Good sense from Ze’ev Schiff

Ze’ev Schiff is a crusty old guy, one of Israel’s founding generation, and I admit I’ve grown very fond of him and his wife Sara over the years. We disagree on a number of things, but agree on many others; his heart is in the right place, and he’s often quite ready to think outside the box.
I admit, at earlier points in the present intifada, his writings seemed to get a little hard-line for my taste. On the other hand, he’s always been a real gentleman, and he even tried to help me get into Gaza last February.
Now, he’s back in fine form with a good new column in today’s Ha’Aretz. It’s titled “Time for an Israeli initiative.”
He starts by writing that Israel has had– and missed– four “major opportunities [since 1967] for a significant change in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Then, he notes,

    From the past, we have learned that when we get an opportunity for a major change, it usually arouses fear and trembling in the hearts of the politicians.
    Instead of demonstrating courage, the tendency is to freeze everything and to wait until perhaps we receive divine confirmation for the step. And, in the meantime, the window of opportunity is closed. Past experience teaches us that we can also create opportunities when we reach a crossroads, like the present one, when Arafat’s leadership and his domination of the Palestinians are fading away.
    At the moment we have to wait and avoid direct involvement in the coronation of kings, which we tried to do in the 1982 Lebanon War. Nevertheless, we have to prepare an Israeli initiative.

So here’s the initiative he proposes. It must, he writes, focus on two principal elements:

    The first, acceptance of the parameters in President Clinton’s December 2002 proposal for an overall solution.
    These parameters relate to a division of the territory, partition in Jerusalem, an exchange of territories and the problem of the Palestinian refugees.
    The second element, with which we have to begin, is an Israeli declaration of willingness to withdraw in the West Bank to the lines of September 28, 2000, the eve of the present conflict. That is a positive initiative, in anticipation of a renewal of negotiations with a new Palestinian leadership.

I am so glad he has this proposal out there! It strikes me as eminently feasible.
Can we expect Sharon to follow Schiff’s advice? I wish. But I ain’t holding my breath yet…
Schiff, by the way, has been a Defense Correspondent in Israel for just about ever, and knows many successive generations of leaders of the Israeli officer corps very well.
In Israel, as in today’s USA, the men who lead the military are often far more wary of military adventurism than their civilian bosses… Today’s HaAretz also carries the story of the resignation of the IDF commander in the Gaza Strip, Brigadier General Shmuel Zakai, after a row about whether it was he who four weeks ago leaked to the paper news that the army allegedly supported pulling out of the Jabalya refugee camp at that time, while Sharon objected and “ultimately impos[ed] his will on the IDF.”
That latter story has more interesting details about the affair, including about the introduction of polygraph testing into the investigation into who had been responsible for the leak.
The Jabalya operation was of course the main IDF operation in Gaza in October, which resulted in over 100 Palestinian deaths there and the demolition of many homes, schools, etc.

44 thoughts on “Good sense from Ze’ev Schiff”

  1. Ze’ev Schiff always was a sensible sort. If Israel is really lucky, it will get a second chance to deal with Abu Mazen, with whom negotiation is quite possible, but, as you (and Schiff) say, the question is whether it will recognize and seize that chance. I’ll be a cockeyed optimist and argue that there’s a decent chance, both because the recriminations over the previous lost opportunity are still being heard and because people within the Likud (e.g., Silvan Shalom) favor negotiation with him. Whatever Sharon wants, I think he’ll find it hard to resist the pressure to reopen talks if a Qurei-Abbas government takes over the PA.

  2. jonathan – while i tend to agree in general that sharon might find it hard to resist, i think that if sharon can stall long enough for some qassams to be fired at sderot, or a suicide bombing to go off in tel aviv, that will give him the power to resist opening up negotiations as long as he likes. i guess if you’re a cockeyed optimist, then am i the pessoptimist?

  3. They are often assisted in their “cooperation” by well-timed provocations on the part of the Israeli government.

  4. “They are often assisted in their “cooperation” by well-timed provocations on the part of the Israeli government.”
    Sure Shirin, provocations like youth going for pizza at Sbarro’s in Jerusalem, or riding a bus.
    C’mmon Shirin, it is everywhere. This week the Dutch learned the low Arab threshold to provocations. Mr. Van Gogh had the arrogance of filming a documentary about female injustice in the Moslem world.
    I am sure you’ll find a way of blaming the victim as usual.

  5. David, could you possibly learn a new song? Your constant whining and claims of victimhood are putting me to sleep.

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