Marine’s Girl URL hijacked??

My friend Judy alerted me yesterday to the fact that Marine’s Girl’s blog seemed to be down. Today, there is something there at her customary URL,, but it ain’t her. It certainly looks as though someone has hijacked her URL.
MG had a huge problem back in November 2003, reported here, when some officious Marines gunnery sergeant threatened her and her guy with all kinds of problems if she continued publishing. On that occasion, she got some good support from wellplaced people in the Marines’ officer’s corps that persuaded her it was safe for to resume blogging just along the same lines she had been…
Some of the most poignant, intimate, and revealing posts on her blog have been the records of IM sessions she’s had over the months with her guy, in Iraq. He’s back looking after her in Michigan now. (She has a bad cancer-plus-chemo problem.)
I found a recent version of her blog’s front page by hitting “Cache” on the Google listing for it. But on that cached version, none of her archives were accessible. Seems like someone has really done a job on her URL.
I’m assuming that this time she’s been keeping copies of her own archives (please, MG!), so I hope she and VK (her guy– Valiant Knight) can get it back up in some form, soon. Except that, of course, there’s lots else going on in their lives right now.
How mean does a person have to be to launch an attack like this on a brave, truthful woman with a severe cancer problem and her guy who’s spent maybe 18 months in Iraq already but who has come back to tend to her?
Please, JWN people, let us all know if you get hold of any news about her and/or her blog. (I emailed her an enquiry, but who knows when she’ll be able to reply?)
And send her all the spiritual support you can. She, her guy, and her 10-year-old son Danny need our prayers.

One thought on “Marine’s Girl URL hijacked??”

  1. Hi Helena, I emailed her this morning also to make sure they are all okay. I haven’t heard back from her yet, and like you said, it could be awhile before she is available to check email.
    If someone did this to her site, thats very low. sheezz..
    Blogspot should be able to resolve a hack situation if that is what this is.

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