
Finally, I’m able to get a link to the CSM column of mine that ran last Thursday, that provoked so many expressions of anger and hostility in the Comments sections here.
I’m sending this post from Heathrow, on my way back to the US of A. All of political britain is abuzz with the prospect that this week will see many of the Blair government’s heavyweights testifying in public to the Hutton Commission about the two linked questions: Who threw scientist David Kelly to the wolves? and Was there indeed political manipulation of the intel on Iraq’s weapons programs? I think Blair’s chief media spinner Alistair Campbell is due to testify tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Heathrow”

  1. Hi Helena,
    I’m that friend of Siyamend’s from the past who wrote you in Feb., we never did make contact. Anyway I flew back from LHR on 8/18 too, after spending 7 1/2 weeks in London, with side trips to Syria and France. My take on the Hutton inquiry is that Campbell will smarm his way out- he’s leaving anyway- Geoff Hoon will fall, (I’ve despised him ever since he tried to attack R. Fisk’s credibility over the missile which hit the market during the invasion). Blair will squeeze through. It would be good if the public found out who fingered David Kelly. Is Hutton, at bottom, a whitewash? I read your article about the fence, the occupation, the prisoners, in CS Monitor, and emailed CSM supporting it.
    R. S. J. Briggs

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