقال للرسول (صلى الله عليه وعلى اله وسلم): ألسنا يا رسول الله على الحق وهم على الباطل؟ أليس قتلانا فى الجنة وقتلاهم فى النار؟ ورسول الله يجيبه: بلى… فيعود عمر ويسأل: علام نعطى الدنية فى ديننا ونرجع ولما يحكم الله بيننا وبينهم؟ وأخيرا ثاب عمر الى الرضى وكف عن السؤال.)
    اما انا فاقول، صبرا آل العراق .. لن توقع حكومتنا معاهدة كهذه من دون ان نراها جميعا ومن دون ان يوافق عليها البرلمان. نعم ..نعم.. لدينا برلمان حقيقي في العراق، يرفع وينصب ويكس
    ر ايضا..برلمان لن يرضى ان توقع الحكومة عنا صك مذلة او استرخاص.. والاميركان موافقين، وكل ما يظهر للعلن من اكاذيب يدحضونها بصورة لا يمكنهم التراجع عنها..

  4. Helena, have you seen this? It appears Maliki is working on a SOFA of a different sort:
    Iran, Iraq sign MoU on defense cooperation – Irna
    The Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq Monday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on defense cooperation.
    The MoU was signed by visiting Iraqi Defense Minister Lieutenant General Abdul Qadir Mohammed Jassim Obeidi and his Iranian counterpart Brigadier General Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar on Monday.
    Iran’s First Vice President Parviz Davoudi and Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki were also present in the signing ceremony which was held at the pavilion of Mehrabad International Air Port.
    The MoU has called for expansion of defense cooperation between the two countries in line with harmonizing all-out ties between Tehran and Baghdad to help further bolster peace and stability in the region.
    The MoU also called for sweeping the landmine-infested war fronts remained from 1980-1988 war and continued search operations for those missing in action (MiAs).
    (linked through guerrilla guides)

  5. Anna, thanks so much for that. I’ve been working on something else today but hope to get back to this story later. Do you have a link for that report?

  6. H, since all of the hubaloo about Iraq was linked to Al-Qaeda and 9/11, and given your legislative work as well through FCNL, and JWN readers broad interest in the region in toto, I wanted to post this _exemplary_ assessment of the post-9/11 world as it relates to Pakistan, from one of America’s most amazing global leaders, Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wi)-
    H, what about stuff going in Africa…unfortunately I cannot seem to get you to focus there-
    All the best,

  7. Just give good look to this is this look a PM of sovereign country who did worry and take of his tie because he met the lunatic terrorist criminal leader in his office in another country !
    How will be a “Proxy” more than that?
    Iran, Iraq sign MoU on defense cooperation
    US , Iraq SOFA
    Methmatically will ending Iran, US again in the Parision Gulf we have Iran as a police power as befor during Ryda Shah

  8. news report:
    Visiting Iraqi Defense Minister Lieutenant General Abdul Qadir Mohammed Jassim Obeidi conferred on Sunday with his Iranian counterpart Brigadier General Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar on expansion of defense cooperation between the two countries.
    The Iraqi defense minister, for his part, expressed satisfaction with his current visit to Tehran and underlined the need for expansion of defense relations between the two countries.
    Rebuilding a new powerful army in Iraq requires benefiting from IRI’s invaluable experience and capabilities, he said.
    At the meeting, the two sides also discussed expansion of defense cooperation and agreed to continue exchange of visits by defense officials of the two countries.

  9. Very intersting here what exactlly going one US-Iraq-Iran
    كشفت مصادر برلمانية مطلعة ان رحلة »تسويق الاتفاقية الامنية« التي يقوم بها رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي الى طهران لم تنته الى نتائج ملموسة، واعتبرت هذه المصادر، المطلعة على مجريات المحادثات بين الجانبين الايراني والعراقي في طهران، ان المالكي ما زال غير قادرعلى اقناع الايرانين المعتدلين بجدوى توقيع هذه الاتفاقية، والسؤال كيف بامكانه اقناع الجناح المتشدد المسيطر على الحرس الثوري الإيراني الذي يمد ذراعه الطويلة عبر فيلق القدس داخل مختلف مفاصل المجتمع والدولة العراقية؟
    فحوى الرد الأمريكي الموجه من الجنرال بتيريوس قائد القوات الأمريكية في العراق الى الجنرال قاسم سليماني قائد قوات القدس في الحرس الثوري ردا على رسالة نقلها الرئيس جلال طالباني الى بيتريوس شخصيا برغبة سليماني عقد لقاءات على مستوى رفيع من القوات الأمريكية. في هذا الاجتماع نقل وفد المالكي رد بيتريوس الذي لخصته الكلمات التالية: »توقفوا عن ضرب المنطقة الخضراء واستهداف القوات الأمريكية والا… !!«.

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