Wolfensohn letter, text

I just want to bookmark the link to the version of James Wolfensohn’s letter of February 25 that was acquired by the WaPo and published yesterday.

2 thoughts on “Wolfensohn letter, text”

  1. Well,
    What can one say ? The US pretends to defend democracy but along with the Israeli is destroying the PA because she dislikes the election results, a result she took part, by not urging the Fatah and Abu Abbas to make any progress in the negotiations with the Israeli. Reading this : it is clear that the US and Israeli won’t allow any future, not only to the Palestinian authorities, but to the Palestinians themselves.
    The US continues to bully the rest of the world. Along the same line of foreign policy Bolton just ruined months of patient negotiations in order to rewamp the Human Rights Defense at the UN. Of course, with what is going on in Guantanamo, in Bagram and Iraq’s jails, the US don’t need a functional human rights commission.
    I hate what the US is doing to multilateralism and to the rest of the world and I’ll end up hating all Americans if they don’t impeach and judge their actual criminal leaders.

  2. Sorry, I wrote too hastily..
    instead of this : “a result she took part, by not urging the Israeli to make progress in the negotiations with Abu Abbas and the Fatah. ”

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