I want to second the judgment that Pat Lang expressed over at his blog today, to the effect that there is no prospect of any independent international investigation into Benazir’s killing.
Hillary Clinton– you remember her, she’s the one who keeps touting her claimed “experience” in governance, including foreign affairs– has been making a big deal on the campaign path of issuing strident calls for just such an investigation. The potent sub-text there being that no-one can believe the credibility of any investigation organized solely by the Pakistani authorities.
Well, yes and no– though the speed and vigor with which Hillary launched her call for an international investigation looked, in itself, highly politicized and confrontational.
But Lang is quite right to say that no such investigation will be convened. Who would do it? The only possible authorizing body with any legitimacy would be the Security Council, and there are four governments with veto power there– perhaps even five– that would almost certainly block any attempt to embarrass Pres. Musharraf at this time.
Which is of course very different from Lebanon, 2005, where Pres. Lahoud had no staunch, veto-wielding supporters to cover his back on the SC.
Lang was quite correct to write,
- Bottom Line: Crimes like these are really matters of international politics, and the large countries’ interests still govern. All else is just illusion. International law? A pretty conceit. The strong still are strong.
There will be no effective international investigation into Bhutto’s death.
And while we’re on the subject of internationally launched criminal investigations and other criminal proceedings, let’s: (a) remember that today is the first anniversary of the ghastly travesty of the execution of Saddam Hussein, conducted by a kangaroo court that was convened under the eager and highly politicized auspices of the US military occupation; (b) look at how incredibly divisive, inconclusive, and partisan the SC’s Hariri investigation has turned out to be; and (c) review the record of all the other criminal proceedings the international “community” has launched over the past 14 years…
It is very hard indeed to conclude that these proceedings have had a constructive record, on balance, either in deterring the future commission of atrocities– sometimes in the very same countries where the indicted/convicted miscreants operated– or in institutionalizing norms of accountability and good governance in the countries targeted by them.
All the people in the international community who continue to root for “international” or internationally-launched criminal proceedings that turn out not to be responsible to anything resembling a democratic polity, and not to bring about the promised policy outcomes (as listed above), should reflect carefully on– and seek to learn from– the disastrous record of the Saddam trial.
Especially every year on December 30.
The sad news of the assassination of yet another political figure has the hallmark of all the latest assassinations and political events that took place since the arrival of the infamous George W. Bush.
‘You are either with us or against us.’
Starting with the events of 911,Iraq x 3, Islam x 2, Iran, Lebanon and Hizbullah, Hamas and Fatah,and now Pakistan.
There is a trend, after the fiasco in Iraq, and as Helen pointed out in one of her articles “Raw military superiority just ain’t as effective now as it used to be.” a clear trend is emerging, dividing the population of each of the respective countries, bring it to a halt and later dictate
The only way out of this turmoil, is to have the political courage to defy Washington!
Unfortunately, Washington is smart, divisions are hard to heal without a strong leader, especially when the population within one country is divided into two camps and a puppet is installed..or empowered.
The persons who are committing these incidents may be found and brought to justice,but who is behind these horrific crimes will never be brought to justice.
We are all looking for a more quiet 2008!
world peace-don’t hold your breath. The fairly open vote rigging in Kenya, (with the winner being the man who earned the right to do as he wished by helping the overthrow of the Somali government) suggests that yet another front is going to be added to the war against peace.
Here is an excellent piece regarding Lebanon’s sectarian malaise and the ensuing complexities of its judicial system-
The Hariri investigators (touted by Clinton) have issued nine reports in two years with no definitive findings, and Musharraf has said “no” on Bhutto.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Dec 30 – Pakistan yesterday rejected foreign help in investigating the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, despite controversy over the circumstances of her death and three days of paralyzing turmoil.
Clinton & Co. should have called for a thorough investigation after the horrific events that shook the world on September 11, 2001
It is not only suspicions that the average person have about the event, but certainty that the whole event was a first class act of some pervert minds and souls. In this I mean not Islamic so called militants, they might be the ones, but the question remains who was behind them ?
The why is clear!!!
2007-12-31 No coloured revolution in Pakistan