Netherlands still hosts NTFU site, despite Wilson arrest

I just checked, and the NTFU website is still up and operating today, even though its owner, Chris Wilson, was arrested yesterday. I think his servers are in the Netherlands. I imagine the anti-obscenity laws there are laxer than in most US jurisdictions.
But how about their anti-war crimes legislation there? I imagine that is much tighter and more effective than in most domestic US jurisdictions?
So can’t we persuade the prosecutors in the Netherlands to go after this site and close it down?
If you go to this page on the NTFU site, you will learn:

    1. That whereas access to most of the “sex-trophy” pictures requires registration, and thus presumably also the payment of some fees, access to the two areas titled Pictures From Iraq And Afghanistan – General and Pictures From Iraq And Afghanistan – Gory require no registration and are thus available to anyone. (Also, at least one of the images in the latter category combines gory war-trophyism with sexual lewdness in a really troubling way.)
    2. The site has 191,000 registered users.

Of course, it is quite possible that if the site gets shut down in the Netherlands, it would merely migrate to some less-policed corner of the globe. But does Netherlands really want to be known as the home of trophy-displaying war criminals like the ones posting their photos there?
A final point. Though I think it is very important that these photos be taken down off the web, it is even more important that US forces operating all around the world cease engaging in the torture and abuse of detainees that is continuing, to this day. For this to happen, as I have always argued, we need clear and unequivocal leadership from the very top…
And if there are to be prosecutions of US government personnel, these should go right up the chain of command to the very top and not be limited to the misguided grunts down at the bottom.

14 thoughts on “Netherlands still hosts NTFU site, despite Wilson arrest”

  1. Yes the servers are located in the Netherlands and the technical admin contact lives in Belgium.
    AFAIK the USA never signed on to that particular part of the convention. Does the netherlands still have “advisers” in Iraq under the NATO fronted training programme? I think so – that might be an avenue to pursue – something along the lines of reckless endangerment?

  2. Porn sites are in the Netherlands, all Dutch racist white neo-nazi/anti-Jew sites are in the US. Difference in emphasis.
    I doubt wether anyone can do anything about the sites since they only show photo’s made by others.
    We still have some people in Iraq, under NATO flag, firmly embedded in the green zone so I doubt the reckless endangerment thing will hold.

  3. Hello, I’d just like to comment that I think the issue of taking the “war porno” web site, NTFU, out of cyberspace is simply too little, too late. Too many hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people the world over have already accessed the site and looked at it over the last month or so since the recent publicity about it. There is not even room for a ghost of a doubt that countless copies of all the gory photos have already been downloaded and sent elsewhere. News about the site has long since spread to the Arab world and it will not be long before Al Qaeda has access to Arabic translations of all the shocking and disgusting “commentaries” made by visitors to the site.
    If I try to imagine what it would be like if the situation were reversed and some Arab Muslim country had invaded the United States in an attempt to “liberate it”, and then if I further try to imagine what it would be like if my father or one of my sisters had been killed as a result of hostile action by these invading forces, that would be bad enough. If I try to carry this little “thought experiment” further, however, and I try to imagine how I would feel if I were to actually come across the grotesque image of the mangled corpse of someone in my immediate family on a pornographic website (there on cyberspace for everyone on the planet to see!!), I think I would be so overwhelmed with grief and anger that I would simply lose my mind. And finally, if I came across commentary accompanying one of those photos saying something along the lines of “This is what all Americans should look like!”, at that point I would decide to join the western equivalent of “Al Qaeda” and become a suicide bomber against the occupying forces, and without hesitation!! In other words, if people in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to have the same reactions to those types of photos that I would have if I were in their place, then the “battle for the hearts and minds” of people in the Arab and Muslim world has already been completely lost, thanks to NTFU.

  4. … I think the photos must stay up, because this is closer to the truth of what a war looks like than anything our government will allow. Not just what it’s like to the eye, but what it’s like in the minds of the men who are stuck there shooting and justifying.
    To me the most despicable thing about our empire is that it is build on greed and seduction. I could admire the Vikings or the Romans because when poor peasants saw their banners rise over the horizon, they knew they had to flee or fight back. If you intend to make a living by exploiting others, at least you must accept the consequence of resistance. But our empire must capture people to make things for us and buy our “services” (and now even lend us money!). Our weapons are Mickey Mouse and Golden Arches and constant TV depictions of the American way of life. Those weapons fail rarely enough that we can always scrape together enough young men to kill those few who continue to resist. Thus we avoid being honest about our need for conquest.
    Well, those photos are honest. As honest as Vikings. Let’s put on the horned helmets and proclaim our brutality before the world and see how much Disney merchandise we’ll sell then.

  5. What does George Bush think about the section Revelations in his bible and in what way do the propheties affect his policy on foreign affairs ?

  6. Yeah, leave them up. As sad as it is, it’s one of the few sites around which show the real horror of the war. Take these down and what do have left? About a million shots from CNN of burned out trucks on the streets of Baghdad?

  7. I dont see why this censorship is neccessary, by you or anyone else.
    Dont like the site? DONT GO TO IT.
    Wow, thats a blaringly simple concept that even you can grasp. This site would have no effect on your life if you didn’t go there.
    People Die in war. Whether or not their picture is taken and shown to others, they are still dead.
    Give up your little pissant crusade and go back to the coffee shop and start babbling about stuff nobody gives a shit about again.

  8. you fucking moron
    you dont like the pictures from iraq? so make your stupid goverment stop this war.
    or do you think your stupid soldiers can kill and torture anywone, and you can keep that a secret?

  9. Look Lady, I tried the same crap you are promoting back in 1933. WEB SITE BURNING, the modern equivalent to my BOOK BURNING sucked then and still sucks today.
    Year: 1933
    4/8/33: A memorandum to Nazi Student Organizations proposes that “culturally destructive” books from public, state and university libraries be collected and burned.
    5/5/33: Cologne: University students burn books on Judaism or those written by Jewish authors.
    5/6/33: Berlin: 80 members of Nazi student organizations and Sturm Abteiling (SA) raid the Institute for Sexual Research. In less than an hour, they gathered nearly half a ton of books, pamphlets, and teaching materials to be burned at the May 10th book-burning.
    5/18/33: Heidelberg: “Students” conduct a book-burning on the university campus, preceded by a torchlight procession through the town. By this date, burnings had also been conducted in Frankfurt, Göttingen, Cologne, Hamburg, Dortmund, Halle, Nuremberg, Würzburg, Hannover, Munich, Münster, Königsberg, Koblenz, and Salzburg.
    Stop trying to rip off my ideas lady.
    Adolf Hitler

  10. “you fucking moron
    you dont like the pictures from iraq? so make your stupid goverment stop this war.
    or do you think your stupid soldiers can kill and torture anywone, and you can keep that a secret?”
    Everyone always says it’s not nice to correct somebody’s spelling. But if you’re going to attempt to sound like your two remaining brain cells are still working then check the spelling…..MORON! You must be from a different country, tell me which one so I can email my President to stop all aid to you and the rest of your ungrateful, ignorant ass’s. As far as shutting down the site, who made you the conscience of the world? In America we fought and some died for free speach, so piss off Eva Braun!!

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